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121. EServer.org: Accessible Writing presentations. libraries, links to worldwide library catalogues. LiteraryEvents, events for any date from literature and the arts. The http://www.eserver.org/ | |
122. Databases Arts Humanities Literature UST libraries Databases Arts Humanities literature. Offcampus access.DATABASE OPTIONS. By Title Select a Range http://www.stthomas.edu/libraries/databases/erdb/dblist.asp?BroadSubject=Arts & |
123. Databases Arts Humanities Literature UST libraries Databases Arts Humanities literature. http://www.stthomas.edu/libraries/databases/arts_humanities/literature.htm |
124. University Of Minnesota Libraries Articles And More About The literature, Arts, Medicine Database is an annotated bibliographyof use in health/prehealth and liberal arts settings. University libraries...... http://www.lib.umn.edu/articles/about.phtml?id=5028 |
125. Literature (Belles-lettres) And Rhetoric - Canadian Information By Subject and art Archives (Canadian) (University of Calgary Library, Special Collections)Literary Network for Poets and Fiction Writers literature (National Library of http://www.collectionscanada.ca/caninfo/ep08.htm | |
126. Penn State Libraries George And Sherry Middlemas Arts And and Humanities Library provides library collections and dance, film, history, languages,literature, music, philosophy studies, theater, and the visual arts. http://www.libraries.psu.edu/artshumanities/ |
127. Penn State Libraries Resources For Ancient Greek Language And Call Z7016.D38, Arts Humanities, West Pattee 2nd International bibliography ofperiodical literature) 1984present. Library resource on LIAS E-Resource List http://www.libraries.psu.edu/artshumanities/greek/language.htm |
128. Art And Literature the meaning conveyed by each art work requires a significant presence in Americanliterature on the Manuscript, and Special Collections Library Duke University http://www.netsearchamerica.com/Art&Literature.html | |
129. NVCC Libraries Databases America History and Life; Arts Humanities Search; ASAP; InfoTrac OneFile; JSTOR;literature Resource Center; by volume) ACM Digital Library; American Chemical http://www.nvcc.edu/library/DBbySubject.htm | |
130. Children's Literature In The National Art Library Children s literature Collections. Introduction. From the midnineteenth centuryonwards the National art Library has collected childrens publications and now http://www.nal.vam.ac.uk/children.html | |
131. Young Adult Literature - ELi Research Guides - UWF Libraries Middle Secondary EnglishLanguage Arts-James Madison Children Young Adult LiteratureLibrary Research Guide State University http//www.libraries.wright.edu http://library.uwf.edu/eli/Arts/YoungAdult.shtml | |
132. Art: Literature - Subject Guides - Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, MD art literature Subject Guide maintained by The Staff of the Fiction and YoungAdult Department State Library Resource Center, Enoch Pratt Free Library. Home, http://www.epfl.net/subjects/subjectguide.cfm?cid=3&sid=2 |
133. LII - Results For "art Literature" William, 15641616 Painting, Modern 19th century art and literature Createdby de is a joint project of the Washington State Library, a division of http://wa.lii.org/advanced?searchtype=subject;query=Art literature;subsearch=Art |
134. ARTS LIBRARY @ YALE arts Library. and scientific study of art Kunstwissenschaft as an independentdiscipline; and, on the other hand, more recent art literature insofar as it http://www.library.yale.edu/art/ehgkl1.html | |
135. Perseus Digital Library The Perseus Project is funded by the Digital libraries Initiative Phase 2, the National Endowment for the Humanities http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/ | |
136. Chinese Literature at Creighton University s Reinert Alumni Library (RAL) Other locations includethe World literature Library (Hitchcock Communication Arts Building Room 303 http://mockingbird.creighton.edu/english/worldlit/wldocs/china.htm | |
137. CLA: English Literature Resources Context, Economics, Religion, Philosophy, literature, Visual Arts, Science, Technology ThomasHardy Resource Library Includes chronology, biography http://www.virginia.edu/cla/englit.htm | |
138. Children's Literature & Language Arts Resources Menu Page Welcome to the Internet School Library Media Center (ISLMC) Children sLiterature and Language Arts index page. This page focuses http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/childlit.htm | |
139. Classroom Resources: Language Arts Award Winners, at the American Library Association. and teaching suggestions for children sand YA literature. Reading Association; Language Arts Sites Another http://www.remc11.k12.mi.us/bcisd/classres/langarts.htm | |
140. Toronto Public Library Unique Collections North York Central A valid Toronto Public Library card is required. for researching authors and literaturethroughout history. Grove s Dictionary of art Online thousands of http://www.tpl.toronto.on.ca/uni_llf_index.jsp |
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