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61. BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | US Army Probes Deaths In Custody us army probes deaths in custody. In two cases the dead men were found to have been murdered by Americans, according to a us army official. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3684381.stm | |
62. Avalanche Company: The 213 Things Skippy Is No Longer Allowed To Do In The U.S. April 16, 2003. The 213 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to Do in the us army. SGT Shawn Stanford Once upon a time, there was a http://www.avalanchetankers.us/archives/000058.html | |
63. 58:0511(127)AR - Dept. Of The Army, U.S. Army Signal Center And Ft. Fordon, Ft. 127. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE army UNITED STATES army SIGNAL CENTER AND FORT GORDON FORT GORDON, GEORGIA (Agency). and. Id. at 6. army Regulation 42090. http://www.flra.gov/decisions/v58/58-127.html | |
64. CBC News:Canadian Sues U.S. Army For Alleged Torture Canadian sues us army for alleged torture Last Updated Tue, 04 May 2004 214839 PORTLAND, ORE. A Canadian man who was taken prisoner http://www.cbc.ca/stories/2004/05/04/world/cdn_iraq_suit040504 | |
65. U.S. Army Ignores Criticism Of Beret Plan CNN http://cnn.com/2001/US/03/09/army.beret.reut/index.html |
66. Science.gov Topic Civil Engineering For User Category All Categories sedimentary processes, coastal structures, dredging, coastal hazards and risk assessment Department of Defense (DOD), Department of the army; us army Corps of http://www.science.gov/browse/w_113D.htm | |
67. CNN.com - New Army Chief Of Staff Sworn In - Aug. 1, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/US/08/01/army.chief/index.html | |
68. U.S. Army Vietnam Veterans Associations us army Vietnam Veterans Associations/Organizations. The following is a list of us army organizations and associations. Please contact http://grunt.space.swri.edu/army.htm | |
69. Joi Ito's Web: U.S. Army Report On Iraqi Prisoner Abuse May 05, 2004. us army report on Iraqi prisoner abuse 2155 JST » Warblogging. us army report on Iraqi prisoner abuse Complete text http://joi.ito.com/archives/2004/05/05/us_army_report_on_iraqi_prisoner_abuse.ht | |
70. CNN.com - Army Berets Won't Be Made In China - May 1, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/US/05/01/army.berets/index.html | |
71. IMA KORO MWR Libraries a library cooperative. There are 22 libraries in the same number of us army posts scattered over South Korea. Each library is responsible http://eusa.library.net/ | |
72. CNN - U.S. Army Apache Attack Helicopters Grounded For Inspection - November 8, CNN http://www.cnn.com/US/9911/08/apaches.army/index.html | |
73. GORP - U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Recreation Areas PARKS us army Corps of Engineers Recreation Areas The us army Corps of Engineers provides over 30 percent of the recreational opportunities on Federal lands. http://gorp.away.com/gorp/resource/us_nra/ace/acemain.htm | |
74. SOAW In fact, us army intelligence manuals advocating torture techniques and how to circumvent laws on due process, arrest and detention were used for at least a http://www.soaw.org/ | |
75. Online NewsHour: The Size Of The U.S. Army -- January 13, 2004 Online NewsHour, THE SIZE OF THE us army. January 13, 2004. The us army has a third fewer soldiers than it did at the time it fought the 1991 Gulf War. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/military/jan-june04/army_1-13.html | |
76. Aljazeera.Net - Mahdi Army Seizes US Weapons Mahdi army seizes us weapons. Tuesday city. But an alSadr s spokesmen said the us military routinely exaggerated Mahdi army casualties. http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/B5765C57-F571-4FFF-98CE-C4C5D35D39DC.htm | |
77. CNN.com - Fighting In Iraqi Militia Strongholds - May 14, 2004 us military sources Friday said 17 Mehdi army militia members have been killed in fighting in the holy city. Other developments. us army Cpl. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/05/14/iraq.main/ | |
78. CNN.com - Army Private 'ordered To Pose' - May 12, 2004 The us army private facing a courtmartial for being photographed with naked Iraqi prisoners says she was following orders to create psychological pressure on http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/05/12/prisoner.abuse.england.ap/ | |
79. MILITARY AVIATION - US AIR FORCE, NAVY, MARINES, ARMY, MILITARY BASES Welcome to the GLOBEMASTER us Military Aviation Database. us Air Force, us Navy, us Marine Corps, us Coast Guard, us army Military Bases and Units. http://www.globemaster.de/ | |
80. U.S. Army Individual Decorations us army Individual Decorations. Chapter 3, army Regulation 6008-22 (Military Awards) 25 February 1995. http://www.americal.org/awards/achv-svc.htm | |
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