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61. Bench 5 8 antonyms, synonyms, homonyms. 9 Contractions and possessives Practice1 Practice 2 Java Games. Vocabulary. 8 antonyms, synonyms, homonyms. http://www.geocities.com/smith5th2000/bench5a.html | |
62. Outline Of Instruction D. Expand vocabulary by using antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms. Criteria Performance will be satisfactory when 1. learner identifies antonyms. http://matcmadison.edu/matc/ASP/showoutline.asp?CourseNum=75-861-742 |
63. School Specialty Activity Center - Activity Detail strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary (for example, multiple meaningwords, antonyms, synonyms, word relationships, root words, and homonyms). http://www.standardsmadeeasy.com/ActivityDetail.asp?ActivityID=16467&StateID=23 |
64. Class.cgi : Results antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms This 10page easy file includes cleardefinitions and examples of antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms. http://www.goodneighborclassroom.com/store/class.cgi?grade=3-4&category=all |
65. Skills And Concepts Use context to find a missing word in a simple sentence; Make inferencesfrom context. antonyms, homonyms, synonyms. antonyms, homonyms, synonyms. http://mms.d321.k12.id.us/Learning Continuum/Vocabulary.htm | |
66. Childhood And Phonics Get a jumpstart on reading with our advanced phonics program and learn blends,digraphs, dipthongs, rhyming words, antonyms, synonyms, homonyms and compound http://www.classicshome.com/prod_phonics.htm | |
67. Synonym - Encyclopedia Article About Synonym. Free Access, No Registration Neede complementary antonyms are pairs that express an either/or close); war and peace(compare to synonyms war and homonyms homonyms are words which have the same http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/synonym | |
68. Synonyms & Antonyms Dictionary Scholastic Dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms AUTHOR Scholastic ReferenceISBN 0613357450 Publish Date March 2001 Format Hardcover Book Review http://www.bookfinder.us/Reference_Source/Dictionaries___Thesauruses/Synonyms___ | |
69. The Six Alphabit Games Are 1.Letter That Comes BEFORE, 2.Matching alliteration, rhyme, and rhythm as you play a fun game. Wacky Web TalesParts of Speech. back to top. synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms Games. http://tiger.towson.edu/~mlackn1/ILAactivities.htm | |
70. Northwest Evaluation Association antonyms, homonyms, synonyms. Recognize word pairs with similar meanings. Word Components. antonyms,homonyms, synonyms. Find the opposite meaning of simple words. http://www.mvcsc.k12.in.us/NWEA/Word Analysis.htm | |
71. Grammar Gallery synonyms antonyms homonyms color. word study. knowledge of homophones, synonyms,antonyms, homonyms. - knowledge of multiple meanings of words. http://www.beaufort.k12.nc.us/curriculum/curriculum/Instructional_Technology/Sca | |
72. Second Grade Teaches use of commas to separate city and state, dates, and titles, aswell as correct identification of antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms. http://www.dce.ttu.edu/cslist/kelcs/elem2.htm | |
73. Webster's Synonyms, Antonyms, And Homonyms Books Books Webster s synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. By Rh Value Publishing. Webster s synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms See Larger Image. http://www.iriepeople.com/cgi-bin/amazon/amazon_products_feed-item_id-0517063662 | |
74. Synanthomographs Songs For Teaching Creative teachers can use music lyrics to teachsynonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and homographs. http://www.songsforteaching.com/Synanthomographs.html | |
75. PIGS Space: Language Arts Rapid Reinforcers Grade Level 4 8. Objectives Review the definitions of special terms, such asantonyms, synonyms, or homonyms, that are used when teaching language arts. http://cspace.unb.ca/nbco/pigs/madlanguage/lang2.html | |
76. Antonym - Encyclopedia Article About Antonym. Free Access, No Registration Neede meanings, thus antonym is the antonym of synonym or an extended time, long and extendedbecome synonyms. drawing of fine distinctions, or homonyms homonyms are http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Antonym | |
77. Language Arts - Grade 3 - Reading 3rd Q. Apply The learner will be able to use multiple meanings, antonyms, synonyms, andhomonyms, to identify unknown words or phrases in a passage and/or graphic. http://www.sandsprings.k12.ok.us/design/CR25596.HTM | |
78. Word Seeker 1.0 - Word Memory Concentration Game With Synonyms, Antonyms, Homony The object of the game is to match the first word with the second wordthat is exactly the same, a synonym, an antonym, or a homonym. http://www.golddownload.com/Games_Word_Games_Word_Seeker_27214.html | |
79. WordNet At Vancouver Webpages A Web interface to WordNet 1.5, the Princeton online lexical reference system. http://vancouver-webpages.com/wordnet | |
80. TRC SEARCH, Shop by category. http://www.shoptrc.com/Search_Results.aspx?cid=137 |
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