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81. Insecta Inspecta World - Argentine Ants Argentine ants. This is called budding. UNIQUE ROLES IN THE ARGENTINE ants COLONY. Some roles of the Argentine ant colony are unique. http://www.insecta-inspecta.com/ants/argentine/ | |
82. Insecta Inspecta World - Army Ant Army ants. What eats every animal in its path, raids other ant colonies, and migrates to find more food? An army ant colony! Army ants are amazing creatures! http://www.insecta-inspecta.com/ants/army/ | |
83. Ant Information colony. These are flying ants and have two pairs of wings. Males a cocoon. Newly emerged adult ants are often paler than older ones. http://insected.arizona.edu/antinfo.htm | |
84. Dreier.cc AL and AI resources for Java about classification, agents, ants, distibuted intelligence references to documents, sites, tutorials and software. http://www.dreier.cc/ | |
85. Sec.dgsys.com/AntFarm.html AntWebWorld ants Slide Show Currently AntWeb contains information on the ant faunas of California and Madagascar, and global coverage of all ant genera. http://sec.dgsys.com/AntFarm.html |
86. Ant Information General and scientific information including biology, identification, systematics, and keeping ants as pets. Links, a book shop, and a section to purchase live ants and keeping equipment. http://www.antshop.co.uk/information/keeping/introduction.html |
87. Argentine Ants The Argentine ants . Why Argentine ants Invade Houses In Southern California? How Are Argentine ants Like The Borg In Star Trek? http://waynesword.palomar.edu/ww0403.htm | |
88. Lockley: Imported Fire Ants Four species of fire ants are currently found within the contiguous southeastern US Fire ants are omonivorous, feeding on almost any plant or animal material http://ipmworld.umn.edu/chapters/lockley.htm | |
89. Hymenoptera/NCState-AgNIC This page has resources on Hymenoptera, the ants, bees, wasps, and sawflies. http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/agnic/sys_entomology/taxon/hymenoptera/index.html | |
90. Ant Control: Kill Fire Ants, Carpenter Ants And Other Ants Using Liquid Ant Bait Liquid bait, ant control system. It's used for fire ants, argentine ants, carpenter ants, and white footed ants. http://www.kmantpro.com/ | |
91. Ant Killer, Roach Bait, Mosquito Repellent & Home Pest Control Supplies Pest control solution to get rid of ants and cockroaches and repel mosquitos safely and effectively. http://www.fastpestcontrol.com/ | |
92. Imported Fire Ants On Lawns And Turf Biology of Imported Fire ants and control techniques for lawns and turf from University of Florida http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/LH059 | |
93. Dave Matthews Band - Antsmarching.org - Downloads Forum Setlists Tour Dates Trad nexcess. D F200405-07. Bul Ma Miin. All trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective owners. User-submitted comments are owned http://www.antsmarching.org/ | |
94. Imported Fire Ant - FAQ http//uts.cc.utexas.edu/~gilbert/research/fireants/faq.html Fire ants, Armadillos, and Phorid Flies Answers to Frequently Asked Questions*. http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~gilbert/research/fireants/faq.html | |
95. Moved A guide to Japanese ants and their taxonomy, as well as general information about ants. Available http://www.dna.affrc.go.jp/htdocs/Ant.WWW/htmlsE/ | |
96. Ants Invasion - The Premier ADAM AND THE ANTS Tribute Adam and the ants tribute band based in Seattle. Includes news, show dates, pictures, sound and video files, and message board. http://www.antsinvasion.com/ |
97. ANTS V 5th Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium. Sydney, Australia; 712 July 2002. http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au:8000/u/ants5/ |
98. V.ramos [IST] Vitorino Ramos and Filipe Almeida. Recent studies have pointed that, the selforganization of neurons into brain-like structures, and the self-organization of ants into a swarm are similar in many respects (PDF). http://alfa.ist.utl.pt/~cvrm/staff/vramos/ref_29.html | |
99. Count The Ants! http://www.juliasrainbowcorner.com/html/ants.html |
100. The Ant Farm (Security Check) -- A Personal Web Site Related To Ants A personal Web site related to ants FAQ, building an ant habitat, resources, pictures and forum. http://alpha.zimage.com/~ant/ | |
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