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81. ANTHROPOLOGY Museum of Paleontology exhibits, online catalogs, and list servers. 59 DinosaurHall Not Found (Fall 1996). archeology. 60 Archaeology (anthropology) http://mulerider.saumag.edu/peace/book/Anthropology.html | |
82. History, Classics And Archeology Cambridge University Museum of archeology and anthropology This web site has afully seachable facility of the museum s collection and information about http://www.city.londonmet.ac.uk/deliberations/Subjects/history/ | |
83. About Archeology > Careers Questions About A Career In archeology In The US. tamu.edu) Associate Professor ofAnthropology, Texas A work for universities, colleges, museums, the federal http://www.txarch.org/arch/careers.html | |
84. Kansas Archeology Week Poster, Kansas State Historical Society original watercolor of Plains moccasin leggings for this Kansas archeology Week poster. IndianArts Show at the University of Kansas Museum of anthropology. http://www.kshs.org/resource/archeposters.htm | |
85. New Mexico History/Archeology/Geneology (All About New Mexico) Mexico Links huge list of links (Southwestern archeology); Resources on the Internet;anthropology and American of North America; Maxwell Museum of anthropology http://www-psych.nmsu.edu/~linda/history.htm | |
86. Welcome To University Of Pennsylvania Museum Of Archaeology And Anthropology Mythic Visions Yarn Paintings of a Huichol Shaman Now on Display. All Content© 2002 University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and anthropology http://www.museum.upenn.edu/ | |
87. University Of Pennsylvania Museum Of Archaeology And Anthropology University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and anthropology This site provides online galleries and traveling exhibits from the museum. Many of these exhibits feature ancient cultures such http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.museum.upenn.edu/&y=0220C1D0253D |
88. Maya-Archaeology.Org, FLAAR Informative Network but we hope to encourage people to visit these archaeology museums in person AndreaDavid, and the Foundation for Latin American Anthropological Research (FLAAR http://maya-archaeology.org/ | |
89. NPS AEP: For The Public States. For a more comprehensive list of archeology and Anthropologymuseums please visit the links to online museum lists below. Also http://www.cr.nps.gov/aad/public/archvisit.htm | |
90. Resources us/webmuseums/. Homepage@University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeologyand anthropology, http//www.upenn.edu/museum/. Internet Art http://uniondale.k12.ny.us/cybrary/Resources-History, ancient.htm |
91. S.C. Code Of Laws Title 60 Chapter 13 South Carolina Museum Commission And Insti CHAPTER 13. SOUTH CAROLINA MUSEUM COMMISSION AND INSTITUTE OF archeology ANDANTHROPOLOGY. ARTICLE 1. SOUTH CAROLINA MUSEUM COMMISSION. SECTION 6013-10. http://www.scstatehouse.net/code/t60c013.htm | |
92. Internet Resources For Social And Cultural Anthropology Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (Harvard Studies; National Park ServiceArcheology and Ethnography of Scholarly Societies anthropology; Society for http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/anth/soccult/internet.htm | |
93. African Archeology U. Ukrainian Archaeological Archives on WWW University of Michigan Museum of AnthropologyUniversity Museum, University of Pennsylvania Museum Applied Science http://home.worldonline.cz/~cz307421/lib-arch.asp.htm | |
94. Peabody Museum Of Archaeology And Ethnology Bearclaw necklace. Save on admissions at the Harvard museums with the HarvardHot Ticket! Harvard Univeristy 11 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA, USA. http://www.peabody.harvard.edu/default.html | |
95. Smithsonian Institution, Anthropology Outreach Office: Washington D.C. Area Arch Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum 10515 Mackall Rd Service National Capital RegionArcheology Program 1100 Dent Department of anthropology American University http://www.nmnh.si.edu/anthro/outreach/localgde.html | |
96. Arts & Culture | Museums Please Touch Museum. Please Touch Museum. Children We proudly present ourlocal museums. museums. The Franklin Institute Science Museum The http://www.phila.gov/visitors/arts/museums.html | |
97. Internship And Job Information - Historic Preservation And Museum Studies At UNC Work with the registrar at the University of Pennsylvania Museum ofArcheology and anthropology on the museum s European collection. http://www.uncg.edu/hpms/internships.html | |
98. KidKountry.com: Museum Center Maya/Aztec/Inca Exchange a Web site, which deals with the archeology and Anthropologyof the Americas. http//www.mayalords.org/. Â Lost Museum of Sciences http://www.kidkountry.com/museum/museum.php | |
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