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Arkansas Education Parent Resources: more detail |
21. Florida Education - Teenage Pregnancy Resources the information ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban education parenting Programs Coalitionthat Targets Teen Pregnancy Teen parent Program, arkansas Homepage of http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~feecwg/teen.html | |
22. About The California Parent Center arkansas PIRC Center for Effective Parenting (501) 364-4605. California. CaliforniaPARENT Center (Parental Assistance, resources,education, Networking, and http://parent.sdsu.edu/pirc_aboutcpc.htm | |
24. Counseling, Adult And Rehabilitation Education the project works with State Departments of education, the arkansas School for the andwith related consumer, community and parent resources in identifying http://www.ualr.edu/coedept/care/grant.htm | |
25. Parent & Teacher Guide: Reading Resources Boys Puberty An Illustrated Manual for Parents and Sons. Health education Universityof Central arkansas UCA Box for the Advancement of Health education Becky J http://www.midol.com/ParentTeacherGuide/ReadingResource/index.asp | |
26. PhatNav - Parents Section With Educational Resources Search And Top Jones Center for Families (arkansas) Center for Assistance Program (California)Ahmium education, Inc ivic.net Colorado Top Colorado parent Information and http://www.phatnav.com/parents/parent_ed_links.html | |
27. Arkansas State HIV/AIDS Resources arkansas Statewide resources. Agency, arkansas Children s Hospital AIDS Program. families,including individual and group therapy and parent education classes and http://www.projinf.org/org/Regionrsrc/AR.html | |
28. Parent Centers arkansas arkansas Disability Coalition (www.adcpti www.advocatesforchildren.org)resources for Children Pennsylvania parent education Network (www.parentednet http://www.allourchildrenwa.org/centers.htm | |
29. Arkansas PTA - Educational Resources For Arkansas Parent Teacher Associations, P Welcome to the arkansas educational resource page. on an array of issues facing arkansasschools From school fundraising to regional parent Teacher Association http://www.ptacentral.org/arkansas.htm | |
30. Archived: Including Your Child Appendix B: Resources - Parent Training And Infor This section of the archived guide 'Including Your Child' provides addresses and numbers for various organizations that focus on parent training and information. first) arkansas. arkansas parent http://www.ed.gov/pubs/parents/Including/resptic.html | |
31. Arkansas Department Of Education Technology resources and Planning. arkansas Educational Technology Plan. arkansasEducational Technology Plan 2000. http://arkedu.state.ar.us/directory/info_technology_p2.html | |
32. Parent Resource Guide Camp Joseph T. Robinson, North Little Rock, arkansas 721999600 PARENTS AS TEACHERS;St 4330; Visits homes to promote parental involvement with kids education. http://www.gangwar.com/parent1.htm | |
33. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) Top Center for Effective parenting (arkansas) Suite 113 Assistance Program (California)Ahmium education, Inc. net Colorado Top Colorado parent Information and http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list.cfm?category_cd=PRC |
34. Arkansas Education Organizations Educator Associations Teachers In Arkansas and ways to improve parent/teacher relationships. arkansas Public School ComputerNetwork Information and guides to the Department of education project to http://anythingarkansas.com/Education/Organizations.html | |
35. ASLA - Arkansas Student Loan Authority arkansas Department of Workforce education The arkansas Technical Careers StudentLoan forgiveness program was arkansas Single parent Scholarship Fund http://www.asla.state.ar.us/other/ | |
36. 1999 Arkansas Homeschool Resource Directory -- Pros And Cons Of Educational Opti parochial education are Many locations in arkansas have no and unlike public orprivate education, where a In multichild families, the parent must teach http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/4555/ahrd99/caution.html | |
37. Education - Delta - Alabama - Find Schools, Teachers, Universities, Educational The Single parent Schloarship Fund of Benton County arkansas provides support forhigher education opportunities to select single parents leading to http://www.servicesdirectory.us/dir/76/366.php | |
38. Resources For Parents adults age 19+ in obtaining postsecondary education. the following counties in ArkansasBaxter, Boone Washington County Single parent Scholarship Fund Resource http://www.aspsf.org/links.htm | |
39. Family Village -- Parent Training & Information Centers arkansas arkansas Disability Coalition. California Disability Rights education andDefense Fund, Inc parents Loving Your Disabled Child Matrix parent Network and http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/education/pti.html | |
40. Social Security Link to the parent education Network (PEN) Web site for Medicaid and Medicare Resourcesfor Persons Receiving SSI the Region 6 states of arkansas, Oklahoma and http://www.rcep6.org/ssa.htm | |
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