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1. A T P E N N m.28Seconds; 8 p.m.MEETINGS10A3 general Assembly; bring yourlunch, ideas and volunteer spirit; noon Hope Project, collaborative art activ- ity; noon-3 p.m http://www.upenn.edu/almanac/v49pdf/sepcal.pdf |
2. NCCS - National Center For Charitable Statistics NPC Programs. NAICS. IRS activ. Codes. Tools. Links general Research. Unified Database of art Organizations. A collaborative effort of the IRS, State arts Agencies http://nccsdataweb.urban.org/FAQ/index.php?category=62 |
3. TEACHING E have contact with art, music, computer. lab, physical involvement through smallgroup activ- ities. Professional development Thus, the general. educator in a collaborative team may be http://journals.sped.org/EC/Archive_Articles/VOL.33NO.5MAYJUNE2001_TEC_hollingsw |
4. Art Education - Art & Technology - Perspective Promoting equity, diversity and access to art experiences for all children a collaborative fieldwork program general sites, art History, Museums http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/lessons/middle/arted.htm | |
5. Physiotherapy Resources general Information on Disability. It uses a collaborative approach by integratingSpeech Pathology, Physiotherapy and art Therapy goals to teach school http://www.tedswa.net/Learning_Framework/Physiotherapy/Physiotherapy_Resources/p | |
6. Speech Pathology Resources A collaborative approach integrating Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy and art Therapygoals This group has links to the general dysphagia interest group http://www.tedswa.net/Learning_Framework/Speech_Pathology/Speech_Pathology_Resou | |
7. Drawing/Sketching Tutorials Tutorials tutoriallist.com; general Graphic Design About Animation Architects Body art CalligraphyCartoonists Celebrity artists Ceramics collaborative Projects Collage http://www.tutorgig.com/showurls.jsp?group=7917&index=0 |
8. Kakiseni.com - S3, An Art Collective That Wants To Redefine Architecture Illusions was the first collaborative effort undertaken and promoting the conceptof art collectives possible by computers and machines. some general FAQs in http://www.kakiseni.com/articles/features/MDM4Nw.html | |
9. NYU Registrar | Course Schedule | Summer Closed/Cancelled Classes INTENSIVE CLOSED H28.0220001 collaborative ARTSUMMER MUSICAL THTR INTENSIVE I CLOSED V25.0102002 general CHEMISTRY II CLOSED V30 SCIENCE CANCELED E17.2031001 DRAMATIC activ.IN H.S http://wwwserver.nyu.edu/registrar/01sumclosed.shtml | |
10. Chiefs Reports - Massachusetts General Hospital establishment of the new Massachusetts general Hospital for nationally recognizedas a highly collaborative service between the stateof-the-art in projection http://healthcare.partners.org/orthopaedic/hoj2000/html/chiefs-mass-gen.htm | |
11. NYU Registrar | Course Schedule | Summer Closed/Cancelled Classes INTENSIVE CLOSED H28.0220001 collaborative artSUMMER MUSICAL THTR MASTERS MONUMENTSFLORNTINE art ARCH TEACH STUDENTS/DISABILIT IN general EDUC SETTINGS http://www.nyu.edu/registrar/01sumclosed.shtml | |
12. ACLS/SSRC Cuba Working Group: Recent Activities paper on the Bourbon creation of the general Archive of To underwrite the travel bycollaborative research project University and the Superior art Institute of http://www.acls.org/cu-activ.htm | |
13. Course Catalog: Academic Term 2002 00 or 6.00. College Architecture art. Department Architecture art CH 104 general Chemistry II. Credits NR 412 - collaborative Hlth Care Practc. Credits http://pico.norwich.edu/catalog.htm | |
14. ARTSEDGE: Uncivil Civilization In The Hairy Ape in contributions from research and to collaborative work; substantive to volunteerfor special activities; general level of set design and/or studio art to make http://artsedge.plumbdesign.com/content/3060/ | |
15. Communication Studies Graduate Programs Outside U.S.A. information on becoming a sponsoring institution. general Listings Theory; Comparative Media Studies; art in the Age of in support of independent study and collaborative group work http://www.gradschools.com/listings/out/CommStudies_out.html | |
16. Research Grant Proposal - Joshua Mosley Background Contemporary collaborative Work in Cinema. work itself, which when viewedby a general audience, allows role of digital media in fine art practices http://joshuamosley.com/Beyrouth/html/researchgrant.html | |
17. H-8160-1 - GENERAL PROCEDURAL GUIDANCE FOR NATIVE AMERICAN CONSULTATION human burial sites, shrines, prayer sites, rock art, natural features review setforth by the Comptroller general, to determine if collaborative MANAGEMENT. http://www.blm.gov/nhp/efoia/wo/handbook/h8160-1.html | |
18. PROJECT ID 1500283, 4605 America Reads. 1500284, 4611 general Chemistry. 1500402, 4408 Schoolof Design art Cola. 1500447, DCIT CLE collaborative Learnin. 1500448, DCIT GIS. http://www.clemson.edu/cubs/chart/15.htm | |
19. AEROSTAR Aproape De Gasirea Unui Alt Partener International In Timp Ce Se Pregat si echipamente de testare stateof-the-art . headed by President and general Director,Grigore Envisaging an international collaborative programme for this http://domino.kappa.ro/paginivirtuale/aerostar.nsf/0/6164743d241103e9c2256879003 |
20. Humboldt: Theatre Arts Courses Various genres, in relation to aesthetics of film art. analytical and critical approaches;the collaborative process and GE = general education elective course. http://www.humboldt.edu/~catalog/courses/thea_crs.html | |
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