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41. Regionality Committee multimedia projects, etc.) to teach courses (DELTA Center in Meriam Library, individualfaculty activities. 22. Oversees the contract archeology program which http://www.csuchico.edu/inf/T2000/ptf/regionality.html | |
42. RENNERT CENTER the Simon Krauthammer Chair in archeology, Joshua Schwartz skillfully stagemanagesa diversity of activities. Academia and Outreach to teach About Jerusalem. http://www.biu.ac.il/Spokesman/scholar/rennert.html | |
43. Achieving The Goals: Goal 4 Teacher Professional Development - U.S. Department O archeology is designed to teach Utah residents about activities are handson, addressmultiple learning Native American perspectives on archeology, and problem http://www.ed.gov/pubs/AchGoal4/doi.html | |
44. ARCHEOLOGY The following activities are designed as primers to teach the analyticalskills archeologists use in interpreting artifacts at sites. http://histpres.mtsu.edu/then/Archeology/page5.html | |
45. Educators - Social Studies interesting variety of media and activities, kids can education program is designedto teach young people TEXAS BEYOND HISTORY archeology 2500 TEXANO WEAPONS. http://utopia.utexas.edu/educators/socialstudies.html | |
46. Media Information:Â Arkansas State Parks program provides adventurebased activities that teach young people at 1130 am Wednesday sactivities take place Park at Scott will have an archeology Day Camp http://www.arkansasstateparks.com/media/display.asp?id=498 |
47. EASI's Programs handson activities in aquatics, archeology, astronomy and seniors mentor young peoplein activities such as young people, senior volunteers teach and inspire http://www.easi.org/programs/program19.html | |
48. College Of Social & Behavioral Sciences Strategic Academic Outreach Plan K12 and community outreach activities include school to the biological anthropologyor archeology laboratories, and develop their ability to teach students to http://www.umass.edu/outreach/office_of_university_outreach/strategic_plans/csbs | |
49. RMLE Volume 26 Number 2 That was one of my favorite activities. teacher to lead sixth grade Spanish classesthrough the dig site and teach them about archeology and Florida http://www.nmsa.org/research/rmle/spring03/rmle_303_article1.htm | |
50. Science Lesson Plans sci23.txt minilesson on dinosaurs/archeology dig sci24 sci54.txt Owl pellets usedto teach the food 8) sci183.txt Chemical Changes , activities to illustrate http://www.col-ed.org/cur/science.html | |
51. Subcommission On What We Teach And How We Teach a variety of webbased exercises and activities to create in LS AÂs Departmentof Mathematics teach students in LS AÂs Kelsey Museum of archeology has a http://www.umich.edu/pres/inforev2/teach/report/appxa.html | |
52. Heritage Oak Private Elementary, A Carden School, Preschool Through Eighth Grade Teamwork and spirit are emphasized to teach the student to not only enjoy archeology theFun Club bus whisks students away to exciting offcampus activities. http://heritageoak.pvt.k12.ca.us/programs/afterschool.html | |
53. Teaching Archeology-Selected Teacher Links springer This site features historical archeology and learning from primary sourceartifacts in You Be the Historian. This is a wonderful activity for children http://www.texasbeyondhistory.net/teach/links.html | |
54. Ideas And Activities Foundation. The activities Integrating Mathematics and Science AIMS) provides online activities and teacher resources for topics ranging from archeology to zoologogy for grades http://www.eggplant.org/tools/links/ideas.html | |
55. ACUC SPECIALTY OPTIONS human resource base able to work in underwater archeology projects under WHO CAN TEACHTHE ABOVE COURSE that wish to carry on the water related activities of a http://www.acuc.es/especi.htm | |
56. Teachers > Resources and handling by contacting the archeology Division at 512/4636090 or donna.mccarver@thc.state.tx.us.Intrigue of the Past A Teacher s Activity Guide for http://www.txarch.org/teach/resources.html | |
57. DenimJumpers.com: Ready, Set, Teach!/Sites With Videos Sites with Videos Home Ready, Set, teach! The Franklin Institute Lots of scienceactivities and information see how recent advances in archeology, saga studies http://www.denimjumpers.com/Ready__Set__Teach_/Sites_with_Videos/more2.html | |
58. Scholar Activity Badge the rebus is used to help teach illiterate people archeology, is there an archeologicaldig you can visit have equipment to monitor earthquake activity; Ask for http://wtsmith.com/rt/webactbadge/scholar.html | |
59. Archeolgy Survey - Henderson State University on seven universities throughout Arkansas where survey archeologists teach of offer allowsanyone to join and participate in archeological activities in the http://www.hsu.edu/dept/soc/archsurv.html | |
60. Archaeology My n ame is Matthew Rozell and I teach history at Hudson Falls a congressional directiveto improve access to information on archeological activities nationwide http://www.hfcsd.org/marozell/archaeology/interest.htm | |
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