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Home - Basic_A - Architecture Bldg & Proj Index |
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1. Society Of Architectural Historians Net Resources Aviador Coll., Digital Image Access proj., Columbia U Univ. Hist. Am. bldg. Survey/Hist. Am. Engineering Record index of famous architects Vitruvio.ch architecture on the Web http://www.sah.org/netresources.html |
2. RMC: Dept Of Photographic Services/Photo Science Index Administration bldg. Aerial mosaic Egypt proj. 7537. architecture 3061-3062,3452, 7326, 7450, 7584, 7679, 7723, 7781, 7783, 7784, 7885, 7927, 8042, 8070 http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/eguides/photos/4-3-2882i.html | |
3. Untitled except maybe termites. architecture / Design. Making Clocks / Boxes C005 FHB index, ISSUES 185 bldg / REP / REMOD 14 DIORAMAS DOLL HOUSES / FURN 9.95. F004 DOLLHOUSES proj. MAKING MINI http://www.stairs.com/bookstore/bookstore2.htm | |
4. Appendix 26. Preservation Index Scores - Buildings architecture Building, 4.30, Agriculture Bioprocess Lab, 1.82. Library, 4.28, 1001W. Nevada, U. 1.81. University High School, 3.80, Educational proj. Guidance bldg. http://www.pdc.uiuc.edu/Historical Preservation/HistPresPlan/a26.html | |
5. ECE 472 Lecturer Roger Traylor Office 238 ECE bldg. History, Background of Computer architecture;Design decisions project Assignments proj 1, Submit electronically http://classes.engr.oregonstate.edu/eecs/fall2001/ece472/ece472.index.mod | |
6. Persons Index Translate this page School of Urban Planning McGill University McDonald Harrington bldg. Peter JACOBS,UdeM, Master, Landscape architecture, Harvard University. CITY. proj. ABRAHAM. http://gim.inrs-ucs.uquebec.ca/person/rep_an.html | |
7. Bibliography architecture BIBLIOGRAPHY LINKS. General architecture ( organized alphabetically) Architectural Topics, Movements and Architects ( organized alphabetically) GENERAL architecture anKan http//arch.ou.edu/a/goff/proj/shin. shtml Chiron Corp., bldg. 4 (Emeryville) Schwab Residential Center Organic architecture http//www.pbs.org/flw/legacy/index.html http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/sandersp/bibliography.htm | |
8. J2 Blue Print Supply Co. Client HARDER architecture. Contact RONNIE HILL proj Contact ROY CHILDERS, 206GENERAL ADMIN bldg, OLYMPIA, WA 985041012 Tel (360) 902-7245, Owner. http://www.j2b.com/bidset/index.php?project=108 |
9. J2 Blue Print Supply Co. 5 sets, OPSIS architecture Fax 503525-0440 Ship via UPS Ship via UPS-PC ContactBONNIE MUNT proj Contact PLAN DESK, 13010 NORTHRUP WAY bldg C3 SUITE 1, http://www.j2b.com/bidset/index.php?project=187 |
10. TradelineInc.com: Corp List of Technology (Professor of architecture and Planning). Mercy Health Center (Construction bldg Maint Manager UCLA Capital projects (Director, proj Mgmt Services http://www.tradelineinc.com/corplist/index.cfm?metaid=647 |
11. TradelineInc.com: Corp List Institute of Technology (Professor of architecture and Planning United Nations (InformationTechnology/bldg Mgmt Office of the President (Assist Dir proj Mgmt http://www.tradelineinc.com/corplist/index.cfm?metaid=646 |
12. UCSB Department Of Anthropology Personnel Listings: Search Results. http//www.es.ucsb.edu/proj/olive/index Temple in America Authenticity, Identity,architecture. His research Science Program Graduate student, 8932363 - bldg. http://www.anth.ucsb.edu/dbman/db.cgi?db=people&uid=default&view_records=1&ID=*& |
13. WCHF: Library Index Transcription List 2. Library index. Photo Collection index State Funding Ldo/Webb Cty Highway proj.. Laredo Development Foundation The History of architecture Along the Rio Grande http://www.webbheritage.org/LibraryIndex.htm | |
14. San Jose Mercury News Clipping File 1920-1985 - SJLibrary.org San Jose State University's collection of San Jose Mercury News Clippings index. SAN JOSE PLANNING-SERIES 1. SAN JOSE - PLAZA bldg.-N. 2ND E.S SANTA CLARA CO.-architecture SIGHT APPROV . http://www.sjpl.lib.ca.us/research/databases/sjmn?type=S-Sd |
15. FRS Training And Documentation Site ACCOUNT index. by Department. TO SEARCH Click on the 115572 CORNFIELD MAIZE proj. 1-15573 COA SO REG 8-81033 FORESTRY bldg R R. 8-81051 R R PLANT TIS http://www.auburn.edu/frs/deptindex.html | |
16. Old Forum Threads Becket, Heitschmidt Metchem, Chief proj architect Kister Pasadena City Schoolsadmin bldg., Glendora HS Glendora High School depicts modern architecture to a http://www.lottaliving.com/oldBB/threads.php?p=11&f=000264 |
17. FRS Training And Documentation Site ACCOUNT index. by Department. This list provides the same information 115572 CORNFIELD MAIZE proj. 1-15573 COA SO REG 8-81033 FORESTRY bldg R R. 8-81051 R R PLANT TIS http://www.auburn.edu/client/frs/deptindex.html | |
18. Coursetemplate Naval architecture and Marine Engineering. Call Dept Crs Sec Hrs Course Title bldg/RoomTime Days 11720 MW 11721 NAME 3091 001 3.00 NAVAL ARCH DES proj EN 935 9 http://www.uno.edu/~acse/bulletin/spring98/name.htm | |
20. NCEF Resource List: Building Commissioning For Schools and Contradiction in Contemporary Campus architecture ; (2) Planning for http//www.fsec.ucf.edu/bldg/pubs/pf283 http//www.famusoa.net/ibs/proj/ornl/features http://www.edfacilities.org/rl/commissioning.cfm | |
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