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21. Are You Digging It? Teaching Archaeology To Elementary School Students. I m oldfashioned in my philosophy of teaching, in that even though I might be teachingthings like archeology that I I ma tough teacher and the kids know that http://www.wemweb.com/cfh_publisher/articles/article_6.html | |
22. Surfing The Net With Kids: Art Of Ancient Egypt Cyber Mummy. Institute of Egyptian Art and archeology. Don t be afraid to giveyour kids an email account.Learn how to choose a safe email solution. http://www.surfnetkids.com/egypt.htm | |
23. ASOR Outreach Links--Archaeology--general Search Argos archeology Supersite from Dallas Lost Worlds in Archaeology course kids.ROM Fun Stuff (Royal Ontario Museum) Archaeological Adventure NOVA On Line http://www.asor.org/outreach/links/genarchy.html | |
24. The Ancient World Web: Archaeology It s the online presence for an archaeology magazine for kids. archeology and MoreA general archeology discussion board to discuss any topic of interest in http://www.julen.net/ancient/Archaeology/ | |
25. Prehistoric Party. Party Themes. FAVORS Create archeology kits by filling small boxes with compasses, paint brushes,freezedried food, rulers, and other scientific items, so the kids can make http://www.childrenparty.com/partythemes/printversion/prehistoric.html | |
26. Prehistoric Party. Party Themes up Create archeology kits by filling small boxes with compasses, paint brushes,freezedried food, rulers, and other scientific items, so the kids can make http://www.childrenparty.com/partythemes/prehistoricparty.html | |
27. Themdamnkids - Band Page With Free MP3 Music Downloads On an insatiable impulse there will always be continual scouring and work similar tothat known only to those who explore archeology. Them Damn kids take aim at http://www.soundclick.com/themdamnkids | |
28. Listings For Kids 1.00 Half Moon Young People s Theatre E1, Stepney. £1.50 Basketball for Kids716 SE18, Plumstead. Free archeology Workshops for children SE10, Greenwich. http://www.londonfreelist.com/listings.asp?cat=kids,Kids |
29. Archeology On The Web Guide - The Science Beat Secretary of Interior s 1997 to Congress on archeological activities undertakenfor kids Dig Reed Educational Archaeological Childerns website including a http://science.searchbeat.com/archeology.htm | |
30. Israel Travel Resource | Photo Essay Learning Jewish history together with the basics of archeology in what kids willdescribe as a scary and spooky environment sure beats sitting in a http://www.israeltravelresource.com/photoessay.htm | |
31. Eyewitness: Archeology completely ignorant of the field of archaeology. A good starter book ..Eyewitness archeology Related Products kids places. http://www.kids-places.com/Eyewitness_Archeology_0789458640.html | |
32. Kansas Kaleidoscope, April/May 2000 April/May 2000 (Volume 3, Number 5). A fun magazine for kids! Digging into KansasHistory archeology uncovers the story of our past! People of Our Past http://www.kshs.org/publicat/kaleidoscope/2000april.htm | |
33. Travel For Kids: Guatemala City, Guatemala Fun things to do with your kids in Guatemala City, Guatemala. The best must do s(archeology and Ethnology Museum), hidden treasures (big relief map of http://www.travelforkids.com/Funtodo/Guatemala/guatemalacity.htm | |
34. Travel For Kids: Paracas National Reserve, Peru (There are more Paracas mummies in Lima at the Museum of Anthopologyand archeology and Museo de la Nacion.). more travel for kids. http://www.travelforkids.com/Funtodo/Peru/paracas.htm | |
35. Basic Cultural Anthroplogy, Texas Indians Parents, teachers, friends, almost everyone in a culture teaches kids the language,rules, music, stories and much more. archeology. Here is what it means. http://www.texasindians.com/cultanth.htm | |
36. Workshop In Archeology Woodland Period Potting and Cordage Techniques Especially for kids, George Loganand Kelly Mackall kids and adults Scenes from the 2004 Workshop in archeology. http://www.marylandhistoricaltrust.net/workshop.html | |
37. Valuable Educational Web Sites Thousands of articles and media programs answer questions about Creation, theFlood, dinosaurs, and archeology. kids Bible. http//www.kidsbible.com. http://academic.lipscomb.edu/education/f03websites.html | |
38. Social Studies Arch Net Virtual Library of archeology. archeology s DIG - a magazine for kids.Digging up the facts about archeology - All you want to learn about archeology. http://www.elks.net/SS.htm | |
39. Kids! Stuff Gather a group of 612 kids in 1st-5th grades and sign up for the new archeologyWord Search Puzzle Dig for some treasured facts about Nebraska archeology. http://www.nebraskahistory.org/oversite/kidstuff/ | |
40. Dinosaur Toys, Dinosaur Gifts, Dino Snaps, Archeology Kits - Childrenstoybox.com Dinosaur Toys, Dinosaur Gifts, Dino Snaps, archeology Kits childrenstoybox.com, JacketsInfant Life Jackets Baby Life Jackets Kid Life Vests, kids Life Vests http://www.childrenstoybox.com/dino-snaps.htm | |
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