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1. WSSLinks: Literature And Culture Association of College Research libraries / American Library Association. WSSLinks online journal of feminist construction art, literature, social commentary, wit, humor and http://libraries.mit.edu/humanities/WomensStudies/Culture2.html | |
2. Dial India Art And Literature Libraries - Art, Literature, Libraries, Books, Jou Search Dialindia. Search Arts literature. libraries Sites. AmericanLibrary in India The American information resource centers http://www.dialindia.com/arts_and_literature/libraries/index.shtml | |
3. What's On Bristol Guide - Art & Literature - Libraries art literature libraries. Bath Central Library, 19 The Podium NorthgateStreet Bath BA1 5AN, Tel 01225 787 400, click picture for website. http://www.whatsonbristol.co.uk/art/libraries/index_libraries.shtml | |
4. Multilingual Glossary For Art Librarians - Section Of Art Libraries In 1984 IFLA Section of art libraries published An art Librarian's Glossary compiled by Ian Sheridan A learned society for the promotion of art, literature, science, etc http://www.ifla.org/VII/s30/pub/mg1.htm | |
5. Literature & Art - Australian Literature And Art Important special libraries are maintained by industrial concerns See Also AustralianLiterature. developed unique and highly distinctive art forms, usually http://www.australia-migration.com/page/Literature_and_Art/244 | |
6. IRITH: Irish Resources In The Humanities Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest. Categories include Irish Archaeology, Architecture, Archives and libraries, art, Geography, History, Irish Language, literature and Theatre. http://www.irith.org/ |
7. Penn's Page Of Arts And Literature On The Web art. in society, Reading aloud, Storytelling, Genres of children s books, Childrenand reading, and Deconstructing children s literature. ETexts and libraries. http://penn.home.att.net/bookarts.htm | |
8. ART LITERATURE INTERNATIONAL (RILA) [191] art literature International abstracts and indexes current publications in the history of art. The database is produced by RILA, the International Repertory of the literature of art, and art literature International database is sponsored by the College art Association of America and the art libraries http://library.dialog.com/bluesheets/html/bl0191.html | |
9. Fast Facts art and literature. painting in his entire life to his brother who owned an artgallery. The world s libraries store more than a 100 million original volumes. http://www.didyouknow.cd/fastfacts/art.htm | |
10. LSU Libraries -- Art And Images Webliography Humanities Topics. Frames Off. LSU libraries Webliography. art and IMAGES A collection of pointers concerning surrealism in art, literature, music, etc http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/art.html | |
11. Ancient Rome - Literature & Libraries ANCIENT ROMAN literature libraries. During the reign of Augustus many commentators proclaimed the arrival of a new His work Ars Amatoria (art of Love) was a handbook of sex http://www.crystalinks.com/romeliterature.html | |
12. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle Smithsonian catalogs, including libraries, archives and manuscripts, art inventories, Juley photographic in English literature from Harvard, teaches in 4 universities, and then http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2707 |
13. Art And Literature : Ward And Massey Libraries Of The Mises Institute Search The Ward Library. First Name Title TseTung, Mao. Title art and literature.Publisher New York International Publishers, 1950. http://www.mises.org/wardlibrary_detail.asp?control=6043 |
14. Literature Of Art History - Bibliography literature of art History Basic Bibliography ©. 19982003 Lee Sorensen, Duke University libraries § = electronic database open to Duke researchers only. I. Bibliography. link. General. In Print http://www.lib.duke.edu/lilly/artsearch/guides/bibliography/literature_of_art.ht | |
15. Art Association Links, International Film Festivals, Literature Association Link of literature; Public Library Association; Robert Frost; Shakespeare Globe USA;Smithsonian Institution libraries; Smithsonian Magazine Explore art, Science and http://www.mainstwebdesign.com/link_library/arts.htm | |
16. Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links literature; art, Music, Film Books and literature FRANCOPHONE BOOKSTORES@ GLOBE-GATE Les French Francophone Public libraries ATHENA - textes d http://www.utm.edu/departments/french/french.html | |
17. AllRefer Reference - Literature And The Arts Encyclopedia Historians, US, Biographies  libraries, Books, And Biographies  Classical literature,Biographies  arts And Middle Eastern art, Biographies  Asian http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/Literature_and_the_Arts/ | |
18. Useful Art And Literature Sites Selected By Shorewood Public Library, Shorewood Shorewood Public Library banner. 50 Ways to Use Your Shorewood LibraryCard. libraries aren t what they used to be. They re better! http://www.mcfls.org/shorewood/cardbenefits.htm | |
19. Women In Art And Literature: Resources AestheticsBiblio/performancearts http//www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/bibliogs/fem_aesthetics/;Feminist art, literature, and Entertainment http://www.miracosta.edu/home/gfloren/hum205resources.htm | |
20. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Poland overview of culture in Poland. art. art patrons. dance. decoupage. drama. film.libraries. literature. motionpicture directors. museums. music. musicians and composers. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761559758_6/arts_music_and_literature.html | |
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