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         Argentina History:     more books (100)
  1. Peronism and Argentina (Latin American Silhouettes) by James P. Brennan, 1998-06-28
  2. From Pale to Pampa: A Social History of the Jews of Buenos Aires by Eugene Sofer, 1982-12
  3. A History of the Argentine Republic by Frederick A. Kirkpatrick, 1978-06
  4. Understanding Argentina by Alfred Barnaby Thomas, 1949
  5. Art from Argentina
  6. Jews of Argentina: From the Inquisition to Peron by Robert Weisbrot, Robert Murciano, 1979-06
  7. La Argentina Dentro de Marti by Raul Valdes Vivo, 1995-07
  8. Monedas de la Republica Argentina by Arnaldo J. Cunietti-Ferrando, 1978
  9. From <i>Parsifal</i> to Peron: Early Radio in Argentina, 1920-1944 by ROBERT H. CLAXTON, 2007-09-16
  10. Breve historia de la Argentina (COLECCION HISTORIA) (Humanidades / Humanities) by Jorge Saborido, Luciano De Privitellio, 2006-01-01
  11. Argentina: From Anarchism to Personalism by Ronaldo Munck, Ricardo Falcon, et all 1987-02
  12. Argentina Gesta Britanica - Tomo II Parte B by Emilio Manuel Fernandez -. Gomez, 1998-05
  13. The Falklands War 1982 (Essential Histories) by Duncan Anderson, 2002-02-25
  14. Horizontalidad: Voces de Poder Popular en Argentina

101. Tango History. Tango Singers. Tango Dancers . Tango Musicians .
TANGO. Hernán Salinas, a great singer of these days. Hernán Salinas. Click here to read about him. Pablo Verón. A great dancer of this days.
TANGO Hernán Salinas. Click here to read about him
Pablo Verón. A great dancer of this days
Click on the banner to buy Tango CD´ES
The last decade has seen a world-wide explosion of interest in the most unlikely places. In London you can tango every night of the week; in tiny towns in Holland, Germany, even Norway and Finland (where it has been declared as national music and dance) , tango aficionados gather together night after night. Japan has its own tango sub-culture . Due to this impossibility of understanding by other audiences, the diffusion of tango was difficult and was basically approached through dance, which was earlier than tango itself in its most characteristic musical format (let alone sung tango, which arrived much later). It is clear that tango culture, understood as some particular usages and customs, is earlier than tango as an artistic expression. Salon dances involving a man and a woman embracing were the precedent for tango, which was refined until it became what has long been known as tango. Somebody said: -Tango is something else than a soft wave turned into music, it is the deepest dance in the world -, and he who spoke these words was not Argentine. The truth is that it must be acknowledged that it represents the last step in the universal dance evolution as regards dances of mixed couples. What started with dance was eventually coming of age in the expert hands of great men, who, inspired in the popular melting pot, captured the richest part of the Buenos Aires culture in their compositions. Themes always refer to the ordinary man and his problems, the city and memories. Thus, tango becomes a portrayal of Buenos Aires and its people. For this reason, undoubtedly, since the best of the Buenos Aires culture is carried in each song, tango gained ground abroad.

Especial del diario La Naci³n, sobre prevenci³n, educaci³n, tratamientos, la familia, dependencias, droga y estado, legislaci³n, tr¡nsito y consumo en la argentina.
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Suscripción a revistas: Lugares Living Rolling Stone Jardín

103. Radical Tradition Main Index - An Australasian History Page Of Working Class Str
Radical Tradition An Australasian history Page - Articles on the history of working class struggle and anarchism in Australia. Main Index page or Wrong. A history of the Ship Painters and
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powered by FreeFind Through studying the lessons of the past, Radical Tradition works for the creation of social and political structures which allow all people equal decision making power and equal access to society's wealth. Last Updated:
15 May 2004 News:
15 May 2004 - New pages on the Eureka 2004 150th anniversary coming up on 3rd December, as well reports of the Eureka 2003 anniversary and the Eureka Story page. Obituary on Jim Cairns (1914 - 2003) and an article called ' Cairns On revolution '. New material by Dick Curlewis (1917-2002) on the 1989 Pilots dispute Anarchist gatherings site reports from Anarchist Teaparty National Symposium in Aotearoa in December 2003, and Anarcon 4 held in Perth in January 2004. 1 May 2004 - My Union Right or Wrong. A History of the Ship Painters and Dockers Union 1900 to 1932. By Issy Wyner. This history brings alive the spirit of radical democracy and mateship in the trade union movement in the first decades of the twentieth century. A valuable resource to present and future historians of the labour movement and radicalism in Australia. 30 May 2003 - Make MABO DAY - 3 June - an Australian Public Holiday seeks to recognise the historic achievement of Eddie Mabo in overturning the fiction of 'Terra Nullius'. Thirty years ago, in 1973

104. Delegación De La Comisión Europea Para Argentina
Informaci³n sobre los diferentes acuerdos entre la Uni³n Europea y la argentina, el intercambio comercial, como as­ tambi©n sobre el proceso de negociaciones entre la UE y el Mercosur para la creaci³n de una Asociaci³n InterRegional que incluir¡ la liberalizaci³n del comercio como tambi©n la profundizaci³n de la cooperaci³n y el di¡logo pol­tico.

