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21. Science Department-Anthropology Class A site containing links to many museums and archeological site with a large numberof links concerning archeology. anthropologyAbout.com A great site with a http://www.gradebook.org/Anthropology Class.html | |
22. ELA Archeology Directory ELA archeology PALEONTOLOGY DIRECTORY Dictionaries, Glossaries, § §anthropology§ Associations §BIOLOGY Human Origins museums NEWS Paleontology http://home.att.net/~gallgosp/archeolo.htm | |
23. American Archeology contract archeology. There are also opportunities for interesting and meaningfulwork in local historical museums, museums of archaeology and anthropology, http://www.lycoming.edu/arch/AmArch.htm | |
24. Anthropology Subject Portal anthropology museums on the Web; anthropology on the Internet (article from Currentanthropology); anthropology Resources on the Internet; archeology and http://www.ulib.csuohio.edu/portals/anth-m.shtml | |
25. TheBrandywine.com: Philadelphia Museums University of Pennsylvania Museum of archeology anthropology 33rd Spruce Streets Philadelphia, PA 215.898.4000 www.upenn.edu/museum Ancient Egyptian http://www.thebrandywine.com/go/phillymuseums.html | |
26. Faculty Index/Dept Of Anthropology@UIUC Historical and economic anthropology, colonialism, African film 1986; Assoc Prof)archeology, complex societies landscape archaeology; museums and representations http://www.anthro.uiuc.edu/Department/faculty&staff.html | |
27. Philadelphia Museums - Science & History - The Best Museums - Science & History With one of the best archeology and anthropology collections in theUnited States, this museum has over 30 galleries displaying items from around...... http://www.10best.com/Philadelphia/Museums_and_Galleries/Museums_-_Science_&_His | |
28. ANTHROPOLOGY (BA/BS) - Career Development Center of museums Good career information on what museum professionals do Archaeology onthe Net; Anthropologists at Work; archeology and anthropology Careers from http://careers.appstate.edu/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&P |
29. Peru Links: Entertainment/Museums de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo Google Translation Sp - En - (Spanish)A museum of archeology, anthropology and history in Trujillo, Peru. http://www.perulinks.com/pages/english/Entertainment/Museums/ | |
30. Anthropology Careers CAREERS IN anthropology. Research Consultants (archaeology) Human Relations Commission(applied) Indiana Historical Society (museums, archeology, cultural http://www.emporia.edu/socanth/antcareers.htm | |
31. Arts-Technology.com :: Archeology & Prehistory Museums :: Arts & Technology Info archeology Prehistory museums. National anthropology Museum, MexicoCity(MX); National Archaeological museums, Umbria (IT); http://www.arts-technology.com/art/museums/prehistory-mus.asp | |
32. Toppest Anthropology News And Anthropology Website Directory LookSmart anthropology LookSmart - anthropology and archeology; *Lycos Web ofanthropology One of the nationÂs finest anthropology museums, the Maxwell http://www.toppest.com/anthropology.htm | |
33. Online Museums - Page 18 Queen Victoria museum Art Gallery; Santa Barbara Museum of Natural in marine biology,ornithology, mammalogy, ethnobotany, archeology, and anthropology. http://www.windy-city.com/museums/online19.html | |
34. Selected Internet Sites-Anthropology anthropology. archeology, Cultural Social anthropology, Physical anthropology,museums, Electronic Journals. General anthropology. Academic Organizations. http://www.marquette.edu/library/sites/anthropology.html | |
35. Hoppa - Archeology In The World Harvard, museums, archeology, anthropology, Universities, Ethnology The PeabodyMuseum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University, founded in 1866 by http://hoppa.com/Archeology/ | |
36. Department Of Sociology, Anthropology, And Social Work four subfields cultural anthropology, archeology, physical anthropology The studyof anthropology is relevant such organizations as museums, government agencies http://www.uncc.edu/catalog/ugrad/as/socanth.html |
37. Archeology ArÂchaeological Services, University of Alabama museums, Moundville, and at theWilÂliam S. Webb Museum of anthropology, University of Kentucky , Lexington . http://www.wordtrade.com/society/archeology.htm | |
38. 1999-2000 Graduate Catalog World Regions (IR) The anthropology (prehistory, peoples ANTH4353 Laboratory Methodsin archeology (IR) Theory Studies (SP) Introduction to museums and museum http://www.uark.edu/admin/urelinfo/CatalogofStudies/OLD_CATALOGS/99-00/grad/ANTH | |
39. Anthropology & Archeology Conservation; Research; Education. museums universities; state Those interested inanthropology may specialize four branches archeology, sociocultural, linguistic http://www.ssc.cc.il.us/services/studentservices/transfer/degree/anthro_arch.htm | |
40. Archaeology And Material Culture Links Page workers union; University of Indianapolis archeology and Forensics technically coolforensic and physical anthropology site with museums and virtual exhibits. http://www.iupui.edu/~anthpm/links.html | |
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