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Architecture Index: more books (100) | ||
141. Atlas 6 | Olivier Laude | Chinese Rural Architecture Photographs by Olivier Laude and brief texts by Ronald G. Knapp. Up to ten photographs per province. http://www.atlasmagazine.com/photo/laude6/ | |
142. Sustainable Architecture: Eco Design And Landscaping, Urbanism SUSTAINABLE architecture ECO DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING, URBANISM. I. Sustainable architecture Sustainable architecture, Introduction. http://www.aloha.net/~laumana/ | |
143. Morgan Achitecture - Princeton, New Jersey Architecture Practice Princeton, New Jerseybased firm specializing in religious buildings, including Coptic churches. http://www.morganarchitecture.com/ | |
144. Software Architecture, Software Architects, And Architecting Provides resources for software architects, answers such questions as what is software architecture and why is it important , and covers the architecting process and role of the architect. http://www.bredemeyer.com/ | |
145. CLASSICAL ART AND ARCHITECTURE FLEET: Carolina Navy Discussion Frigates @ Caroli Forums and live chats pertaining to all aspects of art and art history. http://killdevilhill.com/z/yartd/nantucket.html | |
146. Russian Architecture. Ãðõèòåêòóðà Ãîññèè. Home Page Covers both historic and modern architecture.àThe historic section includes a database of monuments, containing a photograph and basic information for each. http://www.archi.ru/english/ | |
147. Archeire - Irish Architecture Online - Contemporary And Historical Irish Archite Covering history, preservation, current developments and issues with news, discussion areas, reviews and articles. http://www.irish-architecture.com/ | |
148. Asian Tradition In Architecture Showcase for the work of Professor Pilwon Han, Department of Architectural Engineering, Hannam University, Korea. Traditional buildings in Korea, China and Japan in expandable thumbnail photographs. Titles and abstracts of scholarly papers. English and Korean language versions. http://arch.hannam.ac.kr/~hpw/ |
149. Vitruvio.ch - Architecture On The Web Switzerland architecture in Switzerland, Famous Swiss Architects. TOP Masters and architecture TOP Maestri e architetture - I siti più visitati. http://www.vitruvio.ch/ | |
150. Common Object Request Broker Architecture By Gopalan Suresh Raj Overview by Gopalan Suresh Raj. http://www.execpc.com/~gopalan/corba/corba.html | |
151. Chalmers School Of Architecture Incorporates technology, social sciences, and the arts with a primary concentration on the planning and design of buildings. http://www.arch.chalmers.se/index_e.html | |
152. Architecture For Health Georgia firm focused on ambulatory care centers for physician group practice, surgery, imaging and rehabilitation. Includes portfolio, profile, contacts and services. http://architectureforhealth.com/ | |
153. Exokernel An Operating System Architecture For Application-Level Resource Manage Summary of paper mentioning overview and design issues. http://http.cs.berkeley.edu/~gribble/osprelims/summaries/exokernel.html |
154. Architecture Of Frank Lloyd Wright The Frank Lloyd Wright portion of A Digital Archive of American architecture Study Guide for FA 267 from Saltbox to Skyscraper architecture in America, a http://www.wam.umd.edu/~stwright/frank-lloyd-wright/ | |
155. Enviroarchitecture.com Architectural services for the design of environmental and sustainable buildings, both commercial and private homes. Strawbale, rammed earth, adobe. http://www.enviroarchitecture.com | |
156. Architecture Cenni di storia dell'architettura moderna con biografie di Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies Van der Rohe, Gropius, Le Corbusier, Alvar Aalto, Renzo Piano, Norman Foster. http://digilander.libero.it/sfg/architecture/page1.html | |
157. ArchiTacTic : Le Guide De L'architecture Et Du BTP architecture et le BTP ( batiment et travaux publics ). Concu http://www.architactic.com/fr/ | |
158. Knowledge Architecture Partners, LLC (KAP) Offers services and products designed to merge knowledge, technology and business processes to resolve short and long-term business issues. Located in Park City, Utah. http://www.kapi.com/ | |
159. Architecture And Building Science Fireworks Splice HTML http://www.strath.ac.uk/Departments/Architecture/ |
160. A R C H I T E X T - For Books On Architecture Top/Regional/Oceania/Australia/Arts_and_Entertainment/architecture/Media_and_Publications http://www.raia.com.au/architext/ | |
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