105. InterRed Social | Argentina
Social Investment Fund, that supports community organizations of the poorest populations of the country, in the execution of small projects tending to the solution of problems that affects this population.
The Participative Social Investment Fund (FOPAR) is one of the more recently created funds (December 1995) in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. It share with other social investment funds the idea of constituting a transparent instrument in the handling of the financing for projects originated through the demand of communities in extreme poverty. For its formulation many factor have been considered: the characteristic features of poverty in Argentina- particularly in the North of the country- and the main conceptual axes of the social policy and the advances and difficulties observed in other social investment funds of Latin America. Our objective is to secure a transparent mechanism to financing community initiatives, promoting the participation, organization and leadership of the same communities in the resolution of their necessities. The program puts special emphasis in the community participation along the whole cycle of a project. We understand participation as a process of "empowerment" of communities and we propitiate direct participation of beneficiaries, which signifies selfmanagement and direct control of the funds. In this sense, we try to incorporate the demands of the population by means of the growing leadership of the local instances, the application of new models of sub-project administration and the promotion of articulations among the different institutional levels of the social development area.

106. Index
General info about lodging and travel services, accommodations and packages.

107. Conectando
Edici³n en l­nea de esta obra en forma completa, que abarca el estudio de las relaciones externas de argentinas desde las invasiones inglesas de 1806 hasta el final del gobierno de Alfons­n en 1989.

108. Regalos Vip
Venta de flores y bombones, regalos de casamiento y regalos empresariales entre otros.
Derechos Reservados Qualität Gruppe S.H.

109. - = | Cámara Argentina De Informática | =
Organizaci³n que agrupa a los profesionales, comerciantes y t©cnicos de la informatica.
Esta página usa marcos, pero su explorador no los admite.

110. Buscador Político De Argentina
Bºsqueda de sitios pol­ticos, culturales, sociales, econ³micos, universitarios, comunitarios y gubernamentales y publicaci³n de noticias de actualidad pol­tica.

111. Argentina: FACPCE, Federación Argentina De Consejos Profesionales De Ciencias E
Facpce es la organizaci³n central que nuclea a 24 asociaciones profesionales regionales de ciencias econ³micas en la argentina.
Novedades Nota presentada ante AFIP sobre sistemas informaticos Gacetilla "Armonización de Normas Contables Argentinas"
Memorando de Secretaría Técnica C-51 "Efectos contables del Decreto 664/03 y sus implicancias para el auditor y el síndico".
... ver más información
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Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad. U$S 45

Consulte Importantes Descuentos.
Fax: Mail:
Incluye RT 19, 20, Res 229, 237, 240, 241 y 249.
Cambios Respecto del P8RT
Proyecto 10 de RT

Resumen Proyecto 10 de RT
15 de Marzo de 2004 Encuesta Proyecto 10 de RT Boletin 50
Boletines Anteriores
En salud, su Consejo y la
FACPCE. trabajan para Ud...
...con los Fondos Solidarios para

112. La Argentina En La BitBlioteca
Contiene acta de la declaraci³n de la Independencia, constituciones directorio de casas editoriales en la argentina, manifiesto de C³rdoba 1918, la Reforma Universitaria, Jorge Luis Borges, y art­culos de inter©s.

Comentarios a La BitBlioteca , Director Autores Servicios Argentina Buscadores Caracas Colombia ... Venezuela La Argentina en La BitBlioteca Omar Blanco Jorge Luis Borges en La BitBlioteca
  • Mempo Giardinelli en La BitBlioteca
    • Jorge Eduardo Padula Perkins
    Ricardo Piglia
  • Horacio Quiroga
  • . Reservados todos los derechos.
  • 113. Argentina
    Research page with editorial and opinion articles, news and related information from the Global macroeconomic and Financial Policy Site at the New York University.
    Home Previous Discussion Search ... NYU-Stern
    Argentina Introduction News (from The end of the affair? Economist Feb 18, 2004) ARGENTINA and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) go back a long way. In 1991, Argentina’s foreign minister famously declared that he was seeking “carnal relations” with Washington. The White House never fully requited this desire. But the IMF has been in and out of bed with Argentina ever since, offering advice (between 1991 and 2002, it sent around 50 missions to the country) and money (at the beginning of this year, Argentina owed the IMF $16 billion). In December 2001, of course, the couple endured the messiest of break-ups. The IMF stopped pouring money into the defence of Argentina’s indefensible currency peg (at parity with the dollar); Argentina defaulted, devalued the peso, and descended into economic and political turmoil. Now the terms of its relationship with the Fund are once again in flux. Last September, the IMF agreed to lend Argentina $13.5 billion, handed out in stages over three years, to help the country repay past loans. In return, Argentina would reform its economy and negotiate in good faith with the private creditors who hold $88 billion of sovereign debt it no longer services. Next month, the IMF will review its progress and decide whether or not to hand over the next slice of the funds. But Argentina is not waiting passively for the Fund’s approval. Néstor Kirchner, the country’s fiery president, has threatened not to repay $3 billion due to the Fund on March 9th unless the IMF guarantees to keep sending the cheques.

