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61. Arizona Cultural Webquest and Native American culture because they are two prominent cultures in arizona. Visit the school s media center or public library to gather books and resources http://azarted.org/pages/culturewebquest.htm | |
62. Institutional Members Directory College Telelearning media Services; American State University Communication Department; arizona State University Walter Cronkite school of Journalism; http://www.beaweb.org/instmembers.html | |
63. Senator Jon Kyl Press Office Home media Resources As a result, arizona schools will receive an additional $40.5 million, or a increase, in federal funding for the 20042005 school year. http://kyl.senate.gov/record.cfm?id=219221 |
64. ShawGuides, Inc. | Photography, Film & New Media Workshops sponsor listings and the following month s Photography, Film New media Workshop Calendar Venice school of Photography new web email tip 3- to 14-day arizona. http://photoworkshops.shawguides.com/ | |
65. The Foundation For Blind Children - Media Services Instructional Resource Center is the state media center and library students in the State of arizona who are provision, billed to the student s school district http://www.the-fbc.org/mediaCenter/ | |
66. Two Arizona Schools Among Recipients Of HP Educational Aid - 2004-05-11 - The Bu arizona University in Flagstaff were the arizona grant winners at more than $35,000 for each school team, will teams up with HP on digital media platform » HP http://www.bizjournals.com/phoenix/stories/2004/05/10/daily24.html?jst=m_ln_hl |
67. ALA | School And Public Library Coop Eligibility US and Canadian school library media centers (an individual library media center or entire district s library media services programs) and the http://www.ala.org/ala/yalsa/professsionaldev/schoolpublic.htm | |
68. Techlearning > > A Career Center Curriculum > September 1, 2003 for curriculum, the career presentations were aligned with the arizona standards to for the reports is done in the Career Center and the school s media center. http://www.techlearning.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=13100798 |
69. About The ETC -- Similar Programs Visualization Laboratory, Texas A M The Center for Digital Arts at Pratt Institute Arts, media and Engineering at arizona State University school of Film and http://www.etc.cmu.edu/about/similar_programs.htm | |
70. Nieer.org - News And Events child care for the needy and publicly grade daycare centers based on Bold early-education proposal pitched The plan from the arizona school Readiness Board http://nieer.org/news/archive.php?StateID=AZ |
71. UANews.org | Arts News UA Channel (Cox/Comcast 76) present the arizona Repertory television is chosen by the UA school of Theatre media Exhibit at CCP art media center for creative http://uanews.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/UANews.woa/wa/ArtsCurrent | |
72. UANews.org | Arts News media Exhibit at CCP art media center for creative Presents Little Shop of Horrors arizona Repertory Theatre s UA s school of Theatre Arts Presents Season http://uanews.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/UANews.woa/3/wa/ArtsCurrent | |
73. Arizona Education News - Media Monitoring Service By EIN News Northern arizona Youth Orchestra will perform a Sinagua High school juniors Shannon Martin, violinist http://www.einnews.com/arizona/newsfeed-ArizonaEducation | |
74. Arizona School Of Dentistry & Oral Health The opening of arizonaÂs first dental school received extensive media coverage throughout the state including broadcast coverage on Phoenix http://www.asdoh.atsu.edu/pr/archives/2003/opening_ceremony.htm | |
75. 09.18.2003 - New Center To Improve Technology-enhanced Teaching And Learning Of By Kathleen Maclay, media Relations 18 September 2003. Diablo unified school districts In arizona, Tempe public schools are part of the project, while in North http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2003/09/18_center.shtml | |
76. NonProfit And Charitable Organizations - Volunteer In Phoenix for Blind Children The school, switchboard, media center and technology center can use your help. Free Arts for Abused Children of arizona This unique http://phoenix.about.com/od/volunteer/ | |
77. Regional, North America, United States, Arizona, Education: School Libraries Canyon Del Oro High school Library Tucson, AZ; Cholla Middle school Library media Center - school library in northwest Phoenix provides information for parents http://www.combose.com/Regional/North_America/United_States/Arizona/Education/Sc | |
78. Women's History Month :: Danbury, CT Independent Media Center :: Women and the Women s Center of Greater Danbury (and all CT Women s centers). of a Women s History Week within their own organizations, school districts, and http://www.madhattersimc.org/print.php?sid=2878 |
79. Higher Education Center: What Campuses Are Doing The University of arizona Campus Health Service Social Norms for conducting a social norms print media campaign. norms messages in backto-school campaigns for http://www.edc.org/hec/socialnorms/campuses/ | |
80. Template Our specials are PE, media Center, Music, and Computer Lab. Our students still wear shorts to school on many days. arizona has little rainfall each year. http://www.genevaschools.org/austinbg/class/gray/internet/electronic/az.htm | |
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