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Arkansas Education Parent Resources: more detail |
1. Special Education Resources Centers: Non-profit Organizations Nonprofit centers offering information and referrals to parents with special education needs Internet Special education resources. Special education Learning Disabilities resources National parent to parent Support Information System arkansas. Little RockEaster http://www.iser.com/nps.html | |
2. Special Education, Learning Disabilities Advocacy, Legal Advice,Attorneys And La Special education Advocacy Professionalsadvocates, attorneys, lawyers Internet Special education resources. Special education Learning Disabilities resources Judy Bonnell parent advocate offering free advocacy Local Services. arkansas. BryantS.U http://www.iser.com/CAadvocacy.html | |
3. COPAA State Special Ed Resource Page arkansas EARLY CHILDHOOD education Procedures Manual. Division of Exceptional Children Services. http//www.kde.state.ky.us/osis/children/ sepm/default.asp. parent and Teacher resources http://www.copaa.net/resources/statespedlaw.html | |
4. McGehee Elementary School -- McGehee, Arkansas, USA -- Parent Resources Discovery Channel School. arkansas Department of education. Infomedia's WorldVillage. arkansas State Homepage. NEWS resources. arkansas DemocratGazette. KATV. Search. The Web. Usenet. FTP. Newswires. and then. The Web. Usenet. FTP. Newswires. STOP Student resources Teacher resources parent resources. Student Handbook http://owls.k12.ar.us/mes/parents.html | |
5. Middle Education Resources Search for educational information and links in over 50 categories. It includes resources, job listings, information, teachers associations, parent associations, and of arkansas at Little Rock's College of education site is http://www.educationindex.com/7-12 | |
6. Higher Education Center: The Parent Connection The Higher education Center is the nation's resource for colleges and universities seeking to reduce alcohol and other drug use. We offer training, technical assistance, and publications. and resources to education Center, and Linda Devine, Assistant Dean of Student Life at the University of Oregon. The original article appeared in The College parent University of arkansas http://www.edc.org/hec/parents | |
7. The Technology - ICT Education Resources Page At Ed-u.com - The Colossal Educati Students, Teachers and parents Click Here Your education Mega-Site for Fun, Homework, Careers, Revision, Webmastering, and Much More! Part-time teacher? parent? Just someone that needs some extra Connecting K-12 Schools - University of arkansas. California's Digital High http://www.ed-u.com/edstec.htm | |
8. Online Resources For Special Education - Arkansas - GreatSchools.net Alabama. related processes, and lists parent resources stateby information on specialeducation law and http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ar/94/parent | |
9. Kent State University Parent Resources Faculty Inservice parent resources Related Links Services) http//www.state.ar.us/dhs/ddds/ddsover. htmlv. arkansas Department of education http//arkedu.state.ar.us/ http://fp.dl.kent.edu/ecis/Web/Parent Resources/ParentResource.htm |
10. Online Resources For Parent Involvement In Schools - Arkansas - GreatSchools.net Alabama. Among its parent involvement suggestions are Public education Network PENhas produced an 80 http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ar/264/parent | |
11. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) educational resources for arkansas. Council State Library Agency State parent Trainingand Rehabilitation Agency US Department of education Sponsored State http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list_by_territory.cfm?territory_cd=ar |
12. Arkansas State Resources Activities Coordinator Children s Medical Services parent Advisory Council, Inc ExecutiveDirector Family to Family education Program NAMIarkansas 712 W http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/ar.htm | |
13. Liinks To Parent Resources and research about multicultural education and violence Evaluates other parentingsites Supported by the University of arkansas, arkansas ChildrenÂs Hospital http://www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us/staff/ringlien/links.htm | |
14. Kent State University Parent Resources arkansas Special education http//arkedu.state.ar.us/directory/accountability_p2 DelawareParent education Resource Center http//www.childinc.com/DPERC.htm. http://fpsrv.dl.kent.edu/ecis/Web/Parent Resources/ParentResource.htm |
15. SCIMAST - Resources : Arkansas A teacher, principal, or parent should be able to and information about mathematicsand science education in each to their Web site(s). arkansas Department of http://www.sedl.org/scimast/resources/by_state/arkansas.html | |
16. Research Your Health Topic | Resources | Arkansas Children's Hospital parenting topics developed by arkansas Children s Hospital For parent of PreemiesHandouts from the Patient education resources from Utah Health Science Center http://www.ach.uams.edu/resources/library/spanish_material.asp | |
17. Home School Resources The Religious Nature of education by David Sant; College at Home, for the Gloryof God by John Thompson. Family Council of arkansas; parent Soup! http://www.hsu.edu/faculty/worthf/hs3.html | |
18. Untitled Document ATI (arkansas Technology Institute) team projects provide technology http//www.aetn.org/education/k12/search AETN sInvolving parents and parent Outreach sites http://www.aetn.org/education/stationbreak/teacher.htm | |
19. McDougalLittell.com- State-Specific Help educational resources for arkansas This US Department of education collection oflinks provides a wealth of statespecific information. Link to parent resource http://www.mcdougallittell.com/state/ar/links.cfm | |
20. State Resources For Gifted Education arkansas Association of Gifted education Administrators (AAGEA) Davis Hendricks,President Gifted and parent Advocates for Gifted education http//www http://ericec.org/fact/stateres.html | |
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