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81. Near Eastern Languages And Cultures (NELC) Home Page eastern Languages and Cultures (NELC) offers instruction in a number of near easternlanguages, literatures, and cultures, including arabic, Hebrew, Persian http://nelc.osu.edu/ | |
82. Near Eastern Studies II HIST 211 History of the Ancient near East I TKL 216 Ottoman Paleography II TKL304 Classics of eastern and Western Turkish Grammar II AR 201202 arabic I-II http://is.washcoll.edu/concentrations/near_east.html | |
83. Near Eastern Languages And Cultures: Faculty And Staff of English, Jewish Studies Program,near eastern Languages and Professor of ComparativeLiterature, marks@indiana Assistant Instructor of arabic, yamermer@indiana http://www.indiana.edu/~nelcmesp/faculty.shtml | |
84. Michael Cooperson 1. Classical arabic Biography. In Understanding near eastern Literatures A Spectrumof Interdisciplinary Approaches, ed. Beatrice Gruendler and Verena Klemm http://www.nelc.ucla.edu/Faculty/Cooperson.htm | |
85. Faculty & Staff in Teaching Language and literature, Damascus University. Doctoral Candidate inNear eastern Languages and Civilizations University; MA in arabic and Islamic http://www.middlebury.edu/ls/arabic/facstaff/ | |
86. Near Eastern Section, CUL While the near eastern collection tries to meet the basic of the collection is onArabic and Hebrew strong on mediaeval history, classical literature, and the http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/NearEastern/NESmain.htm | |
87. Welcome To The Faculty Of Oriental Studies At Oxford University in Medieval arabic Thought *; Handbook for the M.Phil on Contemporary Turkey; SubFacultyof near and Middle eastern Art Department of the Ashmolean Museum; Oxford http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/nme/index.shtml | |
88. LINGUIST List 7.997: Freelance Copyeditor, Hebrew, Dept. Chair: Near Eastern DEPARTMENT CHAIR The Department of near eastern, Judaic, and Hellenic Languages andLiteratures (which is in of the Department teach arabic, Hebrew, Persian http://www.linguistlist.org/issues/7/7-997.html | |
89. NELC_Faculty History and archaeology of the near East in Wheeler, Brannon Associate Professor,arabic language, Islam Political Science and Middle eastern Studies, wheelerd@u http://depts.washington.edu/nelc/faculty/faculty_main.html | |
90. Near Eastern Languages And Civilizations near eastern languages and civilizations. 6422, scohen@fas Jewish studies; Hebrewliterature and philosophy. 4954513, wgraham@fas Islam; classical arabic texts http://www.seo.harvard.edu/resprog/r22.html | |
91. Washington University In St. Louis Islam and Politics Ethnicity, Religion, and Change in the Muslim World Asian andNear eastern Languages and literature (ANELL) Guided Readings in arabic I, II http://w3fp.arizona.edu/mesassoc/directory/WashingtonUStLouis.htm | |
92. Majors & Minors-Near Eastern Studies Lower Division Requirements for the near eastern Languages and Literatures Majornear eastern Studies 10; In arabic, Hebrew, Persian, and Turkish elementary http://ls-advise.berkeley.edu/majors/nestud.html | |
93. Asian And Near Eastern Languages & Literatures The Department offers program in the study of Asian and near eastern languages andliteratures, including arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean and http://news-info.wustl.edu/group/page/normal/15.html | |
94. CANES Current Courses CLASSICAL near eastern STUDIES (CNE). and Renaissance periods with contemporaneousliteratures from India, China, Japan, Middleeastern, and other arabic (ARA http://puffin.creighton.edu/clc/CANES_courses/Courses.htm | |
95. Semitics Major programs (MA and Ph.D.) in early near eastern Christian languages and literatures(with concentrations in Syriac, Coptic, and arabic) make possible http://libraries.cua.edu/semicoll/colldev.html | |
96. Undergraduate Record, Chapter 6 College Of Arts And Sciences Alienation and Politics in the Contemporary arabic Novel. 3) (IR) 20th Century PersianLiterature in Translation. ANTH 384 (3) (Y) near eastern Archaeology. http://www.virginia.edu/registrar/records/98ugradrec/chapter6/uchap6-3.27a.html |
97. College Of Literature, Science, And The Arts Ernest N. McCarus, arabic and Kurdish linguistics. Louis L. Orlin, Ancient NearEastern history. modern Turkish and Ottoman (Turkish) language and literature. http://www.lsa.umich.edu/lsa/printversion/0,2062,2044*article*1598*UOM_Article,0 | |
98. Middle East And Islamic Studies Research At UCSB Libraries -- Internet Resources Sea Scrolls and Associated literature (Hebrew University Studies UC Berkeley NearEastern Collections Professional of Teachers of arabic, American Association http://www.library.ucsb.edu/subj/neareast.html | |
99. Faculty - Middle East Studies Terri DeYoung, Ph.D. CaliforniaBerkeley (1988), Associate Professor, NearEastern Languages and Civilization; arabic language and literature. http://jsis.artsci.washington.edu/programs/mideast/mid-fac.html | |
100. Courses Of Study Near Eastern Studies The History and Archaeology of the Ancient near East (also NES 213, Classical ArabicTexts (also RELST 213 NES 293, Sophomore Seminar Middle eastern Cinema (also http://cuinfo.cornell.edu/Academic/Courses/CoScourses.phtml?college=AS&dept=Near |
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