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161. Fatwa / World Islamic Front For Jihad Against Jews And Crusaders Alamiyah liJihad al-Yahud wa-al-Salibiyin. Pubished in the arabic Newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi (London, UK) on 23 February, 1998, p. 3. http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/fatw2.htm | |
162. Amar Almasude Translator of any combination of the following languages Classic arabic, English, French, Moroccan colloquial, Spanish and Tamazight. http://www.artworkis.com/AATranslation.htm |
163. Middlebury College: Error 404 According to your browser, the link you were trying to reach is this one http//www.middlebury.edu/lis/lib/arabic.htm We apologize that it is unavailable and http://www.middlebury.edu/~lib/arabic.html | |
164. Main Page 1700 translated to 7 languages hadith of Bukhary and Moslim books. Also, the site root contains the arabic 9 hadith's books contains 62,000 hadiths. http://hadith.al-islam.com/bayan | |
165. File Has Moved Find out which languages have released versions of IEAK 6 SP 1. arabic; Brazilian Portuguese; Czech; Danish; Dutch; Finnish; French; German; Greek; Hebrew; http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/worldwide/all.asp |
166. Tarjim Welcome to Tarjim Site for Online Translation from arabic to English and from English to arabic. If you are a registered user on http://tarjim.ajeeb.com/ajeeb/default.asp?lang=1 |
167. Duxbury Systems -- Braille Translation Software Makes software for braille translation (conversion between print and braille) and wordprocessing. The Duxbury Braille Translator (DBT) can be used for many languages and technical specialty codes, including English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swahili, arabic among others. http://www.duxburysystems.com/ | |
168. LCTLs At The University Of Kansas Building knowledge of and enrollment in arabic, Hausa, Kaqchikel Mayan, Kechwa, Kiswahil, Korean and Polish at the university. http://www.ukans.edu/~lctls | |
169. MIALS Asian, Islamic, arabic, Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese studies. http://www.mials.unimelb.edu.au/ | |
170. Audio RealAudio messages about God's love and grace in over 50 languages from arabic to Zulu. http://www.i-am.org/audio.htm | |
171. Krishna Vision Asian and arabic multi lingual eye test charts. Languages represented include arabic, Urdu, Telugu, Bengali, Tamil, and Oriya. http://www.krishnavision.co.uk/ | |
172. Web Site Design, Hosting, Translation And Ecommerce Solutions In Montreal, Quebe Design, development, implementation and translation services. Languages include English, French, Spanish, arabic, German, and Russian. Based in St. Laurent, Quebec. http://www.nissr.com/ | |
173. ::::: AppTek ::::: Machine Translation software for the Desktop and the Web. Languages include arabic, Persian/Farsi, Turkish, Korean, and Chinese. http://www.apptek.com/ | |
174. Arutz Sheva - Israel National News Israel Gifts Baskets Israel Flowers and Wines Gift Baskets Delivery Center, 24h service. ProudZionist.com Jewish, Zionist and ProUS Apparel in arabic! http://www.israelnationalnews.com/articles.php3?type=1 |
175. Dhanalakshmi Business Software For Wholesale Distributors Business accounting inventory software for traders, dealers and distributors that supports right to left languages including arabic, Urdu, Farsi and Hebrew. http://business.accounting.inventory.software.langchat.com/ | |
176. Tunis 2004 Arabe pour étrangers 6, Rue de Rhodes Mutuelleville 1082 Tunis - Tunisie Tel +216 71 845892 Fax +216 71 848043. info@arabic-tunisia.freeservers.com. http://arabic-tunisia.freeservers.com/ | |
177. Charlottémarie Chanter, vocalist, poet, composer, performing and recording artist using languages of Sanskrit, arabic, Aramaic, Latin, Farsi, Spanish and English. Includes reviews, photos, biography, merchandise, and performance information. http://www.charlottemarie.com/ | |
178. Education And Careers Information Portal Business Environment. Accounting , Finance , Human Resources , Marketing ,. Teaching and Learning. Special Education , Secondary , Languages ,. Health Sciences. http://www.unixl.com/dir/ | |
179. Islamic Virtual School Islamic Virtual School. http://www.islamicschool.net/ | |
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