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1. PNAS -- Abstracts: DeLong 89 (12): 5685 Composition of arctic Ocean Archaeal Assemblages and Comparison with Antarctic Assemblages. Appl. envir. Microbiol Picoplankton in Different Oceanic regions by SmallSubunit rRNA http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/89/12/5685 | |
2. ESRI Conservation Program global, ifafrica, ic-arctic/antarctic, ia-asia/australia/oceania AFRICA-EIS African envir GIS Listserver "africa-eis@tome and Development in Coastal regions and in Small Islands http://www.conservationgis.org/links/earthmaster.html | |
3. EEA - Reports - Europe's Biodiversity - Biogeographical Regions And Seas - The B Europe's biodiversity biogeographical regions and seas Vol 1. Antarctic, arctic, Mediterranean, Northwest Atlantic, Northeast Atlantic Sea environment web site www.envir.ee/baltics http://reports.eea.eu.int/report_2002_0524_154909/en/page141.html | |
4. ENVIR/UK Pag Deux this water mass to complete its South/North, or Antarcticarctic journey, can thanthe cold water at the bottom) in the Antarctic polar regions is helped http://www.antarctica.org/UK/Envirn/pag/ocean_UK/fleuves_UK.htm | |
5. EnviroOne - One Stop Environmental Center An almost brand new site filled with information. www.envir.ee/ehp/ centre in the world, covering both the arctic and Antarctic regions. It is part of the Faculty http://www.enviroone.com/searchresults.php?searchtext=Cleanup/Remediation |
6. Annular Modes for trend determination. Sci. Total envir., 265, 115129 Indian and South-West Pacific regions Since 1300 AD variations of the arctic, Antarctic Oscillations and ozone layer http://www.atmos.colostate.edu/ao/ResPapers/AllPapers.html | |
7. GERG hinder the passage of legislation currently before Congress. Antarctic and arctic environmental Research have been studying environmental processes in polar regions for more than http://www.gerg.tamu.edu/menu_aboutus/refl.html | |
8. PUSHCHINO SCIENTIFIC CENTRE of the World ocean, seas, the arctic and Antarctic regions , The Cryolitic ProjectNATO envir.LG 972730 Palaeoclimate and Palaeoenvironment from magnetic http://www.psn.ru/english/psc/structure/ifh.shtml |
9. PNAS -- Chen Et Al. 94 (8): 3817 antifreeze glycoproteins in Antarctic notothenioid fish and arctic cod endemic to the Antarctic regionswith no northern Shuttle Vectors. Appl. envir. Microbiol., September 1, 2000 http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/94/8/3817 | |
10. GERG of 600,000 liters of diesel fuel arctic (DFA) to the location of USAP s largest Antarcticbase, confirmed environmental processes in polar regions for more http://www-gerg.tamu.edu/menu_aboutus/refl.html | |
11. Environ. & Conservation Australian Antarctic Division Australian Greenhouse Office Australian plants andanimals in a region and a to Read a Climograph arctic Tundra Deciduous http://www.shambles.net/pages/school/Envir/ | |
12. The Following Models And Approaches Are Used In The Suggested Conference on Environmental Radioactivity in the arctic and Antarctic, S.Petersburg RussianNuclear Fleet Operations on Russian Far Eastern Coastal regions. http://glwww.dmi.dk/f u/luft/eng/arctic-risk/PRES1/AMAP_Spr02/EGA02_MAG/ERA02_Ma |
13. Miljo21 Archive: Internet Newsbrief September 6, 1996 Updated daily, regular features include regional news, current and back issues, and TheInstitute specializes in topics relating to the arctic, Antarctic or to http://www.hgur.se/envir/miljo21/old/0176.html | |
14. Eakin Antarctic Science 10, 257268. Etkin, DA (1990). Greenhouse warming consequencesfor arctic climate. Journal of Cold regions Engineering 4, 54-56. http://www.pacinst.org/CCWildlife_e.htm | |
15. Ccwildlife_e 10 Antarctic Science, 257268. Etkin DA (1990) Greenhouse warming consequencesfor arctic climate. 4 Journal of Cold regions Engineering, 54-56. http://eelink.net/~asilwildlife/ccwildlife_e.html | |
16. College Of Letters And Science their totality and how they are situated and lived in specific regions. jurisdiction(such as seabed mining, marine life, arctic and antarctic areas), and http://www.wisc.edu/pubs/ug/10lettsci/depts/intlrel.html | |
17. McConnell's Significant Research Contributions active chlorine concentrations on the Antarctic ozone spring and JW Sandilands, Calculationsof arctic ozone chemistry of Ozone in the Polar regions , ed. H http://www.yorku.ca/esse/McConnell/atmos/mcsrc.html | |
18. Progetto Di Ricerca Proposto Da : Translate this page Ricci CA (Ed.), The Antarctic Region Geological Evolution and Processes. arctic,Antarctic. PCBs in Adriatic sediments. Fresenius envir. Bull.,2, 25-30, 1993. http://www.montagna.org/Comitato-EvK2-CNR/3ype/06 Environmental sciences.html | |
19. 1. The Climate Change - Agriculture Conundrum ozone layer, mainly in the Antarctic region, may negatively predicted to occur insome regions provides possibilities arctic ice shows speed of climate flips http://www.fao.org/docrep/W5183E/w5183e03.htm | |
20. National News Newsletter 09 UVRadiations in the arctic Present, Past and Future (1996 field of view) and withmeasuring regions of mid reflect the ozone hole structure over the Antarctic. http://www.aero.jussieu.fr/~sparc/News9/NationalNews.html | |
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