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1. Art History Resources Art. Image Collections. Artist Index. Art History Courses. Museums, Galleries and Exhibits. art references. Art Resources AICT Art Images"a royalty-free image exchange http://history.evansville.net/art.html | |
2. Online Art References Indigenous Peoples Literature. Online art references. http://www.indians.org/welker/artref.htm | |
3. References To Vinnie Ream's Works Of Art References to Art Works by Vinnie Ream. Known or Reported Sculpture by Vinnie Ream (Hoxie) 18471914. (Codes used in references are http://www.vinnieream.com/referenc.htm | |
4. Christopher Chippindale's Web Space Contains text of several papers and publications, mostly authored by Chippindale, a researcher at Cambridge University. http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/Projects/Chip/Chip001.htm | |
5. Links To Other Art Related Sites... Art.Net Links Online art references. Art Festivals. Artist Studios. Art Organizations. Auctions. Artist Collectives. Galleries. Artists http://www.art.net/Links/Artref/artref.html | |
6. Smithsonian Institution, Anthropology Outreach Office: North American Indian Roc Selected bibliography from the Smithsonian's Anthropology Outreach Office. http://www.nmnh.si.edu/anthro/outreach/rock_art.html | |
7. Art.Net Links: Art Related Sites art references. Artists, Shows, Art Galleries, Museums, Online Art Sites, etc. Music and Audio References. Musicians, bands, label listings, radio stations, online music services, etc http://www.art.net/Links/links.html | |
8. Clarification Of Art References Clarification of art references. Abbreviations A, acrylic. C, canvas. CB, canvas board. MM, mixed media. O, oil. P, paper. SP, sandpaper. The middle numbers are the work's dimensions in inches. The http://www.shamiranicolas.com/art_references.htm | |
9. ARLIS/NA Image Sites And Sources For Art And Architecture (Guide Index National Maritime Museum (UK) National Register of Historic Places National Trust Properties in England * Online art references Museums Palladio Museum http://www.arlisna.org/images.html | |
10. Museum References Art.Net Links Online art references Museums Art Museums (see bottom) The Andy Warhol Museum located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA features extensive http://www.lastplace.com/musemref.htm | |
11. Mathematics And Art References References for Mathematics and art perspective. Books The URL of this page is http//www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/HistTopics/References/Art.html. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/References/Art.html | |
12. WVU Libraries Art Research Guide Basic art references. Grove Dictionary of Art Online access to the entire text of The Dictionary of Art (Grove, 1996, 34 vols.) Includes http://www.libraries.wvu.edu/artguide/basic.htm | |
13. MichelleOlivia.com Index Links. art references, Hits. 1. Arts Humanities (10). art references (7). Epilogue.net (5). Geology Geography (7). Music (3). Science Technology (12). http://www.creaturespace.com/index.php?option=com_weblinks&Itemid=7&catid=112 |
14. ASN Mail Art References Number 2/3. William John Gaglione, Editor. 1976. Art Communication. ISBN N/A. VILE. FEÂ¥MAILÂ¥ART. Number 6. William John Gaglione, Editor. 1978. Art Communication. http://www.artistampnews.com/ref2.html | |
15. ArtsEdNet Archive For May 2001 Re: Art References-k-5 Re art referencesk-5. From Rdunkelart@aol.com Date Sun May 06 2001 - 190523 PDT. Maybe in reply to Rdunkelart@aol.com art references-k-5 ; http://www.getty.edu/artsednet/hm/May01/0384.html | |
16. Cooks Hill Galleries | Art Advisor - Useful Art References Lansdowne, Melbourne, 1969. The Art of Australia Hughes, Robert. Bay Books, Sydney, 1970. Encyclopedia of Australian Art McCulloch, Alan. http://www.cookshill.com/artadvisor/references.htm | |
17. Crunruh Books Art References - Electronic Resources We also carry a number of artist directories including Davenport s Art Reference and Price Guide. art references Electronic Resources. » Artprice.com. http://crunruh.zoovy.com/category/30.50/ | |
18. Crunruh Books Books For The Dealer And Collector Of Fine Art Crunruh features the fine art references from Gordon s Art Reference, at considerable discount. We feature the fine art references of Gordon s Art Reference. http://crunruh.zoovy.com/category/30.artdirectories/ | |
19. Music Talent Photo Art References Music Talent Photo art references. professionalphotos.com Professional wedding and family photography in San Diego, California. http://www.globalprintrunner.com/globalprintrunner.com_friends.html | |
20. Thinking Skills In Art References Here is a series of online and printed references dedicated to the use of thinking skills in the teaching of Art. A short description accompanies each entry. http://www.tomwilson.com/david/NC/Thinking/art.html | |
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