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1. The World Bank - Indigenous Peoples Implementing Agency National Institute of Indigenous Affairs (INAI) Country and Sector Background. argentina indigenous peoples are among Argentina's poorest. citizens, traditionally http://wbln0018.worldbank.org/essd/essd.nsf/0/d76988d97b75658f852568180076d1e7?O |
2. Indigenous Peoples In Latin America - LANIC indigenous peoples. Regional Resources. The Amazon Aymara Net Various Information Relating to the Aymaras in Bolivia, Peru, Chile, argentina, and Ecuador http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/indigenous | |
3. South America argentina, and Chile. Quechua, spoken by the Inca, is the most widely spoken languagein South America. Since the Spanish conquest indigenous peoples have been http://www.indigenouspeople.net/americas/southam/ | |
4. Mapuche International Link To raise awareness of indigenous peoples, in particular the Mapuche of Chile and argentina, in their struggle for justice, freedom, land rights, the environment and selfdetermination. http://www.mapuche-nation.org |
5. The Legacy Project: Legacy Events Index Australia has not brought the quality of life of its indigenous peoples up to StevenDeo, United States Sangre de Sures, Teresa Pereda, argentina Sangre de http://www.legacy-project.org/events/display.html?ID=22 |
6. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Argentina - Indigenous Law Comunidades AborÃgenes de la República argentina Search Provides informationon Argentinian indigenous peoples and some commentaries on legislation; http://www.worldlii.org/catalog/2513.html | |
7. Indigenous Peoples indigenous peoples on the Gateway a community promoting knowledge exchanges among indigenous organizations, donors, governments and civil society to promote indigenous development and rights. Education and indigenous peoples. indigenous Development. indigenous Cultures and Languages Angola. Antigua and Barbuda. argentina. Aruba. Australia. Bahamas. Bangladesh http://www.developmentgateway.org/topic?page_id=3678 |
8. Indigenous Peoples on the Rights of indigenous peoples and Environment ( español) Select Country argentina. Bolivia. Brazil PANAMA Do indigenous peoples have the right to decide about their own http://www.itpcentre.org/leg_index.htm | |
9. Indigenous Peoples' Rights & Advocacy Organizations variety of organizations involved with human rights and indigenous peoples. Some of these organizations, along with 2728 Melincue (Sante Fe) argentina. Commission on Human Rights http://www.aaanet.org/committees/cfhr/orgindig.htm | |
10. Protecting Indigenous Peoples' Privacy From "Eyes In The Sky" Protecting indigenous peoples' Privacy. from "Eyes in the Sky" Wayne Madsen. Lead Scientist. Computer Sciences Corporation. Integrated Systems Division. Falls Church, Virginia. Abstract Grand Council of the Crees (Canada) Guarani People (argentina) Gull Bay Indian Band (Canada http://www.spatial.maine.edu/tempe/madsen.html | |
11. Indigenous Peoples Declaration Against Of United States Invasion Of Iraq argentina. Conferencia Permanente de Pueblos IndÃgenas COPPIP. Peru. InforCauca .Colombia. Information Network of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. INIPA. http://www.freepeltier.org/indigenous_declaration.htm | |
12. Racial Discrimination In Argentina argentina's indigenous peoples face struggles concerning fundamental issues of survival, maintenance of of adequate census data on indigenous peoples, and make it difficult to http://academic.udayton.edu/race/06hrights/georegions/southamerica/argentina01.h | |
13. Leonard Peltier Case | October 12, 2002 | International Indigenous Peoples Day E this October 12th include mobilizations in argentina by the COPA Day in Solidaritywith Native peoples of the of Honor the Earth, and indigenous Women Network). http://www.freepeltier.org/iipd_events.htm | |
14. Worldwatch Paper 112.html: Guardians Of The Land: Indigenous Peoples And The Hea into dominant societies, according to Guardians of the Land indigenous peoples and the Health of the Earth of a Guarani elder from argentina, "When the Indians vanish, the rest http://www.worldwatch.org/pubs/paper/112.html | |
15. Choike : Indigenous Peoples . Source NGLS. indigenous peoples Fri Apr 23 2004 Day of global action againstBenetton The multinational Benetton owns massive amounts of land in argentina. http://www.choike.org/nuevo_eng/4/34/links.html | |
16. Conclusions Of First Meeting Of Indigenous Peoples Of The Paraguay Basin Subject indigenous peoples meeting Paraguay Basin/Hidrovia communities in argentina and in Bolivia. Later, it is proposed that there be a second encounter of indigenous peoples of http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/073.html | |
17. Choike: All The News indigenous peoples Fri Apr 23 2004 Day of global action against BenettonThe multinational Benetton owns massive amounts of land in argentina. http://www.choike.org/nuevo_eng/4/34/noticias.html | |
18. Indigenous Peoples and spiritual leaders representing many indigenous peoples throughout the Americas, gathered in San annual meeting which is scheduled for October 1997 in Bariloche, argentina. http://www.itpcentre.org/me_initial.htm | |
19. World Bank Group | Indigenous Peoples | Achievements And Impacts indigenous and AfroEcuadorian peoples Development Project, the argentina indigenousProtected Areas Project, Bolivia indigenous peoples Development Project http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/ESSD/sdvext.nsf/63ByDocName/AchievementsandImpacts | |
20. Indigenous Peoples & 3W i.) CONNECTION WITH THE LAND indigenous peoples regard land as the basis of argentina sWichi Indians refer to Llakha Honhat (on the borders of argentina http://www.thirdway.org/files/world/all3wnow.html | |
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