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81. R.L. Rubin, MD, Child Psychiatrist And ADHD Researcher Practitioner and researcher in child and adolescent psychiatry. The site describes current research studies in ADHD and anxiety disorder medicines and helpful tips for parents. Based in Miami, Florida. http://rlrubinmd.net | |
82. Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association, a nonprofit organization,seeks to educate about social phobia (social anxiety disorder). http://www.socialphobia.org/ | |
83. Freedom From Agoraphobia A practical, medicationindependent program on CD-ROM and book for the treatment of agoraphobia, anxiety disorder, and panic attacks. http://www.agoraphobia-treatment.com | |
84. National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day: NMISP National Depression Screening Day. Thursday, October 9, 2003. Now providingScreening and Education for Anxiety and PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. http://www.mentalhealthscreening.org/anxiety.htm | |
85. Evelyn Goodman, PsyD., MFT anxiety disorder Treatment and Recovery. Counseling and Psychotherapy WestLos Angeles, California. 310391-3853 Please call or email with inquiries. http://www.anxietyrecovery.com/ | |
86. Anxiety And Stress Disorders Institute Of Maryland (ASDI), LLP Information, treatment and training for excessive worrying, anxiety disorders, stressrelated disorders, and post-traumatic disorders. http://www.anxietyandstress.com | |
87. The Anxiety Network International Home Page The Anxiety Network provides help and support for the three largest anxiety disorders(a) social anxiety disorder (social phobia), (b) panic disorder with and http://www.anxietynetwork.com/ | |
88. Anxiety Disorders In Children And Adolescents anxiety disorder in adulthood. What Are the Signs of anxiety disorder? WhatHelp Is Available for a Young Person With an anxiety disorder? http://www.childdevelopmentinfo.com/disorders/anxiety_disorders_in_children.htm | |
89. Bipolar Support Group A message board for people with bipolar disorder, also welcoming participants with unipolar depression or anxiety disorders. http://groups.msn.com/BipolarSupportGroup | |
90. BehaveNet® Clinical CapsuleÂ: Anxiety Disorder DSMIV anxiety disorders. Mental disorders characterized by feltanxiety or related symptoms are classified as anxiety disorders. http://www.behavenet.com/capsules/disorders/anxietydis.htm | |
91. Lifeline Anxiety Disorder Newsletter Book Store Books reviewed by Lifeline, a newsletter for people and families of people - who suffer from the panic brought about by fears, anxieties and phobias. http://www.designandcopy.ca/lifeline/books.html | |
92. Bmj.com Collected Resources : Anxiety Disorders (including OCD And PTSD) PDF. Editorials Social anxiety disorder Franklin R Schneier BMJ 2003;327515516, doi10.1136/bmj.327.7414.515 Full text PDF. http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/collection/anxiety | |
93. Andrea's World Devoted to a person who suffered from BPD, Bipolar II, and anxiety disorder, yet had a passion for life and was driven to help others in need. http://jim_kendrick.tripod.com/andreasworld/ | |
94. ANXIETY DISORDERS But if you have an anxiety disorder, this normally helpful emotion can do justthe oppositeit can keep you from coping and can disrupt your daily life. http://www.openseason.com/annex/library/cic/X0002_anxiety.txt.html | |
95. Search encompasses five clinical conditions Panic Disorder; ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder;Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Generalized anxiety disorder; and Phobias http://remedyfind.com/HC-Anxiety.asp | |
96. Generalized Anxiety Home Page The Generalized Anxiety Home Page provides information on generalized anxiety disorder(GAD), or freefloating anxiety. What is Generalized anxiety disorder? http://www.anxietynetwork.com/gahome.html | |
97. Department Of Psychiatry Site describes adult psychiatric service programs that address disorders including mood disorders, sexual health, Alzheimer's Disease, and anxiety disorders. http://www.iupui.edu/~psych/ | |
98. Anxiety Disorders Center anxiety disorders Center. Welcome to the anxiety disorders Center at TheInstitute of Living. The mission of the anxiety disorders Center is to http://www.instituteofliving.org/adc/ | |
99. School Psychology To Mainanxiety disorders. Anxiety an impressive selection of links. anxiety disordersAssociation of America - general information about anxiety disorders. http://www.schoolpsychology.net/p_01.html | |
100. ADAVIC - Anxiety Disorders Association Of Victoria (Inc.) also supports young people aged between 12 and 17 who suffer from Panic Attacks,Agoraphobia, Social Phobia,Generalized anxiety disorder, Separation Anxiety http://www.adavic.org/ | |
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