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41. Games: Kids Games kids. We think the games sites below can be a lot of fun, and a tensionreliever from taxes. It s an archeology adventure to remember! . http://www.unclefed.com/FunStuff/Kids/Kids.html | |
42. Farnsley Archaeology Sits units that will stretch kids Education www.otsego.net - Stephen A. Hollock-OneontaPlus Education To Oneonta Plus - %CurrentCnt% archeology Papers, museums http://www.jefferson.k12.ky.us/schools/middle/farnsley/project/farnsley/links/ar | |
43. Curric_link1.htm Royal Ontario Museum This fantastic site has lots of great activitiesfor kids in areas like archeology, fossils, cuneiform, and more. http://www.newton.mec.edu/bigelow/library/curric_link1.html | |
44. Archeology Month their ÂFantastic Factoids, an archeological glossary, and an astounding collectionof links, WebQuests and interactive expeditions for teachers and kids. http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/news/NewsItems/Current/celeb/archeology.htm |
45. KIDS Jerusalem Adventures at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo; experience ancient crafts and archeology in the kids JERUSALEM ADVENTURES will help you plan, arrange, coordinate and guide you http://www.tourisrael.co.il/kone.html | |
46. GeoSafari Prospector's Mystery Rock Science & Nature From Growing Tree Toys GeoSafari Prospector s Mystery Rock from Educational Insights takes the mystery outof archeology, providing kids with a full kit for excavation of the treasure http://www.growingtreetoys.com/product/4132 | |
47. Bitsandpieces.com - Clever Puzzles, Intriguing Gifts And Free Games From The Bit Quick Order From a print catalogue Free Gift with Order! Free Catalogue Subscribeto our Email Alerts. kids. archeology 101. £24.99 Item 4171 In Stock. http://www.bitsandpiecesuk.com/product.asp?id=0420365364688220872194&dept_id=6&s |
48. 2004 Calendar Of Events And Programs Family Dig It Weekend II kids 812 their parents. June 13 Â July 23 UNM BioarcheologicalField School Undergrad grad students. June 26 archeology Day CAA http://www.caa-archeology.org/html/programs.htm | |
49. The Bowers Museum - Press Releases Not only do the kids get a chance to learn about archeology, history, and anthropology,but they get to go out and get dirty as well. The kids journey http://www.bowers.org/about_us/about_press.asp?PRID=46 |
50. Bell Museum Of Natural History: For Kids And Schools... This kit will help students appreciate some of the most misunderstood creatureson earth. archeology and Paleontology. What is archeology? http://www.bellmuseum.org/kitlist.html | |
51. Kids Korner - Student Pages - Middle School Resources - Links - FSK Ancient Rome  List of web sites for kids related to ancient Rome http//tlc Website by the University of Pennsylvania Museum of archeology and Anthropology http://www.fsk.org/kids/middle_school_links.html | |
52. Gpc4kids.com - Gpc.kids.earth TM - Kids' International Travel Guide - Children's The Global Circus is one of the most attractive places for kids. Ifyou like history and archeology you should go and visit it. http://www.gpc4kids.com/buch.html | |
53. Archeology - The Presidio Trust We are also in the process of organizing a program for primary schoolage kids to come and learn about archeology at the Presidio. http://www.presidiotrust.gov/park/currentprojects.asp | |
54. Archeology And Geology Science Project Kits For Kids Jiggly Gems Crystal Creations archeology Science Project Kits For kids JigglyGems Crystal Creations Geology Science Project Kits For kids Order 160216 http://www.plumcreekmarketing.com/07science/09geology.html | |
55. 1000 S Of Museums, Museum Shops, Educational Websites For Kids astronomy, Zoos, antiques , anthropology, archaeology, archeology, jobs, employment centers,database, databases, find, search, help, kids, children, educational http://www.art-online.com/cache.aspx?id=271 |
56. ThinkQuest : Library : Discovering Archeology! Higginson, Mel, ScientistsAncient Temples and Tombs, Florida RourkeCorp., 1994. kids Discover archeology, Vol. 8, Issue 7, July 1998. http://library.thinkquest.org/5389/ArcheologyBibliography.htm | |
57. Kids College Grade kids 8131, Time 1-4 pm, archeology * This course is for the young IndianaJones in your family. (For accelerated students.) kids 56-31, 1-4 pm. http://www.oakton.edu/cont_ed/all/summer/grade.html | |
58. Archeology OAS kids Day Saturday, August 16, 2003 Throughout the day, kids can learn about theworld of historic archaeology by participating in handson demonstrations. http://www.bonnecherepark.on.ca/html/programs/archaeology.html | |
59. Just For Kids - Ages 9-12 - Non-Fiction - Nature - Prehistoric Creatures And Ear Uncovering the Mysteries of Our Past. 25 fun activities that introduce archaeologyto kids ages 9 and up. BUY, 0789458640, archeology, DK Publishing, Hard, 15.19. http://www.just-for-kids.com/912NFPH.HTM | |
60. Media Archeology 2004 Film Board This film reads like a nature documentary but with little kids at a MediaArcheology is funded by a grant from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the http://www.aurorapictureshow.org/calendar/medarch.html | |
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