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161. Kim, Sunghoi Contemporary sculpture incorporating abstract forms and human figures in a variety of media. http://www.sculpture.pe.kr/ |
162. FirstSearch Login Screen Best of 2002 art and AbstractsBest of 2002 - art and Abstracts - page 1 of 2, Next. P1190529, P2100874i, P3091244i, P3091246, P3201969. P3282054, P4062655, P4072843, P4263493i, P4283854. http://newfirstsearch.oclc.org/autho=100209101;dbname=ArtAbstracts;FSIP | |
163. Tiger Abstract Inc. -- Title Search And Abstract Providing title searches and abstracts, title insurance, preparation of closing documents, and conducting real estate settlements, from offices in Northeast Pennsylvania. http://www.tigertitle.com | |
164. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS - REVUE CANADIENNE D'ECONOMIQUE Journal of the Canadian Economics Association publishing both theoretical and empirical papers in all areas of economics provides table of contents and abstract archive. http://economics.ca/cje/ | |
165. Abstract Photography From Adam Deal -- Adam-deal.com Atlanta, Georgia abstract photographer. Offers portfolio, links, and contact information. http://www.adam-deal.com | |
166. Home Page Of Robert B. Ash By Robert B. Ash. Chapters in PDF. http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~r-ash/ | |
167. HALFEMPTY86 The Half Empty Gallery colorful abstract artwork, designs, digital works. http://halfempty86.homestead.com/index.html | |
168. Intro To Abstract Algebra Paul Garrett's detailed and comprehensive lecture notes in abstract algebra. http://www.math.umn.edu/~garrett/m/intro_algebra/index.shtml | |
169. Original Paintings For Sale Online Art Gallery UK Abstract Surrealist Londonbased artist shows abstract works on his site which is titled Drugart.com. http://www.123art.co.uk | |
170. Tino Zago_artist abstract paintings with atmospheric color derived from observations of landscapes in Venice and Mushaboom http://www.eccentrix.com/members/zago |
171. Jennifer Drucker - Fine Art Photography Images of rooms, abstract landscapes, still life, and impressions of a child's daily life. Biography, resume, and links. Requires Flash http://www.jdrucker.com/ | |
172. Newswise Search, browse, and download current or archived articles and abstracts in comprehensive database of news releases from top research institutions. Designed for news reporters. http://www.newswise.com/menu-sm.htm | |
173. The Journal Of Law & Economics Focuses on the influence of regulation and legal institutions on the operation of economic systems. Provides abstracts and guidelines for submissions. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/JLE/home.html | |
174. MathSciNet Homepage Math Reviews AMS database of more than a million reviews and abstracts of math publications (requires subscription). http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/ | |
175. BJS - Berlin Journal For Sociology [English] The Berliner Journal f¼r Soziologie (Humboldt University Berlin) is devoted to empirical as well as theoretical research in sociology and related fields of study. Peerreviewd, quarterly. Tables of contents and some abstracts available on-line. http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/bjs/en/ | |
176. Phytopathology - June 2004 Print and online journal on plant diseases and phytopathogens. Contains abstracts (1997 to present) with content search, sample issue, subscription and author information, and list of editors. http://www.apsnet.org/phyto/current/top.asp | |
177. Zentralblatt MATH - Search European database of reviews and abstracts of math publications. Requires subscription, but has limited free access. http://www.emis.de/ZMATH/ | |
178. Archaeology Magazine The official publication of the Archaeological Institute of America a popular magazine. Abstracts and full-length articles from the current issue and back issues. Latest news online. http://www.archaeology.org/ | |
179. Computational Linguistics Colloquia Biweekly meetings on Fridays at The Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS. Overview, program, abstracts and presentations. http://www.let.uu.nl/~ctl/workshops/clc.html | |
180. Archive Of Dissertation Abstracts In Music Includes about 120 abstracts providing links to full dissertations. New submissions are welcome. http://www.sun.rhbnc.ac.uk/Music/Archive/Disserts/index.html | |
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