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61. Joining : AmeriCorps*VISTA : *** with agencies which serve the disabled for referral literacy, ESL, and children withspecial learning needs in depressed rural areas in the arkansas Delta Region http://www.americorps.org/joining/vista/vista_ar.html | |
62. AmeriCorps : Members & Alumni regular food donations to the arkansas Foodbank and Jack especially focuses on disabledchildren, outfitting computers to meet their special needs. http://www.americorps.org/members/winners01.html | |
63. Learning Disabilities OnLine: LD In-Depth: Disciplining Special Ed Students that should be referred for special education services in situations involving disabledand nondisabled students law at the University of arkansas School of Law http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/special_education/discipline_sped_students.ht |
64. Special Education Resources Directory A-M - Search For A Special Education Resou AR arkansas. Landmark School special School 429 Hale St., PO Box 227 Prides Crossing RI We believe that every language learning disabled individual deserves http://www.education-a-must.com/seram.html | |
65. Links For Learners: A Very Special First Communion - May 1999 Issue Of St. Antho disabled persons therefore have the right to participate in site of the Arc of ArkansasPerforming Arts narrow worlds, oblivious to the special needs of others http://www.americancatholic.org/Messenger/May1999/links_for_learners.asp | |
66. Services as seriously emotionally disturbed, learning disabled, deaf and consultation in regularand special education primary the 1998 Jonesboro, arkansas; the tragic http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/lausd/offices/student_health/services.htm | |
67. Handicap/Special Needs Community Resources, United Community Resource Center, Ba Handicap/special needs Community Resources. arkansas School for the Blind 501371-5710. DisabledAmerican Veterans (DAV) Mountain Home 870-425-8155. http://www.twinlakescommunity.org/categories/needs.cfm |
68. Resources And Information - Find Library Articles By Topic arkansas State Resources arkansas resources for disabilities on positive images ofdisabled people special needs Adoption Lessons from Experience Adoption trends http://library.adoption.com/information/Resources-and-Information/404/1.html | |
69. Vitae for it s housing for the disabled program. Director of special Education, ArkansasValley Board more than one million (1,000,000) special needs students each http://www.whitebuffalopress.com/vitae.htm | |
70. ADHD Links To Help Your Child of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, or arkansas but available For the Familywith the special Child Information for gifted and learning disabled children http://www.adhdnews.com/adhd-information-links.htm |
71. University Programs For The Disabled with Impairments; University of arkansas at Little of California at Berkeley DisabledStudents Program; of Virginia Office of special Education; University of http://www.nyise.org/college.htm |
72. Links Products and solutions for the disabled, including Braille Care for the Child withSpecial needs provides products asbhome.k12.ar.us arkansas School for the http://www.mdschblind.org/HTML/links3.html | |
73. Schools Accused Of Criminalizing Disability * Pollution In People education at the University of arkansas and had reserved for the most severely disabledstudents, George Deborah Wilson, now director of special services for http://lists.envirolink.org/pipermail/sareport/Week-of-Mon-20031229/000154.html | |
74. Easter Seals New Hampshire: Special Transit Service needs of the elderly and disabled; Doorto District and 100% of the special needstransportation for state. http://nh.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=NHDR_Special_Transit_Service |
75. The Times Record - Fort Smith, Arkansas Simon is in arkansas, where he once served defined as Âhighly cognitively disabledÂusing alternate have a larger population of special education students http://www.swtimes.com/archive/2004/May/11/news/education_law.html | |
76. The Times Record - Fort Smith, Arkansas January 13, special FEATURE, Times Record Advertorial Staff offers programs to helpdevelopmentally disabled people Parents The state of arkansas finds growing http://www.swtimes.com/Includes/Insight/Archives/archive_old.html | |
77. FindLaw: Overview Of Special Education Law - Attorney, Attorneys, Lawyer, Lawyer Enter City or Zip Alaska. 3)). After the evaluation, a disabled child may and servicesto address his or her special needs. http://public.findlaw.com/education/nolo/ency/2E06A1AB-AE4D-4F8E-9BC2971C8DE086D | |
78. FHLB Dallas - Community Investment Bank, Little Rock, and Central arkansas Development Council to targeted to lowincomedisabled individuals. to very low-income individuals with special needs. http://www.fhlb.com/community/grantawards.html | |
79. Arkansas Disability Rights Center - Designated For The Rights Protection And Adv not in accordance with the arkansas Department of presented that services providedto disabled students are of the student s identified special education and http://www.arkdisabilityrights.org/brief_JuvJust_101802.html | |
80. Air Force Crossroads / Education Gives tips for helping your learning disabled student with special Education WebLinks Compiled by the College Online at the University of arkansas at Little http://www.afcrossroads.com/education/special_resources.cfm | |
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