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21. Syria Gate - About Syria - Arabic Language A description of the arabic language, it's history and roots which go back to the Assyrians, and some pronounciations unique to Arabic. General Info. arabic language. The arabic language. Arabic http://www.syriagate.com/Syria/about/general/arabic_language.htm | |
22. Arabic Language Software - Mualimi Comprehensive interactive multimedia standard arabic language course for all levels from elementary to college. Curriculum requires http://www.arabicteacher.com/ |
23. Arabic Language Center Intoduction arabic language Center Cairo  Mannheim. Pedagogical head of AZ CairoMannheim Abdel Nasser Abbas, MA. What is the arabic language Center? http://www.arabic-in-cairo.com/main.htm | |
24. Languages Quest Multimedia; My Arabic TeacherÂ; arabic language Programs (USA); Places to Learn Arabic (Cafe Arabica); arabic language Associations. http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/lang.htm | |
25. TEACHING ARABIC, COURSES ARABIC, LEARNING ARABIC arabic language courses in Cairo. Information on the curriculum, costs and housing. http://www.teachingarabic.com | |
26. AUC | Arabic Language Institute World . The arabic language Institute offers the following programs Advantages of Study at the arabic language Institute. Learn http://www.aucegypt.edu/academic/ali/ | |
27. Georgetown University Department Of Arabic Language, Literature And Linguistics 6872408. Welcome to the Department of arabic language, Literature and Linguistics at Georgetown University. Courses Fall 2004. In http://www.georgetown.edu/departments/arabic/ | |
28. Arabic2000.Com - Arabic Software, Arabic Lessons, Arabic Directory And Arabic In Comprehensive site offering resources about the arabic language including learning software, Arabic webbased course and links to best Arabic sites. Also includes three bulletin boards and search facilities in both Arabic and English. http://www.arabic2000.com/ | |
29. Georgetown University Department Of Arabic Language, Literature And Linguistics Jenna Beveridge, Assistant Director Summer Arabic and Persian Institute Department of arabic language, Literature and Linguistics Georgetown University PO Box http://www.georgetown.edu/departments/arabic/summer.htm | |
30. Middle East Studies - Arabic Language WWW Virtual Library. Department home. arabic language. The Arabic Kingdom (United States Air Force Academy). arabic language (Universal Survey of Languages). http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/mideast/cuvlm/arabic.html | |
31. Bassem's Simple Arabic Language Dictionary (English To Arabic) Dictionary to teach yourself arabic language in an Egyptian accent. Suitable for tourists and tourism. http://www.geocities.com/norton_innocent/ArabicDictionaryTutorial/teach.htm | |
32. Learn Arabic Online. Learn Arabic Language Online. Online Arabic Language Course Learn Arabic Online. Learn arabic language online. Online Arabic Courses for children and adults. Online arabic language proficiency test ALPT . http://www.arabacademy.com/ |
33. IPL Kidspace: Say Hello To The World Say Hello in the arabic language. a Arabi. Arabic Script Did You Know You Were Speaking Arabic? Words in English from the arabic language mosque. lute. cipher. http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/hello/arabic.html | |
34. Arabic Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia arabic language. Arabic is a Semitic language, fairly closely related to, for instance, the Hebrew language and the Aramaic language. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_language |
35. LINGUIST List 5.812: Language Games Mailing list posting author Trey Jones presents a summary of secret and play languages from many cultures, including Cazarny Talk, the Russian Fufa Language, arabic language play and Bengali Pig Latins. Extensive bibliography. http://linguistlist.org/issues/5/5-812.html | |
36. Arabic Software,machine Translation,document Management,dictionary,localization, Reseller of arabic language applications, including Microsoft and QuarkXPress products. Includes information on products and ordering. http://www.aramedia.com/ | |
37. Rosette Arabic Language Analyzer Rosette® arabic language Analyzer (ARLA) is a multiplatform, high-performance linguistic engine that facilitates the analysis of documents written in Arabic. http://www.basistech.com/products/language-analysis/arla.html | |
38. Aswat Arabic Choir San Francisco An arabic language choir in San Francisco, California that is open to all interested in the vocal music of the Arab world. Events, schedule, and contact information. http://www.galatia.com/~amy/aswat/ | |
39. Arabic Super Bargains, Arabic Art, Arabic Bible, Arabic Calligraphy, Arabic Chil Hundreds of arabic language related products and information including Tutorials, Children s Products, Dictionaries, Localized Prod, Operating Systems, and http://www.worldlanguage.com/Languages/Arabic.htm?CalledFrom=210325 |
40. Fun With Arabic-Learn Arabic Language Online, The Arabic Alphabet, Grammar, And Learn arabic online in a fun and interactive way. Study the alphabet its grammar how to form short arabic phrases and basic arabic language vocabulary. http://www.funwitharabic.com/ | |
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