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Archery Olympic Sports: more detail | ||||||
81. Archery - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The sport of modern archery derives from the archery contests of the olympic Games. archery has been an olympic sport since 1900 (with some interruptions). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archery |
82. Halfbakery: Horseback Archery horseback archery people have to shoot targets with arrows as they ride past them on horseback, (+9, 11), can you imagine it as an olympic sport? http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/horseback_20archery | |
83. Olympic Archery He won a bronze team medal in 2000 and a gold team library.thinkquest.org. olympic archery Events archery as an olympic sport. Learn more .. http://www.linkfinding.com/cgi-bin/search/smartsearch.cgi?keywords=olympic arche |
84. MSN Encarta - Print Preview - Archery After being discontinued at the olympic Games in the early 1900s, archery again became an olympic sport for men and women at the 1972 Munich olympic Games. http://encarta.msn.com/text_761551756___3/Archery.html | |
85. Sport Information Australian olympic archery Medal Tally. Year, Total Medals Won, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Male, Female. Male Medal Winners archery. Name, Games, Sport, Discipline, Medal. http://www.ausport.gov.au/info/factsheets/omwarc.htm | |
86. Archery archery at the Australian Institute of Sport; archery Australia the home of Australian archery; olympic results for Australian archery - 1996 or http://www.ausport.gov.au/info/archery.htm | |
87. Olympic Sports Links olympic sports. INTERACTIVE FANS. THE olympicS. 2002 WINTER olympicS, olympic SPORT SECTIONS. http://www.sportsfansofamerica.com/Links/Olympic/Main1.htm | |
88. Summer Sports Hexcel customer, Easton sports, uses carbon materials for high strength, tight tolerance arrow tubes, which provide the consistency that olympic archer require http://www.hexcelcomposites.com/Markets/Markets/Sports/Summer/Olympic.htm | |
89. Andy Milman's Archery Activities Many people, when asked, express a desire to try it again. But archery is also an olympic Sport, first introduced into the modern olympics in 1972. http://home.cfl.rr.com/pt/Archery.htm | |
90. Youth Information - Sport, Leisure And Travel - Archery There are competitions at club, county, regional and national level. archery is also an olympic sport. It can be played in almost all weather. http://www.youthinformation.com/infopage.asp?snID=35 |
91. Archery As A Sport In Directory.co.uk to the official web pages, of the governing body for the olympic sport of archery in the UK Trade Mark of The Grand National archery Society. http://www.directory.co.uk/Archery_As_A_Sport.htm | |
92. Mongolia's Naadam Used To Define Civilization: Archery, Wrestling And Horse Ridi a sports festival rivaling the Olympics as the Earth s oldest games. Long ago, this was what constituted civilization wrestling, horse riding and archery. http://www.gluckman.com/Naadam.html | |
93. USATODAY.com - U.S. Sweeps Compound Archery Team Events , Olympics narrow field Sport Select a sport. US Sweeps Compound archery Team Events By Rick Freeman, The http://www.usatoday.com/sports/olympics/summer/2003-07-20-world-archery_x.htm | |
94. GC&SU Will Be Site For Archery Tournamet It is more a mental sport than a physical one. . The National archery Association is the governing body of olympic archery. olympic http://info.gcsu.edu/admin2/headlineblurbs/reportsPRINT/043692717E.html | |
95. Abcteach.com >> Theme Units >> Fun/Kids >> Olympics olympic Events archery, olympic Events Aquatics, Our olympic Event pages each highlight a popular olympic sport and briefly introduce its history in the Games. http://www.abcteach.com/directory/theme_units/funkids/olympics/ | |
96. History Of Archery the international governing body of the sport, was organized FITA events (including olympic Games from 1972) are shot In 1985, to improve archery as a spectator http://pages.britishlibrary.net/thirskbowmen/history.htm | |
97. USA Archery - News & Results testing and adjudication process for US olympic, Pan Am to preserving the integrity of sport through research Guy Krueger, archery ÂPeople want to be inspired http://www.usarchery.org/news/News Releases/usada_press_release.htm | |
98. Australian Institute Of Sport - Archery early 1997 to develop and prepare Australian archers for the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Australian Institute of Sport archery PO Box 176 Belconnen ACT 2616 Tel (02 http://www.ais.org.au/archery/ | |
99. ESPN.com: OLY - Iraqi Archery Team Allowed To Compete In New York day event, one of several qualifiers for the 2004 Athens Olympics. About 600 archers from more than 80 countries will be competing in the sport s biggest world http://espn.go.com/oly/news/2003/0710/1579193.html?partnersite=espn |
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