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101. Mississippi Teacher Exchange Web Site Online technology training and tutorials, technology questions answered by e-mail, mentoring program, lesson plans, and links. http://teacherexchange.mde.k12.ms.us/ | |
102. The Drama Teacher's Resource Room Resource centre offering lesson plans for grades 16, details on reference texts and teacher seminars, stagecraft actitvities, and links to various theatre sites. http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/erachi/ | |
103. Great Spirit Software Teacher's Assistant Professional gradebook and classroom management package for the Windows 9x/NT platform. Track attendance, discipline, grades, addresses, lesson plans. Provides online options, voice grading. http://www.greatspiritsoftware.com/index.htm | |
104. Creative Pre-K Preschool Lesson Plans For Hands-on CreativeTeachers Preschool lesson plans for handson, creative teachers who want to create a child centered program with the emphasis on creative expression. http://www.creativeprek.com | |
105. Thursday's Classroom News, research, lesson plans and educational activities from NASA. http://www.thursdaysclassroom.com/ | |
106. Language Arts Lesson Plans Enter your email address for FREE weekly teaching tips! Home Teacher Resources lesson plans Language Arts http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/language_arts/ | |
107. Biology Corner -- Teaching Resources lesson plans, webquests, clipart, and interactive labs. http://www.biologycorner.com/ | |
108. K-3 Science Printables - Science Lesson Plans, Science Activities And Science Wo Science lesson plans and printable worksheets including earth science, life science, biology, and physical science. http://instant-science-lesson-plans.com | |
109. Mr. Guch's Cavalcade O' Chemistry - Help For Students, Resources For Teachers A chemistry resource for high school students, teachers, and homeschoolers. Free lesson plans (worksheets, handouts, labs) and tutorials provided. http://www.chemfiesta.com/ | |
110. DOLORES GENDE: HIES College Prep Physics HOME Syllabus, lesson plans, tutorials, projects and resources. http://cpphysics.homestead.com/ | |
111. Language Arts - Elementary Just Sandwiches , creative language arts activity (49); Use of literature in SDMPS (3-5); Go to other lesson plans on Youth Net Return to Youth Net Homepage. http://www.youth.net/cec/ceclang/ceclang-elem.html | |
112. Analyze & Apply Markets contentbased lesson plans for all core subject areas. http://www.analyze-apply.com/ | |
113. Homeschool Recordkeeping Software- HomeSchool Easy Records Program for creating homeschool records and lesson plans on a personal computer. http://www.dataplus.biz/HER/ | |
114. A To Z Lesson Plans: Lesson Plans, Units, Activities And Resources For Teaching Top Grades 78 Language Arts. Subjects lesson plans All About Me Grade Level 7th; Submitted by Ms. P. Williams, Language http://atozteacherstuff.com/lessonplans/Grades_7-8/Language_Arts/ | |
115. EarthNet Earth science information for both teachers and students. Glossary, lesson plans, extensive links, lists of topics, and other resources. http://agc.bio.ns.ca/EarthNet/ | |
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116. CNN.com - CNN Presents Classroom Edition - Educator Guide - May 9, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/fyi/lesson.plans/03/21/cnnpce.80days.overview/index.html | |
117. Geography, Environment, Conservation: National Geographic Geography Action 2003 Conserve the world's natural resources with lesson plans, activities, games, events, photos, and more designed for everyone including kids. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/geographyaction | |
118. ESL/Bilingual/Foreign Language Lesson Plans And Resources lesson plans for ESL, foreign language bilingual education, employment and study abroad opportunities for educators,professional associationsand and educational standards. http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/eslindex.html | |
119. Teach Phonics With Flash Cards, Lesson Plans & Worksheets Markets three phonetic language arts programs based on the multisensory Spalding Method. http://www.teachphonics.com/ | |
120. U.S. States & Regions Lesson Plans & Activities Compiled by Mr. Donn, the social studies teacher. Includes history lesson plans specific to Washington State. http://members.aol.com/MrDonnHistory/States.html#Washington | |
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