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1. Arts And Culture Dictionary, Glossary And Terms Directory. cultural Terms and Terminology. Glossarist.com A searchable GlossaryDirectory on all subjects. art glossaries and art dictionaries. http://www.glossarist.com/glossaries/arts-culture/ | |
2. Dictionaries For Art, Penn State University Libraries Reference Resources. Subject Guides. Course Guides. More Contact the. Arts Librarian. Dictionaries for Art Dictionaries for Art. art dictionaries aid in understanding the specialized vocabulary of art and related Foreign language art dictionaries (mostly translations without definitions http://www.libraries.psu.edu/artshumanities/art/dictionary.html |
3. OneLook: Art Dictionary Sites OneLook is sponsored in part by Endless Pools. Swim or exercise yearround in the privacy of your own home! Click here to request a free video/DVD! by Name, Popularity, Word count. art dictionaries and glossaries indexed by the OneLook® search engine ArtLex Lexicon of Visual Art Terminology 3561 words, 27Jan2003, More info http://www.onelook.com/?d=all_art&v=&sort=&langdf=all |
4. Body Art Dictionary, Glossary And Terms Directory. and Terminology. Glossarist.com A searchable Glossary Directoryon all subjects. body art glossaries and bodyart dictionaries. http://www.glossarist.com/glossaries/arts-culture/bodyart.asp | |
5. LookSmart - Directory - Literary & Art Dictionaries Literary art dictionaries Terms pertaining to the study of art,literature and poetry are defined. Includes rhyming dictionaries. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317836/us317913/us53740/us968197/ | |
6. OneLook: Art Dictionary Sites Sort by Name, Popularity, Word count. art dictionaries and glossariesindexed by the OneLook® search engine that include English http://www.onelook.com/?d=all_art&v=&sort=&langdf=english |
7. LINCC Catalog - Basic Search Welcome to the LINCC Catalog. Search for Keywords. Keyword(s) Anywhere. Title Keyword(s) Author Keyword(s) Subject Keyword(s) Exact phrase? No Yes. Title begins with. Author (last name, first) Subject begins with. CATALOG DATABASES CCLA http://www.linccweb.com/linccsearch?setting_key=2600&index=SU&query=Art |
8. LII - Results For "art Dictionaries" Results for art dictionaries 1 to 3 of 3, http//www.artlex.com/ Subject Art DictionariesCreated by ss last updated Nov 10, 2000 - comment on this record. http://www.lii.org/advanced?searchtype=subject;query=Art Dictionaries;subsearch= |
9. Ceramic Art Dictionaries / Ceramic Term Translators Ceramic art dictionaries. http://www.claystation.com/guides/reference/dictionaries.html | |
10. Ceramic Art Dictionaries / Ceramic Term Translators Ceramic art dictionaries. http://www.claystation.com/guides/reference/music_store.html | |
11. UW Libraries - Database Search with numerous illustrations, pronunciation notes, quotations, and links to otherresources on the Web, Art Computer network resources (7) art dictionaries (2 http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=subject&ID=49984 |
12. Hunter O'Reilly's Links To Art Dictionaries Hunter O Reilly s Links to art dictionaries. ArtLex A dictionaryfor the visual arts. You ll find definitions of over 2,400 terms http://www.artbyhunter.com/links/artdictionaries.html | |
13. Art And Artists Pathfinder: Art Dictionaries And Encyclopaedias - Christchurch C You are here Reviews Publications Guides Art and Artists. Artand Artists. art dictionaries and encyclopaedias 703. There are http://library.christchurch.org.nz/Guides/Art/resources.asp | |
14. Online Art Dictionaries And Encyclopedias - Art, Architecture & Engineering Libr See other items in the same Division Subject Art and design. Onlineart dictionaries and Encyclopedias. ARTFACTS.NET http//artfacts http://www.lib.umich.edu/aael/article.php?articleID=20 |
15. Art Dictionaries art dictionaries Bristol. Dictionary of artists in Britain since 1945 DavidBuckman Publisher Bristol art dictionaries, 1998 ISBN 095326-090-9. http://isbndb.com/d/publisher/art_dictionaries.html | |
16. Sims Reed - Painting, Drawing & Sculpture Painting, Drawing Sculpture. Part 8 art dictionaries, Exhibitions Addenda. ADictionary of Painters from the revival of the art to the present period http://www.simsreed.com/books/pds/part8_ar.htm | |
17. Art And Architecture Library: Collections: Art History Bibliography And Library Dictionaries of Art Terms. Art 600. GENERAL. Index of terms from a variety ofspecialized art dictionaries and encyclopedias and other art publications. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/art/research_help/bib_lib/artterms.html | |
18. Get Free Images, Pictures, Posters, Photos, Movies, Music Video, DVD And Free Ar Fine Art. 5 Free Fine art dictionaries. Architecture. Glossaries of Movie.Performing Arts Dictionaries. ©2001 Stars21.com All Rights Reserved. http://www.stars21.com/freemorn/en/arts.html | |
19. Art History 181: Art Since 1945 institutions). These books may be borrowed through ILL. Searching the Web.Reference Sources (art dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Glossaries) http://voxlibris.claremont.edu/help/handouts/arth181-lewis.asp | |
20. CPL- Museum Of Contemporary Art: Selected Bibliography art dictionaries AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS. A biographical dictionary lists 312 artistswho have been influential in defining the character of contemporary art. http://www.chipublib.org/003cpl/art/contartbib.html | |
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