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21. Private Schools Serve Students With Special N... Â [Michigan Education Report] schools to help handicapped and learning disabled children like Bradley achieve their full academic potential. Nearly 120 000 students are diagnosed with special learning needs http://www.educationreport.org/article.asp?ID=1675 |
22. Central Arizona College - Heiland Vita 1998 Â Present Central arizona College, Coolidge, AZ. students, VeteranÂs,and disabled adults to grant application reviewer for special needs Projects. http://www.centralaz.edu/class/lhvita.htm | |
23. Royal Palm Middle School disabled resource, emotionally disabled selfcontained special Facilities, ExtracurricularActivities, Community Services. as mandated by arizona Revised Statute 15 http://www.wesd.k12.az.us/Schools/royal.htm | |
24. TeachingArts.org : Visual Arts Community : General Resources > Special Needs Located in Tucson, arizona, Arts For All currently has twelve site relating to artand the disabled. and exhibition opportunities for special needs artists and http://www.teachingarts.org/visualArts/directory/15/generalResources/specialNeed | |
25. TeachingArts.org : Theatre Community : General Resources > Special Needs Located in Tucson, arizona, Arts For All currently therapeutic theatre workshops topopulations with special needs. human potential in the disabled community. http://www.teachingarts.org/theatre/directory/17/generalResources/specialNeeds | |
26. Crane Elementary School District growing, progressive district in Yuma County, arizona. to serve children with thefollowing special needs and Language Impaired; Severely Emotionally disabled; http://www.familyeducation.com/page/0,1871,10041-29445-9-1460,00.html | |
27. Council Of Parent Attorneys And Advocates NewsWatch arizona. AZ District sues disabled 5thgrader AP/arizona Republic 4/10/99 . PAParents attack plan to trim special-needs preschool Phila Inquirer 3/3/99. http://www.copaa.net/newstand/newslist.html | |
28. IPS-L Special Education Internships volunteer in the DEEP program (disabled Education children with fetal alcohol syndromeor other special needs. through the University of arizona; and teach http://www.ipsl.org/programs/specialed.html |
29. SEDL - SCRTEC: Database Of K-12 Resources - Special Needs children, as well as the emotionally and learning disabled. Education at the Peoriaschool district in arizona. (14) Technology for Students with special needs. http://www.southcentralrtec.org/talon/subjects/specialneeds.html | |
30. Choosing Your ChildâÂÂs School schools also have special provision for children with particular needs. For example,they may have good access for physicallydisabled pupils or special http://www.direct.gov.uk/Audiences/DisabledPeopleAndCarers/Learning/Schools/Scho |
31. Education By Hipolito R. Corella arizona DAILY STAR Howenstine High is no longer just for disabledkids. Tucson public schools did not extend to specialneeds students. http://www.azstarnet.com/education/specialed.html | |
32. Arizona Daily Star By Ernesto Portillo Jr. arizona DAILY STAR The school is not for studentswith special needs, whether they re gifted or disabled. http://www.azstarnet.com/clips/020323catholicEd.html | |
33. WELCOME TO THE CITY OF PHOENIX, ARIZONA is reflected in its employees, who represent the rich heritage of arizona. percentof the children in the program are disabled or have other special needs. http://phoenix.gov/CITZASST/hsdeduc.html | |
34. WELCOME TO THE CITY OF PHOENIX, ARIZONA is reflected in employees who represent the rich heritage of arizona. 13 percentof the children in the program are disabled or have other special needs. http://phoenix.gov/CITZASST/hsdedu01.html | |
35. Special Needs News & Views (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) a similar scholarship program for nondisabled kids. program as a model for reformingspecial education. said there is interest in Utah, arizona and Connecticut http://www.susanohanian.org/show_special_news.html?id=44 |
36. Special Needs News & Views (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) could not use IDEA funds to pay for disabled students to of battle; Parents fightmove by Gilbert district arizona Republic 200307 INDEX OF special needs NEWS. http://www.susanohanian.org/show_special_news.html?id=5 |
37. The Foundation For A Better Life Nicole R. Grubbs, The arizona Daily Star 12 severely and profoundly disabled studentsat inclusion specialist, Nieminen integrates specialneeds students into http://www.forbetterlife.org/news/news_story.asp?newsID=385 |
38. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Editorial There are powerful lessons in arizona and Missouri should let DOE proceed unfetteredwith specialneeds program. of the school program for disabled children are http://starbulletin.com/2001/06/04/editorial/editorials.html |
39. New Battlegrounds - Vol 13 No 1 - Rethinking Schools Online school has more limited rights to special education services issue of Education Leadershipthat arizona charter school We can t teach those disabled children http://www.rethinkingschools.org/archive/13_01/speced.shtml | |
40. English Only Legislation -- Arizona CONSEQUENCE, THE EXISTENCE OF SUCH special INDIVIDUAL needs ONCE EACH YEAR TO ALLARIZONA PUBLIC SCHOOLCHILDREN CLASSIFIED AS SEVERELY LEARNING disabled MAY BE http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/JWCRAWFORD/echar.htm | |
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