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21. Pages 1--131 From Untitled Document 9. 2.4 collaborative Programs the states of the art and practice, and reviews the state of the art. The paper also http://www.hitl.washington.edu/research/knowledge_base/virtual-worlds/youngblut- | |
22. Australian Embassy across all the art forms which aims to · raise awareness of Australian artsand culture in Japan; · create export and collaboration opportunities for http://www.jcdn.org/f-activ-o/AustralianEmbassy.htm | |
23. Research Grant Proposal - Joshua Mosley towards further research in collaborative work. Computer animations are quitecommon. Passionate, conceptdriven computer animated works are a rare art. http://joshuamosley.com/Beyrouth/html/researchgrant.html | |
24. ARTSEDGE: Uncivil Civilization In The Hairy Ape level of discernment in contributions from research and to collaborative work; substantive Encouragestudents interested in set design and/or studio art to make http://artsedge.plumbdesign.com/content/3060/ | |
25. ArtThrob film, Johannesburg, 2nd Greatest City after Paris 1992 First collaborative piecewith New York 1998 Solo exhibition, The Museum of Contemporary art, San Diego http://www.artthrob.co.za/99may/artbio.htm | |
26. NCCS - National Center For Charitable Statistics A collaborative effort of the IRS, State Arts Agencies (SAA), and NCCS with fundingfrom the Research Division of the National Endowment for the Arts to develop http://nccsdataweb.urban.org/faq/index.php?category=34 |
27. Humboldt: Theatre Arts Courses Research and writing methods; analytical and critical approaches; the collaborativeprocess and its Seminar in Theatre Arts (14) FS. activ = activity section. http://www.humboldt.edu/~catalog/courses/thea_crs.html | |
28. Session Descriptions For Moving To Web-based Learning to Guide on the Side, the art of Online enhance learning through socialization, groupcollaboration and partnerships. Active Learning Strategies Now that the http://nursing.iupui.edu/LifelongLearning/ProgramsAndConferences/MovingWebBased/ | |
29. Camp Broadway | Camp Broadway New York each student the attention necessary to help expand his or her creative abilities,build selfesteem, experience the art of theatrical collaboration, and gain http://www.campbroadway.com/campbroadway.html | |
30. ANNUAL REPORT 1994-95 This report covers the activ ities of all the a draft agreement to be signed forcollaborative research Regional Resource Centre for Folk Performing Arts, Udipi http://shikshanic.nic.in/cd50years/12/8I/73/8I730101.htm | |
31. Questia Online Library - The Online Library (3) English. In conclusion, then, the collaboration between a curriculummethods course and an art museum proved to be beneficial. Students http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000486425 |
32. Help The final selection will identify the most outstanding achievements of WEB 3D creators internationally, in their visual works done privately, as well as in the works created in companies and educational environments. http://www.nettime.org/pipermail/nettime-ro/2002.txt | |
33. ProTeacher! Middle Ages And Renaissance Lesson Plans For Elementary School Teach Castles and Kings A lesson plan that integrates language arts and social CollaborativeThematic Unit The Middle Ages - A unit with several activity ideas http://www.proteacher.com/090074.shtml | |
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