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161. The Chronicle Of Matthew Of Edessa Has Long Been Recognized As An Invaluable Sou This useful collection gathers together essays on a wide range oftopics in Armenian history. Edited by Robert W. Thomson, former http://www.commercemarketplace.com/home/naasr/recentstudies.htm | |
162. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Armenia A mountainous region of Western Asia occupying a somewhat indefinite area to the southeast of the Black Sea. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01736b.htm | |
163. Road To Armenia Includes photograph galleries, articles and stories, information about music and folk ensembles, music samples, news and updates. http://www.road-to-armenia.com/ | |
164. Central Bank Of Armenia Includes the list of financial institutions, moneysupply statistics, official exchange rates and legal aspects. http://www.cba.am | |
165. ARMENIA IN WEB BY ALBERT GYULBUDAGHYAN! http://www.geocities.com/albert_gyu/armenia.htm | |
166. .:.::. Armenia-Online - Business Portal .:.::. Includes daily news, a directory of Armenian companies, travel information, weather forecast, gallery of pictures, chat area, humor and Armenian ecards. http://www.ardani.net/armenia/ | |
167. Armenia Sinopsis, im¡genes, hitoria, estadÂsticas, mapa e himno del paÂs. http://www.guiadelmundo.org.uy/cd/countries/arm/ |
168. Web Thumbnailer Thumbnail Page Kathy Pearce's collection. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~kpearce/armmaps.htm | |
169. Archfilm War documentary on armenia and Azerbaijan, including digital animation about the pipeline politics that led to their postsovietconflict. http://www.archfilm.net |
170. AccuWeather.com Includes fiveday weather forecasts, maps, radar and satellite images for cities and towns. http://www.accuweather.com/adcbin/intlocal_index?reg=EU;EUROPE&cntry=EU;AR |
171. Armenian Events Relates the experience of two Danes, Mona and Michael Westh who live in armenia. Offers articles, bulletin board, theological corner and a genocide section. http://www15.dht.dk/~2westh/lan_uk/ | |
172. Interfax :: Armenia Russian agency covering events which take place in the Caucasian republic. http://www.interfax.com/com?item=Arm |
173. U.S. Embassy An archaeological gazetteer and map set for tourists. http://www.usa.am/travelguide.html | |
174. California State University, Fresno - Armenian history I Modern and Contemporary (3) (See HIST 108A.) history of Armeniaand Armenians from prehistoric times to the beginning of the modern era. http://armenianstudies.csufresno.edu/program.htm | |
175. :: Welcome To The Macmillan Armenia :: Offers the message of the director, catalog and ordering information. http://www.macmillanarmenia.am/ |
176. CultureGrams Armenia Includes fun cultural facts, country flag and its symbolism, national anthem, map, and demographic data. http://onlineedition.culturegrams.com/world/world_country.php?contid=3&wmn=A |
177. Grup Parlamentar De Prietenie Include detalii despre componenà £ii grupului, funcà £ia ocupatàà Âi orientarea lor politicÃÂ. http://www.senat.ro/ROMANA/dep_pol_ext/grupuri de prietenie/armenia.htm |
178. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Agathangelus A supposed secretary of Tiridates II, King of armenia, under whose name there has come down a life of the first apostle of armenia, Gregory the Illuminator, who died about 332. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01204a.htm | |
179. Armenian Statistics Includes basic economic details about armenia. Very slow site. http://www.armstat.am/ | |
180. Armenia, Country Commercial Guide 1998 U.S. Embassy in Yerevan guide to legal issues related to doing business in the republic. http://www.arminco.com/Armenia/CCG/ | |
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