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81. Sebring Middle School: Internet Sites For Kids Corporation. kids will enjoy playing detective in an interactive archeologygame, as well as research their family tree and coat of arms. http://www.strato.net/~sms/web.html | |
82. Mymerhaba : Archeology Museum archeology Museum. Arkeoloji Müzesi Behind Gülhane Park, Sultanahmet Tel(212) 520 77 40 The archeology Museum consists of two separate buildings. http://www.mymerhaba.com/en/main/content.asp_Q_id_E_310 | |
83. Archeological Resources For Educators At http//www.ou.edu/cas/archsur/game. The Oklahoma Archeological Survey designedthis game for kids, especially appropriate for third through seventh graders. http://www.kshs.org/resource/archeteach.htm | |
84. Welcome To The London Museum Of Archaeology For kids. Join our March Break Camp ,Summer Day Camp (ages 610) or our ArchaeologyCamp (ages 11-14) or enroll in one of the exciting educational programs . http://www.uwo.ca/museum/ | |
85. Archaeology 2004 About, Inc. All rights reserved. A PRIMEDIA Company.User Agreement Privacy Policy kids Privacy Policy. http://archaeology.about.com/?once=true& |
86. LAUSDnet Homework Help -Social Sciences Help Arch Net Virtual Library of archeology archeology s DIG - a magazine for kidsDigging up the facts about archeology Human Origins@nationalgeographic.com http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/homepage/news/update/social_studies_help.html | |
87. The Williamsburg Regional Library  | Services | Park Packs JAMESTOWN archeology For use at CNHP s Jamestown Island and/or home Age kidsin grades 48 and their families This pack explores Jamestown archeology. http://www.wrl.org/parkpacks/ | |
89. 2001 My hope is that participants in ÂKing Arthur for kids will likewise find medievalaccounts of the legend and some of the archeological evidence uncovered http://www.loyno.edu/~wasser/2001.html | |
91. Pecos River Kids Adventure Camps - Shumla School Pecos River kids Adventure Camps. Center, Amistad National Recreation Area, canoeand boat trips on local waterways, and visits to archeological sites in the http://www.shumla.org/participate/river_kids_adventure_camps.htm | |
92. Camp Gallahue The WET WILD side of Lewis Clark. How did you figure that out? ArcheologyWith kids. Science and the Past. Paper Clip Creatures the Global Environment. http://www.marionswcd.org/gallahue.html | |
93. Hovenweep National Monument: Forkids Accommodations near Cortez, CO. The archeology of Hovenweep delights kidsas much as adults. The Square Tower Group Trail is fun for all ages. http://www.nationalparks.com/hovenweep_national_monument/forkids.htm | |
94. Camden County School News | September 2003 Department of Natural Resources interpretive naturalist Dan Butterworth showed thekids how to handle, protect and make Processing in the archeology lab at http://www.camden.k12.ga.us/news/0903/WESarch.htm | |
95. Galveston Historical Foundation > Education - Programs & Tours For Kids A trained guide describes the lives of the homeÂs residents. The archeology exhibitin the carriage house gallery examines 19th Century material culture. http://www.galvestonhistory.org/edu-main.htm | |
96. Ask Dr. Dig Relations Ask Dr. Dig is an online service of dig, the archeology magazine forkids published by Cobblestone Publishing (http//www.cobblestonepub.com), a http://www.vrd.org/locator/sites/DrDig.shtml | |
97. Gowanda Free Library: LINKS YES Mag Canada s Science Magazine for kids. Cricket Magazine. DIG! - the ArcheologyMagazine for kids. National Geographis for kids. Sports Illustrated for kids. http://www.cclslib.org/Gowanda/links.html | |
98. Alice's Virtual Restaurant - Kids Menu Here we go, lots and lots of stuff just for kids! 200 Links for kids coolselection; from the nice folks at the Internet Distribution Annex. http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze3j6hh/kids.html | |
99. Colonial National Historical Park: Forkids These packs are filled with books, videos and activities that relate to Jamestownarcheology, famous people, nature, crafts, and industries and to the http://www.nationalparks.com/colonial_national_historical_park/forkids.htm | |
100. Archaeological Pieces Of The Past - Introduction - ROM Web Activities. Archaeological Analysis Pieces of the Past. An IntroductionHistoric Archaeology is the study of people who lived http://www.rom.on.ca/digs/munsell/ | |
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