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61. Keeping Your Promises In The Promised Land Learning Jewish history together with the basics of archeology in what kids willdescribe as a Âscary and Âspooky environment sure beats sitting in a http://www.jewishdc.org/travelisr.html | |
62. Old Pueblo Archaeology Center not familiar with the discipline, and an excellent start for any teacher who isunfamiliar with the concepts of archeology. At this site kids can learn how http://www.oldpueblo.org/websites.htm | |
63. Cal Day 2003 - Archeology Cal Day 2003 Events Listing for archeology. Archaeology 9 am4 pmHands-on Archaeology for kids. Cal students will supervise hands http://www.berkeley.edu/calday/2003/archaeol.html | |
64. Dig - The Archaeology Magazine For Kids! Current Issue May/June 2004 Iran s Hasanlu. COVER IMAGE, Secrets atHigh Mound The High Mound was a site just waiting to be discovered. http://www.digonsite.com/ | |
65. Kids Dig Reed - Homepage Includes a virtual tour of the dig, gallery of artifacts, games and puzzles, and a talking cow. http://www.kidsdigreed.com/ |
66. Archaeology's Dig -- A Magazine For Kids! A children's magazine on archaeology published with the Archaeological Institute of America and Cobblestone Publishing Company http://www.dig.archaeology.org/ | |
67. Archaeology For Kids Sponsored By The Public Archaeology Facility At SUNY-B 2002 Program Registration Information Archaeology For kids Online Public Archaeology Facility Interesting means that the meat of the work is done by kids. http://www.binghamton.edu/cap/dirtsurf.html | |
68. Dig: Links Little Horus An Egyptian website designed and developed just for kids! NPS Archeologyand Ethnography Program Check out online exhibits, learn about what http://www.digonsite.com/links.html | |
69. Ron's NEAA Paper Public Education. ARCHAEOLOGY FOR kids PASTFINDERS SUMMER ADVENTURE handson archaeology for kids at their mock dig flint-knapping workshops for kids conducted at area libraries http://www.timelinesinc.com/ron's.htm | |
71. IPL Kidspace is "the digital magazine for kids, by kids." Read what folks Time for kids. http//www.pathfinder.com/TFK/ latest news. Time for kids is a great place to http://www.ipl.org/cgi-bin/youth/youth.out.pl?sub=ref9500 |
72. IPL Kidspace Listed here are links to many different newspapers and magazines, some even writtenby kids. These news stories are reported and edited by kids ages 818. http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/browse/ref9500/ | |
73. Egypt: Children: History Of Egypt THE HISTORY OF EGYPT. About 5 000 years ago, a remarkable way of life, or civilization, grew up along the banks of the Nile River in Egypt. It flourished for over 3 000 years, longer than most other http://www.touregypt.net/kids/History.htm | |
74. NPS AEP: For The Public Bee Ann Explorer This site helps kids explore National Park Servicearcheology in the Washington, DC area. The Community Archaeology http://www.cr.nps.gov/aad/public/kids.htm | |
75. KIDS Only?-Ask Dr. Dirt-I Want To Be An Archeologist! through archeological fields schools such as the one run by the TAS every Junein various locations in Texas. And, the TAS field school has a special kids http://www.texasbeyondhistory.net/kids/ask1.html | |
76. Kids_main.gif http://www.museum.upenn.edu/new/edu/kids/kids_main.shtml |
77. Kids Online Resources - Explorers, Vikings, English, Conquistadors Pg 2 corporation established for three major purposes archeological research, education WaltonLane Arcata, California 95519 Copyright © 2000 kids Online Resources. http://www.kidsolr.com/history/page2.html | |
78. GoCityKids Skirball Center Summer Camp Adventures in archeology should dazzle Indiana Jones wannabe s, offeringkids a chance to learn what archeologists do, and how they do it. http://www.gocitykids.com/browse/attraction.jsp?id=10241 |
79. Archaeology For Kids Sponsored By The Public Archaeology Facility At SUNY-B You know you re at the right site, if any of the following apply to YOU Lookhere for some great web sites for kids. See the CAP for kids Scrapbook. http://www.binghamton.edu/cap/kidindex.html | |
80. A Sample Of Archeological Resources For Educators In this title sites refers to websites, not archeological sites. The kids Reportis a biweekly publication produced by K12 students as a resource for other K http://www.usbr.gov/cultural/00biblio.htm | |
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