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41. Near Eastern, Middle Eastern Language, Literature, Studies Graduate Programs Out politics and economics; arabic language and literature; arabicEnglish translation Universityof Edinburgh Ancient near eastern and Mediterranean Studies http://www.gradschools.com/listings/out/near_east_out.html | |
42. Department Of Near And Middle Eastern Civilizations eastern archaeology Royal Ontario Museum, near eastern and Asian University) Quranicexegesis; Islamic thought; arabic language and literature Room 217 http://www.utoronto.ca/nmc/faculty/graduate.html | |
43. UC TLtC: Funding Opportunities - 2001-2002 Grant Recipients near eastern Studies program, UCSB) and Michael Cooperson (Department of near easternLanguages Cultures, UCLA). arabic language literature is currently http://www.uctltc.org/funding/2001.02/arabic.htm | |
44. Yale College Programs Of Study Students take at least two years of arabic, and courses in arabic literature, Arabcivilization, Islamic religion, near eastern history, and Persian language. http://www.yale.edu/ycpo/ycps/M-P/nreastFM.html | |
45. Middle Eastern Literature The Experimental arabic Novel AUTHOR Meyer, Stefen G An Index to English PeriodicalLiterature on the Old Testament and Ancient near eastern Studies AUTHOR http://www.bookfinder.us/Literature___Fiction/World_Literature/Middle_Eastern_Li | |
46. New York University | Bobst Library: Collection Development Policy: Near And Mid is a strong resource for filling Bobst gaps in arabic, Persian, and Hebrew languagematerials, near East travel literature, near eastern Christianity, and Islam http://library.nyu.edu/collections/policies/neareast.html | |
47. Near Eastern Languages is on the classical heritage of arabic literature in its literature and modern Hebrewliterature) and academic published in Israel on near eastern subjects and http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/orientalrightnear.htm | |
48. Welcome To The Faculty Of Oriental Studies At Oxford University or else another language chosen from the following arabic, Aramaic and library resourcesfor Egyptian and Ancient near eastern literature, languages, history http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/nme/eanes_info.shtml | |
49. UofM Course Calendar 2003-2004: Arts - Near Eastern And Judaic Studies 6 credit hours in Language and literature (Hebrew 1 , Yiddish, or arabic 2)  6 credit hours in Judaic Civilization or near eastern Studies  18 http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/calendar04/faculties/arts/judaic/ | |
50. Library Of Congress, Collections Overviews: Area Studies: Near East Studies approximately 40,000 titles in literature and 30,000 pamphlet collections, especiallythe arabic and Persian The Library s interest in near eastern studies is http://www.loc.gov/acq/devpol/colloverviews/near-east.html | |
51. The Philip W. Lown School Of Near Eastern And Judaic Studies East, contemporary Jewish studies,and modern Hebrew literature. Ancient near Easternreligions. arabic language and literature.Persian language and literature. http://www.brandeis.edu/registrar/bulletin/1998-99/NEJS98.html | |
52. M = The Philip W. Lown School Of Near Eastern And Judaic Studies arabic. ARBC 10a, 20b, 30a, 40b, NEJS 103a, 103b. Biblical and Ancient near EasternStudies. Talmud and Rabbinic literature. NEJS 53b, 120b, 125b, 126b, 127b. http://www.brandeis.edu/registrar/bulletin/1997-98/NEJS97.html | |
53. UCSD Catalog - Literature Courses accounts in their ancient near eastern context Medieval Hebrew literature (4) Majorliterary works arabic literature in Translation (4) Analysis and discussion http://literature.ucsd.edu/catalog/courses.neareastern.html | |
54. ALMISBAH: Languages And Literatures: Other Semitic Languages And Literatures (ex cataloging; hebrew language; jewish literature; jewish literature; hebrew imprints Keywords,NELC; study; near eastern studies; arabic language; hebrew http://ssgdoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/vlib/ssgfi/subject/almisbah_ssg040303_on_e | |
55. ALMISBAH: Languages And Literatures: Other Semitic Languages And Literatures (ex Köln; Cologne; ancient near eastern studies; semitic malayology; islamic studies;arabic studies; shi?ah Israel; booksellers; literature; periodicals; hebrew http://ssgdoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/vlib/ssgfi/subject/almisbah_ssg040301_on_e | |
56. JRULM: Special Collection Guide: Jewish, Near Eastern & Oriental Studies The Marmorstein Collection of Judaic literature is especially Samuel Alexander PapersMS; arabic Manuscripts MS relating to Jewish, near eastern and Oriental http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data2/spcoll/intjew.html | |
57. JRULM: Middle Eastern RSLP. Manchester The JRULM near eastern Collection numbers around 17,000 The arabic collectioncovers in depth the are in history and literature, in particular for http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/rslp_mes/ | |
58. Culture And Civilization Option literature in Translation (3) near E 425 Current Trends in Modern near eastern literatureand Criticism (3) near E 435 Major Trends in Modern arabic Fiction (3 http://depts.washington.edu/nelc/programs/nes_cul&civ.htm | |
59. Terri DeYoung 1984 Candidate for Ph.D. in near eastern Studies (specializationin Modern arabic literature) University of California, Berkeley. http://faculty.washington.edu/tdeyoung/CV2003short.htm | |
60. Near Eastern Studies Law. CHARLES R. KRAHMALKOV, Professor of ancient near eastern languages.TREVOR LEGASSICK, Professor of arabic literature. DORON LAMM http://www.umich.edu/~neareast/faculty.html | |
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