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21. AFW Degree Program Department of aquaculture, fisheries and Wildlife. G08 Lehotsky Hall. Clemson, SC296340362. Bachelor of Science Degree in aquaculture, fisheries and Wildlife http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/AFW/degrees.htm | |
22. Aquaculture Consulting - Tilapia Culture & Shrimp Farming fisheries projects management and assistance. Shell fish and marine fish farming experience. Located in Ecuador. http://www.noe-aquaculture.com | |
23. Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute Home Page With oceanography, fish biology, aquaculture, and stock assessment divisions. Located in Hachinohe City, Aomori. http://ss.myg.affrc.go.jp/ | |
24. Home Page Arkansas aquaculture/fisheries Publications. More Arkansas aquaculture Publications.How to Order CES Materials. UAPB aquaculture/fisheries Center. AquaNic. http://www.uaex.edu/aquaculture2/pubslist.htm | |
25. NS Department Of Fisheries And Aquaculture Aquaculture Find out how to engage in aquaculture by learning about services, licenses and opportunities. The site displays species fact sheets, training programs and advice on business applications and loans. http://www.gov.ns.ca/fish/aqua/ |
26. Maryland Sea Grant Extension: Aquaculture & Fisheries Maryland Sea Grant Extension Staff assist those involved in finfish aquaculture, shellfish aquaculture and oyster management and restoration. aquaculture fisheries. Finfish aquaculture Grant Extension Maryland Aquafarmer aquaculture fisheries Seafood Technology Pond Management http://www.mdsg.umd.edu/Extension/aqua_fish.html | |
27. European Aquaculture Society: aquaculture Europe 2004. 2 nd International Congress on aquaculture, fisheries Technologyand Environmental Management. 18 20 June 2004, Athens, Greece, EU. http://www.easonline.org/agenda/en/description.asp?id=220 |
28. Home Page, Tasmanian Aquaculture & Fisheries Institute, University Of Tasmania TAFI was established as a centre of excellence in applied marine research to support the development and sustainable management of Tasmania's living marine resources. http://www.utas.edu.au/docs/tafi/TAFI_Homepage.html | |
29. PLATE-FROZEN FISH BLOCKS, SOUP BASES AND FISH STOCKS, Freshwater Fish Products F Kosher processer of freshwater rough fish, rowe, commercial baits, byproducts, and carp pituitary for aquaculture. http://www.sfishinc.com/fishp1.htm | |
30. Blackwell Publishing - Aquaculture & Fisheries Locate books with our new enhanced search engine! http://www.isupress.edu/aquaculture.html | |
31. Biological Diversity In Food And Agriculture This portal provides links to FAO's resources including the Code of Conduct on Responsible fisheries and evaluation of new genetic technologies on fishing and aquaculture, procedures on risk assessment and ethical issues to ensure responsible fisheries. http://www.fao.org/biodiversity/Aquatic_gen_en.asp | |
32. Fishing For Information: Aquaculture, Fish & Fisheries aquaculture, fisheries, Aquaria and Fish Diseases. email DiscussionLists, Mailbox icon, Newspaper icon, Usenet News groups. Web Sites, http://www.atc.stir.ac.uk/Fishing/Fish/FISH.HTM | |
33. E-mail Discussion Lists For Aquaculture, Fisheries And Aquaria Email discussion lists in aquaculture, fisheries, Aquaria and FishDiseases. PLEASE NOTE Except where noted, you can join these http://www.atc.stir.ac.uk/Fishing/Fish/F_disc.htm | |
34. Sustainable Aquaculture - Fisheries And Oceans Canada aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms in marine or freshwater. As a result,it has made sustainable aquaculture development a federal priority. http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/aquaculture/main_e.htm | |
35. Sustainable Aquaculture - Fisheries And Oceans Canada / Aquaculture Durable - PÃ Translate this page http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/aquaculture/ | |
36. NS Department Of Agriculture And Fisheries: Home The department regulates these industries and offers information on programs and services, organization, education, food, environment, aquaculture, marketing and industry. http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsaf/ | |
37. Subject Index For Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish Science aquaculture, fisheries Fish Science. Welcome Top Arrow. BlackwellPublishing Journals in aquaculture, fisheries Fish Science. A http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/subject.asp?subj=WB&site=1 |
38. Fiskirannsóknarstovan Research into fishery biology, oceanography, and aquaculture. http://www.frs.fo/ | |
39. Blackwell Publishing - Books By Series Blackwell Synergy, Books Series. aquaculture, fisheries Fish Science.aquaculture Fishing News Books fisheries Multilingual Wallcharts http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/serieslist.asp?subj=WB&SearchOrd=Rank&type=se |
40. AMSA 2004 Annual Conference Range of themes including ecosystem change, biophysical oceanography, aquaculture and fisheries, and management. Includes program, registration, paper and poster information, and related links. Tasmania, Australia. http://www.amsa.asn.au/conference/ |
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