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181. Doug's Archaeology Site: Skeptical Views Of Fringe Archaeology A skeptical archaeology site. It contains references to other sites and articles not found elsewhere which expose 'cult' or 'fringe' archaeology. Highly recommended. http://www.ramtops.co.uk | |
182. Nmrbiball A very extensive list of NMR references. Covers quite a few subjects such as multi nuclear, pulses, general, theory, CIDNIP, and individual nuclei. http://wulfenite.fandm.edu/NMRspectroscopy/nmrbiball.htm | |
183. Documented Reference Check DRC Uses certified court reporters to check employment references, so you can learn what former employers say in the form of a document admissible in court. http://www.badreferences.com/ | |
184. Chandrasekhar Brief biography including six photographs, summary of awards, and other references. http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Chandrasekhar.ht | |
185. References And Guides NASAA s reference manuals and guides assist state arts agency and cultural organization leaders in their work. http://www.nasaa-arts.org/publications/refe.shtml | |
186. Overview: Content Analysis A complete guide to content analysis http://writing.colostate.edu/references/research/content/ | |
187. Dots And Boxes -- From MathWorld Entry with rules, basic strategy, and references. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DotsandBoxes.html | |
188. Hellenic Pyramids The existence of megalithic pyramids in Greece was unknown to most people until recently. One at Hellenikon has been dated to c.2720 BC. Images, description and references. http://www.ancientgr.com/Unknown_Hellenic_History/Eng/HELLENIC_PYRAMIDS.htm |
189. NMR Periodic Table From Bruker's NMR guide and encyclopedia. Very useful and complete. All NMR active nuclei are listed. Including commonly accepted references. http://www.bruker.de/guide/eNMR/chem/NMRnuclei.html | |
190. Letters Of Recommendation How to request references and how to write them. http://jobsearch.about.com/library/weekly/aa121700a.htm | |
191. Index Win Presentation, download demo, manual and references. http://www.aquad.de/ | |
192. ÃÃÃññûëêè The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://artcross.com.ua/eng/links.php | |
193. Www.csun.edu/-7Evceed009/lareferences.html Language Arts AskERIC lesson Plans provides lessons/activities for reading/language arts assignments using reference materials in the school library in grades 18. http://www.csun.edu/-7Evceed009/lareferences.html |
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