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61. ArchitecturePlus International Retail design firm based in Florida. Provides design services for architecture, graphics, packaging, fixture and merchandising. Minimum 1024x768 resolution required. http://www.architectureplus.com/ |
62. Mac OS X System Architecture Mac OS X System architecture Mac OS is a completely rebuilt implementation of the Macintosh operating system. It expands on Apple s http://developer.apple.com/macosx/architecture/ | |
63. EGL Architecture Brief introduction to the small New York firm includes firm history, reason why an architect should be used and contact information. http://www.EGLArchitecture.com | |
64. Jesse James Garrett: Information Architecture Resources Extensive links to Information architecture resources by Jesse James Garrett. http://www.jjg.net/ia/ | |
65. Lost West Landscape Architecture And Landscape Construction Web Page Los Angeles based landscape architecure and construction firm. http://www.lostwest.com/ | |
66. Redirecting Your Page The page you are requesting has a new link. You will be redirected in a few seconds. Please bookmark the NEW location for future use. http://www.asu.edu/caed/architecture/ | |
67. Bilkent University, Faculty Of Art, Design & Architecture, Ankara, Turkey Links to the faculties various departments of study and admissions/administration information. Turkey. http://www.art.bilkent.edu.tr/ | |
68. Architecture HOME OF THE YEAR architecture magazine s third annual Home of the Year competition. See the 2003 Winners here and in the December issue of architecture. http://www.architecturemag.com/ | |
69. ACADIA Presents a gallery of winners of its competition, membership information, signup instructions for the member listserve and details for ordering publications. http://www.acadia.org/ | |
70. Architecture Guide Main Page architecture GUIDE. REALTOR® Magazine Online s architecture section features descriptions and detailed illustrations of emblematic styles. http://www.realtor.org/rmomag.NSF/pages/archindex?OpenDocument |
71. Architecture Plan Net An online architectural resource guide, extensive book reviews and news. http://www.plannet.com | |
72. Canadian Center For Architecture A museum and study center devoted to national and international architecture past and present. Information on exhibitons, publications and collections. (French and English) http://cca.qc.ca/ |
73. Page D'accueil Collectif de jeunes architectes ayant pour but de pr©senter leurs diff©rents articles sur l'art des jardins et l'architecture. Exemples de projet ou r©alisations. Promotion de jeunes artistes plasticiens. http://www.architectedunet.com/safran/ | |
74. English Architecture - A History architecture. English architecture. TIMELINE English architecture did not, of course, follow a rigid timeline, with clear divisions http://www.britainexpress.com/architecture/ | |
75. Larchitecture.com : Architecture, Architecte, Revue, Magazine, Région, Appels D L'architecture par r©gion mise en ligne de revues d©j parues, petites annonces gratuites, syst¨me de recherche pour les m©tiers du b¢timent, appels d'offres, terrains  b¢tir et autres adresses utiles. http://www.larchitecture.com/ | |
76. Astoft Astoft. architecture The Astoft collection of buildings of England. More to follow, Historical architecture in Denmark rather different. http://www.astoft.co.uk/arch/ | |
77. The Tillinghast Association A society to share the genius of Albert Warren Tillinghast his principles of modern golf course architecture and design. http://www.tillinghast.net |
78. Bartlett School Of Architecture Admissions. Programmes. BSc architecture. Diploma architecture. MSc Urban Design. MArch. People. Bartlett AZ. Bartlett All Staff. architecture Society. Showcase 2002. http://www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/architecture/ | |
79. Archwood - Saillon Suisse. Architecture Bois. Design, Agencement. Habitation à A Saillon en Suisse. Agencement, construction de maisons en ossature bois. Agencement d'int©rieur. http://www.archwood.net | |
80. Axcess Architects Commercial architect. Huntington Beach. http://www.axcessarch.com/ |
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