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62. Missouri Foundation For Health - Links & Resources for improving results for children, youth, and families. following priority areas1) child maltreatment, 2 Information Available youth Violence A Report of http://www.mffh.org/youthviolencelinks.php | |
63. S.T.A.R. ---- Student Teacher Academic Resources Annie E. Casey Foundation (AEC); arizona Kids Net Extension children, youth FamilyPublications by State; Extension Foster Parent Home Page; Future of children; http://coe.etsu.edu/department/cuai/starlinks/parents.htm | |
64. Women's Health This demonstration grant in Nogales, arizona stimulates positive Ryan White Care ActTitle IV youth Site the populations of women, infants, children, and youth http://www.hrsa.gov/WomensHealth/usmexico.htm | |
65. Academic Achievement: Homeless Education Guidance for the Education for Homeless children and youth Program Title XC, is AcademicAchievement Division arizona Department of Education 1535 West http://www.ade.state.az.us/asd/homeless/ | |
Educational ServicesEducation ProgramsSchool EffectivenessSpecial Education ... AZ LEARNS subMenu 7-1 subMenu 7-2 subMenu 7-3 subMenu 7-4 subMenu 7-5 Annual ReportE-RateGrants ManagementProcurement ... Charter School Search Superintendent Tom Horne Find A School School Report Cards Programs Teacher Certification Rsrch/Standards/Acctblty Board of Education Financial Education Contact ADE About ADE Resource Center Academic Achievement Homeless EducationMission To ensure that homeless children and youth have access to a free, appropriate public education, comparable to that provided to the children of any Arizona resident and consistent with Arizona's mandatory school attendance laws. Program Description Title X-C of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires equal access to education for homeless children and provides funds for state and local activities to provide such access. The Academic Achievement Division (AAD) develops and implements a state plan for educating homeless children and youth, and provides technical assistance to local education agencies, (LEAS) and public and private social service agencies on appropriate services for homeless children. The Academic Achievement Divison also provides and administers grants to local education agencies to provide direct educational and support services to homeless children and youth.
66. Easter Seals New Hampshire: Resources to technology opportunities for children, youth and adults question about raisingyour child with a Go select state. http://nh.easterseals.com/site/PageServer?pagename=NHDR_resources&s_esLocation=r |
67. Arizona Child Review Panel Report (2002):Â Part 1 from DCYF Administration for children, youth and Families of care available toother children in the Council) and distributed to arizona s Medical Examiners http://www.hs.state.az.us/cfhs/azcf/cr01_part1.htm | |
68. Special Needs Resoruces Northern arizona Regional Behavioral Health Authority (NARBHA) Apache, Coconino NationalInformation Center for children and youth with Disabilities (NICHEY http://www.hs.state.az.us/phs/ocshcn/specresor.htm | |
69. Southeastern Arizona Community Resource Directory a position of risk to one of resilience, youth. first Europeans who came to southernArizona and of range of issues that affect families and children, Education. http://www.arizonacommunity.com/arizona/results.asp?view=All |
70. Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: State Resources: Maryland 0182 (in MD only) family Information Specialist Office for children, youth, andFamilies http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/maryland.html | |
71. Oklahomacity.babyzone.com -- Your Local Guide To Pregnancy And Parenting Resourc MidDel youth family Center A community youth service agency which provides In-office *Also an Emergency youth Shelter for children birth to age 18 http://oklahomacity.babyzone.com/parentresources.asp?type=Family Safety |
72. Foundation Consortium: Staff and Community Development for the West Region (arizona, California and policy toimprove outcomes for atrisk children, youth and families in California. http://www.foundationconsortium.org/who/staff.html | |
73. Washington County, MN - Child Care Resource Referr Development, the University of Minnesota children, youth Families ConsortiumElectronic Regional Child Care Resource and Referral programs collect the http://www.co.washington.mn.us/info_for_residents/community_services/child_care_ | |
74. Disadvantaged Youth Initiative - 2002 Grants AIDS in developing permanency plans for their children. which targets abused and neglectedyouth who are ending oppression on individual, family, and community http://www.publicwelfare.org/grants/disadvantaged_youth/2002_grants.asp | |
75. Disadvantaged Youth Initiative - 2003 Grants to advocate for more just policies, practices and distribution of resources for children,youth and families. ToGa-He-Yo-He youth Ranch Harlem, MT, $25,000. http://www.publicwelfare.org/grants/disadvantaged_youth/2003_grants.asp | |
76. SERA Learning Understanding Responses to Tragedy arizona State University has has been createdto help children understand the Choices for youth - Choices for youth is a http://www.sera.com/index.php?section=resources&option=resources&page=resources |
77. NCCIC. Information Products. Child Care In Rural Communities: Annotated Resource instance, in 11 States (Alabama, arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut stories from childrenand youth living in Services, the Administration for children and Families http://www.nccic.org/poptopics/rural.html | |
78. State Departments Of Juvenile Justice Corrections Government Page arizona Department of children, youth and Families SecondDistrict Court of Missing and Exploited children Clearinghouse Juvenile http://www.fsu.edu/~crimdo/jjclearinghouse/jjstate.html | |
79. Untitled Document for children and youth with Disabilities; Special Ed. safety and wellbeing of infants,children and young FAS Community Resource Center in arizona; The Fetal http://www.thearc.org/related-links.htm | |
80. National Resource Center For Information Technology And Child Welfare Joe, Loftus, The youth Campus. David, Longo, arizona Department of Economic Security. Leon,Saunders, Rhode Island Department of children, youth and Families. http://www.nrcitcw.org/nrcitcw_conf/nrcitcw_attend2003.html | |
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