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1. Museums, Archeology, Anthropology Ethnic Native American museums, archeology, anthropology. The Amerind Foundation. http//www.amerind.org/ The Amerind Foundation, Inc. http://www.lib.ci.tucson.az.us/bkmkspub/nativeamer/museums.htm |
2. FAQ-Career In Archaeology In The U.S. A guide to archeological sites and museums in the US Fiction Bibliography (http//www.tamu.edu/anthropology/fiction.html 6534316(http//www.caa-archeology.org http://www.museum.state.il.us/ismdepts/anthro/dlcfaq.html | |
3. Science Resources On The Net Start Page A selection of listings covering museums, K12 sites, math, computer science, philosophy of science, physics, chemistry, astronomy and cosmology, biology, geology, ecology, agriculture, medicine, psychology, anthropology and archeology. Includes website search engine. http://www.geocities.com/peterroberts.geo/ | |
4. LookSmart - Directory - Archaeology And Anthropology Museum Stores Archaeology and anthropology Museum Stores Find stores and gift shopsfor museums dedicated to archeology and anthropology. Directory http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317830/us317870/us589455/us589458/us5 | |
5. LookSmart - Directory - Anthropology Museums And Exhibits anthropology museums and Exhibits Learn about anthropology, ethnologyand archeology topics from museums worldwide. Directory http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us53711/us53754/us587856/ | |
6. NativeWeb Resources: Anthropology & Archeology site, which deals with the archeology and anthropology student in Tulane University sDepartment of anthropology. of archaeological sites and museums from all http://www.nativeweb.org/resources/anthropology_archeology/ | |
7. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Anthropology : *Museums & Exhibits Social Sciences anthropology * museums Exhibits. There are 49 entries in this category is a virtual museum of anthropology and archeology with extensive information on all http://db.educationworld.com/perl/browse?cat_id=5751 |
8. Peru: Art Museums / Lima National Museum for the archeology, anthropology and History of Peru one of the country s most important museums. Collections http://www.universes-in-universe.de/america/per/mus/e-lima.htm | |
9. Archeological Museums Visit these online archeology museums. information about the laboratory of anthropology,educational programs offers information about the museums and the http://www.student-manual.com/study/subjects/archeology/museums.htm | |
10. Museums Of Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Museum of archeology and anthropology, The, 33rd andSpruce St. 215898-4000. University of the Arts, The, 320 S Broad, 215-875-1116. http://www.worldartantiques.com/PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia.html | |
11. Links To University Anthropology Museums Americas. University of Arkansas, Museum, Fayetteville. anthropology,archeology, ethnology, history, geology, zoology. University http://sunsite.wits.ac.za/mus/anth.htm | |
12. Links To University Archaeology Museums state. University of Arkansas, Museum, Fayetteville. anthropology,archeology, ethnology, history, geology, zoology. University http://sunsite.wits.ac.za/mus/arch.htm | |
13. Anthropology And Archaeology Gopher collection includes access to over 60,000 anthropology Division records Classicsand Mediterranean archeology Page This server collects links to museums. http://newton.physics.wwu.edu:8082/jstewart/scied/anthro.html | |
14. Anthroplogy, Type, Museums, Visual Arts, Performing Arts At World Wide Arts Reso University of Pennsylvania Museum of archeology and anthropology I very much hopethat you enjoy this website with its virtual exhibits, games, and information http://www.wwar.com/categories/Museums/Type/Anthroplogy/ | |
15. NPS AEP: For The Public Universities and colleges;; museums and historic sites;; Government agencies atall levels if you are looking for a job in anthropology or archeology, or if http://www.cr.nps.gov/aad/public/career.htm | |
16. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Society - Social Science - Anthropolo museums http//www.csufresno.edu/anthropology/museums.html Link to a variety ofmuseums that involve the field of anthropology. Cover archeology and cultural http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=589649 |
17. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Society - Social Science - Anthropolo into such subjects as archeology, physical anthropology WWW Virtual Library anthropology http//vlib specialized fields, museums, publications, institutions http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=55458 |
18. ASOR Outreach Links--Archaeology--general Search Argos archeology Supersite from Dallas of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeologyand anthropology Award-winning from one of the world s outstanding museums. http://www.asor.org/outreach/links/genarchy.html | |
19. Hampshire College -- Amherst, MA courses recently offered in the areas of archeology and anthropology and AgroBiodiversityanthropology of Development anthropology of museums Colloquium in http://www.hampshire.edu/cms/index.php?id=2928 |
20. Great Anthropology Museums To Visit | MuseumStuff.com comprises engaging galleries of art, archeology and s. Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeologyand anthropology, through its of the worldÂs greatest museums of art http://www.museumstuff.com/museums/types/anthropology/featured.html | |
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