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101. Page D'accueil Collectif de jeunes architectes ayant pour but de pr©senter leurs diff©rents articles sur l'art des jardins et l'architecture. Exemples de projet ou r©alisations. Promotion de jeunes artistes plasticiens. http://www.architectedunet.com/safran/ | |
102. La Galerie D' Architecture - Exposition Exhibition - Livres Books - Gallery In P Des expositions, des livres, un cafe a Paris. http://www.galerie-architecture.fr/ | |
103. Larchitecture.com : Architecture, Architecte, Revue, Magazine, Région, Appels D L'architecture par r©gion mise en ligne de revues d©j parues, petites annonces gratuites, syst¨me de recherche pour les m©tiers du b¢timent, appels d'offres, terrains  b¢tir et autres adresses utiles. http://www.larchitecture.com/ | |
104. The Tillinghast Association A society to share the genius of Albert Warren Tillinghast his principles of modern golf course architecture and design. http://www.tillinghast.net |
105. Marivi's Origamic Architecture Many elaborate card designs, featuring models based upon the architecture of Gaudi. Also includes instructions and a section on Heraldic Origamic architecture. http://marivi_10.tripod.com/index.html | |
106. Departmental Library - Department Of Architecture And Building Science Internet and print resources in architecture, especially sustainable and Scottish architectural design. http://www.strath.ac.uk/Departments/DABS-IR/index.html | |
107. Archwood - Saillon Suisse. Architecture Bois. Design, Agencement. Habitation à A Saillon en Suisse. Agencement, construction de maisons en ossature bois. Agencement d'int©rieur. http://www.archwood.net | |
108. Axcess Architects Commercial architect. Huntington Beach. http://www.axcessarch.com/ |
109. Home Page SubsurfaceBuildings.com An exploration of the viability of underground buildings in contemporary America, with some discussion of international examples. http://www.subsurfacebuildings.com | |
110. M C A L P I N E | T A N K E R S L E Y | A R C H I T E C T U R E Residential architecture from Montgomery, Alabama. http://www.mcalpinetankersley.com/ |
111. TAP Architecture Architectural and interior design firm specializing in commercial, healthcare, religious, educational, community, and living centers. Located in Oklahoma, United States. http://www.taparchitecture.com/ |
112. Www.envelopeAD.com This firm presents its portfolio of commercial, residential, furniture, product and graphic design. Includes project and firm descriptions. Located in California. http://www.envelopeAD.com |
113. ...klariti.com Dublin, Irelandbased IA and documentation specialists. Publishes monthly newsletter, KLARIFIED. http://www.klariti.com |
114. JW Landscape Design Architecture Swiss based landscape architect specializing in corporate landscape design, japanese garden and Feng Shui. http://www.wiede-landscape-design.com/ |
115. University Of Geneva Institute Of Architecture Site has information about the institute, teaching programs, research projects, online library, laboratories and student pages. Switzerland. http://www.archi.unige.ch/indexeng.html |
116. CLEUASA Nonprofit organization which organizes an annual gathering to discuss architectural and social issues. Executive board, program. English and Spanish versions. http://www.geocities.com/~cleausa/ | |
117. ArchitectureWeek - 2004.0602 Covers new buildings worldwide and a spectrum of design and technical issues. http://www.ArchitectureWeek.com/ | |
118. NAI - Wrong Address! The institute concerns itself in a variety of ways with architecture, urban design and spatial planning. It houses important archives and collections; international exhibitions and symposia. (Dutch and English) http://www.nai.nl/nai_eng.html | |
119. Index Palette de travaux dans les domaines de l'architecture, du design, du graphisme, de l'infographisme et de la peinture. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/a.jmc/ |
120. Bruce Devlin Golf Course Designer - Over 140 Golf Courses Around The World. Designer of over 140 golf courses around the world. Portfolio, PGA tour career highlights, contact information. http://www.brucedevlin.com | |
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