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181. Linguistics Abstracts Online Provides comprehensive research, teaching materials, bibliographies and references. License terms, FAQs, application, list of journals and abstracts. http://www.linguisticsabstracts.com/LAO/ | |
182. .: The Alberta Soil Science Workshop :. Information and details about the venue, the papers and organisation of this meeting to be held from February 19 20, 2003 - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Also includes abstracts and papers from previous meetings, starting in 1998. http://www.soilsworkshop.ab.ca/ | |
183. CAS, Chemical Abstracts Service Homepage World's largest and most comprehensive chemical database with over 21 million document records and 37 million substances listed. http://www.cas.org/ | |
184. ERN Environmental Economics Electronic journal from the Economics Research Network (part of the Social Science Research Network) that publishes paper abstracts. Fully searchable. Hundreds of abstracts available in the archives. http://www.ssrn.com/update/ern/ern_enviro.html | |
185. Jumpstart Login http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com/hww/jumpstart.jhtml?prod=ARTAB |
186. Mental Health And Psychiatry Journal Contents And Abstracts (and Free Full Text) Journals section of the mental health page from the University of Adelaide. It lists a large number of psychiatry journals, with links to both publishers' sites and abstracts on Medline. http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/med/menthealth/jnl.html | |
187. LarryBarnes.html Largesized, minimalist, geometric abstracts exploring Zen relationships of perception, color and form. Includes biography/statement. http://w3art.com/LarryBarnes.html | |
188. Al Roth's Game Theory And Experimental Economics Page Includes introductory articles, papers on history, methodology, and philosophy, abstracts from scientific magazines, bibliographies, some materials on the emerging (consulting) business of economic design and many links. Provided by Al Roth at Harvard University. http://www.economics.harvard.edu/~aroth/alroth.html | |
189. Toxicological Sciences Current volume and article search for abstracts with full text available to subscribers. Published for the Society of Toxicology by Oxford University Press. http://toxsci.oupjournals.org/ | |
190. Genes & Development Preview contents, abstracts since 1987, with PDF available to subscribers. Includes article search, review collection, and online submission to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Danvers, MA. http://www.genesdev.org | |
191. Bravenet Web Services http://clik.to/Toony |
192. Journal Of Applied Physiology Tables of contents and abstracts available to nonsubscribers; subscribers can view articles in PDF format and/or receive updates and regular searches via email. An American Physiological Society publication. http://jap.physiology.org/ | |
193. The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, Inc. Provides information about diagnosis and treatment, as well as giving references, abstracts and links. Aimed at lay and professional viewers. http://www.carcinoid.org/ | |
194. The Chiropractic Resource Organization A web site for and created by chiropractors, featuring the ChiroZine, activism information, individual state information, as well as sections devoted to journals, abstracts and case studies. http://www.chiro.org/ | |
195. Plant Disease - June 2004 Print and online journal on practical aspects of plant disease diagnosis and control. Contains abstracts (1997 to present) with content search, sample issue, subscription and author information, and list of editors. http://www.apsnet.org/pd/current/top.asp | |
196. History And Theory Articles, monographs, book reviews, summaries,and bibliographies principally in four areas theories of history, narrativism, historical method, and related disciplines. Peerreviewed, quarterly. Tables of content and some abstracts available on-line. http://www.historyandtheory.org/ | |
197. SAAweb - Publications Journals of the Society for American Archaeology Tables of contents for issues from 1995; abstracts for recent issues. http://www.saa.org/Publications/AmAntiq/amantiq.html | |
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