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41. Dictionaries N34 C75 1996 (Ref). Dictionary of art Groveart (1996 Print Online) One of themost comprehensive dictionaries on art in the world, encyclopedic in scope. http://www.mcgill.ca/blackader/dictionaries/ | |
42. WIReD: Dictionaries Of Art - SJLibrary.org dictionaries of art. print thisPrint Version. artlex Visual arts DictionaryDefines over 3,300 terms, with links to illustrations and related websites. http://www.sjlibrary.org/research/web/iguide_subjectList.htm?t=1&catID=9 |
43. Architecture And The Arts: UIC University Library dictionaries and Thesauri. The Grove Dictionary of art Online. THE English LanguageDictionary for art also contains links to the Bridgeman Library of Images. http://www.uic.edu/depts/lib/archart/resources/dictionaries.shtml | |
44. Guide To Philosophy On The Internet (Suber), Dictionaries Philosophy dictionaries and Glossaries. artLex A Lexicon of Visual art Terminology. CognitiveScience Dictionary. From Michael RW Dawson and David A. Medler. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/gpi/dicts.htm | |
45. Grove Art Online Subscriber Login. Username. Password. Remember password. Forgotten your password? Library barcode user login. Not a subscriber? About Grove art Online. What Grove art Online offers NewFeedbackHelpFAQs. About Grove art OnlineOxford Online Products Over 130 000 art images, with links to hundreds of http://www.groveart.com/ | |
46. ArtLex Art Dictionary Great reference material in art, art history, art criticism, aesthetics, and art education. Definitions of thousands of terms, illustrations, quotations, http://www.artlex.com/ |
47. OneLook Dictionary Search Look up a word or term in an Internet dictionary or glossary. Free search access to a frequently updated database of words, terms, names, and acronyms. http://www.onelook.com/ | |
48. ArtLex Art Dictionary - Introduction artLex art Dictionary more than 2600 terms defined, many with illustrations, greatquotations, pronunciation notes, and links to other resources. Click Here. http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/Intro.html | |
49. LMBM: Table Of Contents The personal website of Robert Beard, devoted to the study of morphology, especially Beard's theory of 'LexemeMorpheme Base Morphology'. It is linked to an index of on-line dictionaries and grammars, and several pages of linguistic fun. http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/rbeard/ | |
50. Cambridge Dictionaries Online - Cambridge University Press Free online dictionary from Cambridge University Press. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ | |
51. Jennifer's Language Page How to say hello, please, thank you, and other basic social phrases, in hundreds of languages. Includes links to dictionaries, phrase guides, and other resources for many of the world's languages and countries. http://www.elite.net/~runner/jennifers/ | |
52. YourDictionary.com  Free Online English Dictionary The Web's most comprehensive and authoritative language portal with every resource needed for language study in more than 300 languages. Register. Store. The dictionaries Language. Multilingual http://www.yourdictionary.com/ | |
53. Welcome To Kualono Bilingual website offering news, technology resources, online dictionaries and contact information for related organizations from Hale Kuamo`o, University of Hawai`i Center for Hawaiian Language and Culture. http://www.olelo.hawaii.edu/ | |
54. Art Dictionary art Dictionary at GalleryDirectart.com your online framed art and printgallery superstore. Gallery Direct art. Search art Dictionary. http://www.gallerydirectart.com/art-dictionary.html | |
55. Free Music, MP3, Movies, Lylics And Arts Dictionaries Collection of free dictionaries of arts, architecture, music, film, theater, and literature. http://www.stars21.com/freemorn/arts/ | |
56. Crosswalk.com Bible resource page for conducting word, verse, and topic searches in many Bible versions, Greek and Hebrew lexicons, commentaries, concordances, and biblical dictionaries. Includes church history and sermon helps. http://www.biblestudytools.net/ | |
57. Art & Architecture Thesaurus (Research At The Getty) The art Architecture Thesaurus® (AAT) is a structured vocabulary for describing and indexing the visual arts and architecture. http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabulary/aat | |
58. Ascii Art Dictionary / Collection / Frames algeria alice alice_cooper alien alligator altascii-art altar amazon desktop detectivedetonation devil diagnosis diamond diana dice dictionary diddle dilbert http://www.ascii-art.de/ascii/index1.shtml | |
59. IFinger Electronic Reference Software for Windows, which provides direct offline access to various commercial dictionaries and reference sources. Demos, detailed product information, online ordering. http://www.ifinger.com |
60. OneLook: Art Dictionary Sites s Verbose, Compact Sort by Name, Popularity, Word count. Artdictionaries and glossaries indexed by the OneLook® search engine...... http://www.onelook.com/?d=all_art&v=&sort=&langdf=all |
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