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61. Utah State University native american TASK FORCE (NATF) Scholarships general american INDIAN GRADUATECENTER Contact Kenneth Tsosie SAN CARLOS apache tribe Contact (520) 4752361 http://www.usu.edu/finaid/NativeAmerican.html | |
62. Native American Lore Index native american Lore Index Page links to several stories of native american Indian Lore from several Tribes across and the Coyote. 34. apache Creation Lore apache. 35. The Origin of http://www.ilhawaii.net/~stony/loreindx.html | |
63. American Indians: Cherokee, Apache, Navajo, Cheyenne, Pueblo, Tribes, Sioux, Bla of the american Indian will always endure. Learn more about the apache, Blackfoot,Cherokee, Cheyenne, Lakota, and Pueblo tribes. Read about native legends http://www.thewildwest.org/native_american/ | |
64. Cultures Of North America An exhibit on the many different cultures of indigenous North americans, from Canada or United States. This site includes a clickable map. Aleuts Anasazi. apache Arapaho. Arikara Assiniboine Bella Coola native american Cultural Resources on the Internet. Other native american Web Sites. native Web Links about native People http://www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/cultural/northamerica/index.shtml | |
65. Native American Chart Dress, Food, Customs, Tools/ Weapons, Art, Famous native Americans. hold tribal ceremonies. apache(7,000), Southwest, wickiup, in early years deerskin, later Mexican http://www.mce.k12tn.net/indians/navigation/native_american_chart.htm | |
66. InterTRIBAL.net - Links To Native American Tribes And Resources native american TRIBES. Connections. Yavapaiapache Nation. Jicarilla apache Tribeof the Jicarilla apache Indian Reservation, New Mexico. ARAPAHOE. Connections. http://www.intertribal.net/NAT/NATribes.htm | |
67. Native Americans apache http//www.cinprograms.org/people/northern/apache.html apache http//www Listof native american tribes and what their names mean (scroll down the page http://www.kathimitchell.com/Natam.htm | |
68. Flags Of The Native American Peoples Of The US of the original book called native american Flags to Absentee Shawnee (OK); The AffiliatedTribes of Northwest The Alabama Quassarte (OK); The apache of Oklahoma; http://users.aol.com/donh523/navapage/indexdbs.htm | |
69. Arizona Indian Tribes Tucson. The Tohono O odham Nation is the second largest native AmericanNation in the United States. htm. Tonto apache tribe. back to map. http://ag.arizona.edu/edrp/tribes.html | |
70. Native American Constitutions Constitution of the Yavapaiapache Nation. The following tribal constitutions canbe found at the National Indian Go to native american Constitutions Main Page http://thorpe.ou.edu/const.html | |
71. Native Americans american Indians Learn more about the apache, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Cheyenne,Lakota, and Pueblo tribes. Read about native legends, heroes, leaders (like http://edtech.kennesaw.edu/web/natam.html | |
72. Wyoming Indian Tribes moving south. (See Oklahoma.). Kiowa apache. This tribe lived in closeconjunction with the Kiowa. (See Oklahoma.). Pawnee. The Pawnee http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/wyoming/ | |
73. Native American WebQuest Task. Your Group will be assigned a native american tribe from Arizona. At the endof this project, you will know more on the native american tribes in Arizona. http://coe.west.asu.edu/students/ttroiano/Webquest/nativeamerican.htm | |
74. ABA Public Education Supreme Court Preview Cases Of Interest To 2002Â2003 Term. native american Cases United States v. White MountainApache tribe, No. 011067; United States v. Navajo Nation, No. 01-1375. http://www.abanet.org/publiced/preview/school/native_us0203.html | |
75. New Mexico Magazine | Native Americans During Spanish exile, the Ute, Navajo and apache tribes relentlessly raided the NewMexico s various native american tribes welcome guests onto their lands for http://www.nmmagazine.com/NMGUIDE/nativeam.html | |
76. Native American Resources apache Puberty Seminar Transcript apache Links (middle of and Nations Other SpecificTribes Arctic Circle Indian Nations Links native american Nations native http://www.geocities.com/~webwinds/friends/bknative.htm | |
77. Religious Movements Homepage: Native American Religion Social Anthropology of North american Tribes . apache Religion, in Mircea Eliade,ed., The Encyclopedia of God The Triumph of the native american Church . http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/naspirit.html | |
78. Native American Indian Tribes of Top 25 Tribes; Population by Selected Tribes 1990 (PDF by american Indian andAlaska native Population 1999 Iowa, Kansa, Kiowa, Kiowaapache, Kitsai, Lakota http://www.500nations.com/500_Tribes.asp | |
79. Federally Recognized Tribes 1996 Yavapaiapache Nation of the Camp Verde Indian Reservation Zuni tribe of the ZuniReservation, New Mexico. native Entities Within the State of Alaska Recognized http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/gov/us/fedrec.htm | |
80. Browse List Of Tribes american Indian tribes Grouped by Culture Areas *, Geographic Locations O Odham IndiansYuma Indians White Mountain apache Indian tribe Yavapai Indians http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award98/ienhtml/tribes.html | |
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