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81. AncientScripts.com: Armenian direction of writing). The alphabet s original 36 letters were well suited for the Old armenian language. Two additional letters http://www.ancientscripts.com/armenian.html | |
82. CSE: Language Arts Armenian. Professor Akob Onnik Hayrapetian holds a BA in armenian language and a MA in General Linguistics and armenian language. For http://www.glendale.edu/cse/language.html | |
83. Links To Armenian Studies Programs At Colleges And Universities Arizona State University Russian and East European Studies Consortium Gregory J. and Emma O. Melikian Fund for armenian language; classes to begin in 2002. http://www.commercemarketplace.com/home/naasr/Academic_Links.html | |
84. Search Results MLJ There are 1 results matching your search on Reviews AND armenian language AND Literature. Showing 1 to 1. Pages 8283. Topics armenian language AND LITERATURE. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/mlj/newsearchres.asp?contenttype=RR&topic=Arm |
85. "Handheld Armenian Language Translators And Armenian Electronic Dictionaries. .. Handheld ArmenianEnglish-Russian electronic dictionary, language translators from IMICO Group buy online. Language Teacher software http://www.ectaco.cz/armenian.html | |
86. Armenian Language School Websites The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://projects.ascp.am/ararka/ |
87. Armenian Language Schools In Diaspora Tend To Reduce - Armenia Diaspora Conferen armenian language Schools in Diaspora Tend to Reduce. Another reason prompting the closure of Armenianlanguage schools is the lack of qualified teachers. http://www.armeniadiaspora.com/js/031121school.html | |
88. Armenia Diaspora - Projects The University of Michigan Armenian Studies Program armenian language Institute in Yerevan Offering Introductory Courses in Classical, Eastern and Western http://www.armeniadiaspora.com/students/learn.html | |
89. Petiton To Re-open Halki In Armenian Language HELLENIC ELECTRONIC CENTER. Petition for the Reopening of theTheological School of Halki In Constantinopole (Istanbul) Turkey. *eMail, http://www.greece.org/themis/halki2/ARpetition.html | |
90. Internews Armenia. General Information To publish armenian language Newspaper is My LifeÂs Greatest Happiness. Running an armenian language newspaper was and is the happiness of my life. http://www.internews.am/publications/article.asp?nId=40 |
91. FW: HELP FreeBSD L10N For Armenian Language. FW HELP FreeBSD L10N for armenian language. Vahe Khachikyan vahe at khachikyan.de Mon Jun 2 125159 PDT 2003 Next message CTYPE etc. http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-i18n/2003-June/000009.html | |
92. Armenian National Language Support 2.0 Offers armenian keyboard driver, screenoptimized fonts, instructions for automatic tuning of web browsers and e-mail agents to work in armenian and time zone information. http://www.freenet.am/armnls/ | |
93. Armenian Studies At The University Of Michigan Includes events, courses, information about the Summer language Institute and related departments. http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/asp/ | |
94. Index A book by Verjine Svazlian. Includes the main text, publications of the author and photographs. http://www.iatp.am/resource/science/svazlyan/Index.html | |
95. Katy's Armenia Journal -- Summer 1998 Includes pictures and a journal from a 1998 trip to Armenia, links, a collection of armenian fonts, maps and bits of information about armenians and their language. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~kpearce/armenia.htm | |
96. Koundakjian, Lola Includes samples of her art, her resume, subscription offer to Ararat literary quarterly, pictures she has taken in Yemen, armenian studies links, her favorite sounds and English language poems of Mark Gavoor. http://www.mindspring.com/~koundakjian/ |
97. Middle Eastern Music: Translated Song Lyrics Englishlanguage translations of popular songs recorded in Arabic, Turkish, Greek, Hebrew, and armenian. Some sound files. http://www.shira.net/lyrics.htm | |
98. Vahe Oshagan, Leading Armenian-language Poet In Exile, Dead At 78 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/books/news/07/10/obit.oshagan.ap/index.html |
99. Armenian Reporter Int`l - Issue: Jun 05, 2004 English language weekly published in New York City, and distributed globally. Offers short news reports. | |
100. HyeEtch - The Armenians - Language & Alphabet P3 Other languages like German, have words that contain these sounds. NOTE A more comprehensive character chart can be found in the Learn armenian section of http://www.hyeetch.nareg.com.au/armenians/language_p2.html | |
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