    114. Ambasciata D
    Buenos Aires Rete consolare, relazioni commerciali, relazioni scientifiche.
    Ambasciata d'Italia Buenos Aires Risoluzione massima (almeno 800 x 600) con caratteri piccoli Risoluzione minima Questa pagina e' stata visitata Pagina a cura del Capo della Segreteria dell' Ambasciatore - Segr. Leg. Marco Alberti

    115. MedikSoft - Informática Médica
    Software para consultorios y cl­nicas turnos, facturaci³n, auditor­a e historia cl­nica informatizada.
    M DIK Soft Informática Médica Aplicada QUIENES SOMOS Objetivos Equipo de trabajo A C T I V I D A D E S Capacitación Servicios a Profesionales SOFTWARE Gestión Médica Historia Clínica Soporte Técnico DOWNLOAD Demo Interactiva Gestión de Turnos AREA DE CLIENTES Ingrese su Clave ENTRAR Preguntas Frecuentes FAQ on line OPORTUNIDADES DE NEGOCIOS Ofertas a Socios Comerciales, Usuarios y Desarrolladores L I N K S Informática Médica ¿Qué es M DIK M DIK es un sistema informático específicamente diseñado para la atención de pacientes en centros de salud, clínicas o consultorios particulares Es un sistema compacto con un diseño simple y sólido fácil de usar. El sistema funciona en un entorno Microsoft Windows muy amigable, está

    116. ILatina B2B - ILatina Business Services
    Offers ERP services (LABS Latin American Business Solution), in ASP Modality (Application Service Providers)and consulting services in business analysis.

    117. Guido Galafassi - Argentina On Fire
    Article by Guido Galafassi covering the potbanging protest of December 2001 and its relation with the military regime of 1976-1983.
    Argentina on fire: people’s rebellion facing the deep crisis of the neoliberal market economy
    Argentina is the name of a country whose elites for almost two centuries intended to shape it as a “Nation – State”, that is to say a country with a representative ‘democracy’ and a developed capitalist economy. This was the intention , but obviously as a semi-peripherical country, Argentina has never achieved that aim, which was restricted only to central countries. However, at present Argentina is just a simple market, a place geographically located in which speculative interests of big international corporations as well as those of dominant social classes, both local and foreign, coexist. Undoubtedly, Argentina is one of the major “ neoliberal peripherical experiments” planned by the International Monetary Fund” ( IMF) and executed by the national and multinational corporations being assisted by traditional political parties. Considering the large profits of big capital sent abroad and the constantly increasing growth of poverty and social exclusion, the model has been a success. Meanwhile, the neoliberal “celebration” based mainly on the “economic greediness” was reaching an end.

    118. All About Argentina
    Accommodations, photos, sightseeing, geography, art and entertainment, sports and recreation, information and links, primarily for visitors.
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Travel South America for Visitors Home ... Survivor All Stars zau(256,152,180,'gob',''+gs,''); Top Attractions Countries A - E Countries F-V Plan Your Trip ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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    Guide picks Accommodations, photos, sightseeing, geography, art and entertainment, sports and recreation, and more related resources about Argentina from Buenos Aires and Iguazú Falls to the tip of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego
    All About Argentina

    Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires and Iguazu Falls, Nahuel Huapi, dinosaurs, Patagonia, glaciers, regional differences, the Northwestern provinces, and more about Argentina. Argentina Travel Planner
    Accommodations, geography, history, sightseeing and more information to help you plan your travel to and around Argentina. Books about Argentina
    Guide selected books cover a wide range of topics, from travel planning to politics, history, touring, wildlife, flora and fauna, cultural studies, human rights, cuisine government, military matters, arts and crafts, sports and more information to learn about Argentina. Pictures of Argentina
    Click on any photo, organized by region, for a description or an interesting fact.

    Fabrica la l­nea completa de l¡mparas incandescentes standard y s­licas, fantas­a y reflectoras, para veh­culos y tubos fluorescentes.


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    OSRAM en el mundo ...
    Eventos / Novedades

    120. - Mar Del Plata
    Confederaci³n argentina de Judo. Escuela Miyazato de Karate do, Tai Chi Chuan, Aikido Aikikai argentina, Taekwondo ITF.
    Esta página usa marcos, pero su explorador no los admite.

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