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81. Episcopal Diocese Of Arkansas - Outreach Programs semester scholarships at South arkansas Technical University emergency assistanceto needy families and provides an ecumenical grief recovery program for the http://www.arkansas.anglican.org/outreachlocation.htm | |
82. States Cutting Low-income Programs In Response To Fiscal Crises, 1/17/02 The arkansas Department of Health Services took administrative actions to reducestate Maintaining LowIncome programs Can Assist Families and Strengthens http://www.cbpp.org/1-17-02sfp-pr.htm | |
83. States Are Cutting Tanf And Child Care Programs, 6/4/03 over the past two years, arkansas, Arizona, Montana families, Louisiana increasedcopayments families must pay changes in their child care programs that reduced http://www.cbpp.org/6-3-03tanf.htm | |
84. Child Welfare League Of America: Advocacy: State Fact Sheets 2002 and youth in juvenile correctional facilities in arkansas. Administration for Childrenand Families, US Department of Health at www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cb/dis http://www.cwla.org/advocacy/statefactsheets/2002/arkansas.htm | |
85. ARKANSAS REACH PROGRAM arkansas REACH PROGRAM. assistance with energy bill(s) » Attendance at training infamily installation of Amount of additional funding and programs leveraged 15 http://www.ncat.org/liheap/reach/reachar.htm | |
86. Online arizona adult dental cleaning arkansas adult dental floss dental health dental hygieneprogram dental implant plans dental problem dentist family dental plans http://protect.onnet-sales.com/ |
87. Old State House Museum - A Landmark Multimedia Museum Of Arkansas History, Peopl arkansas history, people and culture, are housed in this national landmark multimedia museum in downtown Little Rock. Confederate battle flags, African American quilts, Adrinka symbols, Niloak and http://www.oldstatehouse.com/ | |
88. Arkansas Department Of Human Services close working relationship with the arkansas Medicaid program how to help higher incomefamilies who have optional components of the Medicaid program has been http://www.accessarkansas.org/dhs/nrelease/HuckabeeTefra.htm | |
89. Arkansas Department Of Human Services The TEA program is arkansas welfare reform program under the federalTemporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. http://www.accessarkansas.org/dhs/dco/program.html | |
90. Legislative Action | Arkansas Advocates For Children & Families Restored funding for the Ombudsman Program; Interim studies on low information fromthis Web site, please credit arkansas Advocates for Children Families. http://www.aradvocates.org/legislative/default.asp | |
91. Arkansas Judiciary - Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission . PDF. Program Overview, PDF....... Minimum Standards for Basic Mediation Training, PDF. arkansas Access VisitationFamily Mediation Program. http://courts.state.ar.us/courts/adr.html | |
92. Services Coordination of arkansas  birthing hospitals Universal Newborn Mother/InfantProgram, FAQs, Contact. retesting; counseling offered for families of infants http://www.healthyarkansas.com/services/services_ph2_all.html | |
93. Meet The Springdale Staff, Meet The Little Rock Staff issues, and information on related activities in arkansas. written materials developedby the program and a to the Jones Center for Families in Springdale. http://www.parenting-ed.org/aboutus.htm | |
94. Home to top of page Upper arkansas Workforce Centers Housing Rehabilitation The HousingRehabilitation program provides loans low to moderate income families at low http://www.uaacog.com/ | |
95. AR Families: Walk Across Arkansas Program: Pedestrian Safety http://www.arfamilies.org/walkacrossar/pedestrian_safety.asp | |
96. Arkansas Fact Sheet Kinship care families may also be eligible for food the children they are raisingthrough arkansas ARKids First how to apply for ARKids First program, call 1 http://www.grandsplace.com/gp8/ar.html | |
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