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21. Voyages: Web Sites On Teaching Introductory Astronomy A brief collection of syllabi for history of science U. suggest a type of collaborative group activity in by subject; includes astronomy and art, music, poetry http://www.harcourtcollege.com/astro/fraknoi/teaching/web.html |
22. ARTSEDGE: Arthur Miller And The Crucible in contributions from research and to collaborative work; substantive Encourage students interested in art to make a history of the Plymouth Plantation 16201647 http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/content/3498/ | |
23. San Francisco CityGuide A collaborative publishing effort by over one news/general interest history culture women men lesbian/gay/bisexual art/literature music http://www.carnaval.com/sf99/sf_city.htm | |
24. BU Libraries | Pickering Educational Resources Library | PERL News November-Dece A collaborative project by George Mason University and the City University of Early Modern European, 20th Century, World War II, art history, General Resources http://www.bu.edu/library/education/news/erlnewsv4no3.html | |
25. Directory Of Discussion Lists For Historians Back to list of contents; activL@MIZZOU1 Computer-mediated collaborative learning issues. sector, including outside US; contact, legislation, history, arts. http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/LocalFile/histlist.html | |
26. Reinhold-Brown SMS 1968 - L5x floor loft and invited his fellow artist to exercise a collaborative freedom few ordinary life by the aura of galleries and museums and art history is somehow http://www.proads.dk/mk1804/Reinhold-Brown_SMS_1968_-_L5x.asp | |
27. Example Essays.com - Over 101,000 Essays, Term Papers And Book Reports! The Argentine Ant Supercolony, 891. The art of teaching the KWL approach, 283. The collaborative Agreement, 899. The history and Development of Psychology, 271. http://www.exampleessays.com/categories/science/T.html | |
28. DISCUSSION LISTS OF INTEREST TO HISTORIANS [draft] Last Updated 10 (MAILBASE; JOIN). Computer mediated collaborative learning issues. International Society for Edu- cation through art. history at the University of Kansas. http://ftp.cac.psu.edu/pub/internexus/HISTORY.LISTS |
29. Humboldt: Theatre Arts Courses analytical and critical approaches; the collaborative process and Seminar (3). Emphases from film history, theory, aesthetics. Seminar in Theatre Arts (14) FS http://www.humboldt.edu/~catalog/courses/thea_crs.html | |
30. NYU Registrar | Course Schedule | Summer Closed/Cancelled Classes INTENSIVE CLOSED H28.0220001 collaborative ARTSUMMER MUSICAL 2252001 BIOGRAPHY IN AMERICAN history CANCELED E23 CANCELED E25.1080001 INTEGRATED ARTS IN CHLHD http://www.nyu.edu/registrar/01sumclosed.shtml | |
31. Curriculum Report 340, August 2003 Effective AUT/2003. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES (0C). history (0193). CSE 459, Pre-Production for collaborative Animation (5) ANIMATION PRE-PROD. http://depts.washington.edu/uwcr/reports/03-08.html | |
32. Research & Research Training - Grants And Fellowships - Australian Competitive G Communications, Information Technology and the Arts. Army history Research Grants Scheme. Grants; CARG Fellowships. Cochrane collaborative Groups’ Funding Scheme; http://www.research.uwa.edu.au/grants/welcome/grants/other/ACGs | |
33. June 2003 June 2003. Friday, June 20. The Year was 1977 . . .and oil began flowing today from Alaska's Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, traveling through a vast pipeline of almost 800 miles. http://www.wrentham.k12.ma.us/Archived Classroom Flyers/June 2003 Classroom Flye | |
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