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61. Department Of Applied Mathematics In NUK Department of applied mathematics. http://math.nuk.edu.tw/Eindex.htm | |
62. Graduate Work In Applied Mathematics We also have many colloquia given by visiting applied mathematicians and joint colloquia with the Department Questions or Comments to webmaster@math.miami.edu http://www.math.miami.edu/grad/applied.htm | |
63. Career Options For Econ And Applied Math Econ Majors. Career options for Economics and applied mathematical Economics Majors. http://www.oswego.edu/~economic/career.opt.htm | |
64. WSEAS CONFERENCES APPLIED MATHEMATICS, FLORIDA, USA 5th WSEAS International Conference. Miami, Florida, USA; 2123 April 2004. http://www.worldses.org/conferences/2004/florida/math/ |
65. Career Information For Econ And Applied Math Econ Majors Career Information for Economics and applied mathematical Economics Majors. http://www.oswego.edu/~economic/careers.html | |
66. ¦¨¤j¼Ã¾Ã¨t Department of applied mathematics. http://www.math.ncku.edu.tw/english/ |
67. SWJPAM Journal of Pure and applied mathematics. SWJPAM is a peerreviewed journal. SWJPAM is reviewed by Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt Math and mirrored by http://rattler.cameron.edu/swjpam/swjpam.html | |
68. Sacbee: The X Factor Bee/Lezlie Sterling. applied math Think algebra s useless in life? Think again. By Deb Kollars Bee Staff Writer (Published Dec. 12, 2000) http://www.sacbee.com/static/archive/news/projects/algebra/121200.html | |
69. 4th Southern California Applied Mathematics Symposium (SoCAMS) 4th Southern California applied mathematics Symposium. Claremont Colleges, CA, USA; 24 April 2004. http://www.math.hmc.edu/socams04/ | |
70. AMS applied mathematical Sciences. Critical funding comes from the applied mathematical Sciences (AMS) division of the Department of Energy. http://math.lanl.gov/AMS/ | |
71. WSU Applied Maths Programs, faculty, admissions, seminars, courses. http://www.math.wright.edu/MS/AppliedMath/appliedmath.html | |
72. Scientific Research Institute Of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics RSU Official site with information on research areas, staff, structure and publications. http://www.math.rsu.ru/niimpm/niimpm.en.html | |
73. FAS Handbook: Chapter 3: Applied Mathematics applied mathematics. Professor Donald Studies. We can characterize what applied mathematicians should learn by examining what they do. Mathematical http://www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/handbooks/student/chapter3/applied_mathemat | |
74. Daniel A. Spielman's Homepage Associate Professor of applied mathematics, MIT and member of Theory of Computation Group in CSAIL http://www-math.mit.edu/~spielman/ | |
75. Applied Mathematics And Computer Science International Journal of. applied mathEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE. University of Zielona Góra Institute of Control and Computation Engineering ul. http://www.issi.uz.zgora.pl/amcs/ | |
76. University Of Toronto Applied Math Seminar, 2003-04 applied math Events 20032004. During the Fall semester, almost all of the events occur on Fridays at 110 pm, switching to 210 pm for the Spring semester. http://www.math.toronto.edu/appmath/ | |
77. NPS -Department Of Applied Mathematics Faculty directory, course catalog, and events calendar. http://www.math.nps.navy.mil/ | |
78. Working Your Degree: Mathematics - Nov. 10, 2000 Working Your Degree. November 10, 2000 830 am ET applied math becomes more popular among students By Staff Writer Shelly K. Schwartz. http://money.cnn.com/2000/11/10/career/q_degreemath/ | |
79. Applied Math Lab Seminar @ Courant Institute applied math Lab Seminar 20032004. All seminars are Thursdays at 1230 in Warren Weaver Hall, room 1314, unless otherwise indicated. http://www.math.nyu.edu/research/vandenbe/aml/ | |
80. Department Of Pure And Applied Mathematics Department of Pure and applied mathematics. http://www.math.unipd.it/dipartimento/index_en.html | |
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