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61. Wyoming Heritage Project, Examples of Projects activities that teach the Importance of Cultural and Examplesof activities Involving Local anthropology, Ethnographic or http://wyomingheritage.state.wy.us/whp/projecttypes.html | |
62. The Kenan Institute For Ethics - Programs & Activities of endorsement from the department in which they propose to teach;; Rasmussen (PoliticalScience), Daniel Wilk (History), Caroline Yezer (Cultural anthropology). http://kenan.ethics.duke.edu/prog_details.asp?actID=50 |
63. The Archaeology Channel - Teacher Resources. Activities both educational and fun that teach archaeology to help reconstruct or characterisepast human activities. Maine Hudson Museum of anthropology, The Connection http://www.archaeologychannel.org/content/TR_Group.asp?category=53568&name=Activ |
64. Links To The Past: Cultural Groups process; and manages a NAGPRA grants program that supports repatriation activities. Theselesson plans from teaching with Historic Places teach about different http://www.cr.nps.gov/cultural.htm | |
65. Teach Yourself Anthropology - Chapter 6: Work http://www.era.anthropology.ac.uk/Teach-yourself/chap6.html | |
66. Teach Yourself Anthropology a seven week course in social anthropology at a knowledge in a variety of activitiesoutside the the following link Download for teach Yourself anthropology http://www.era.anthropology.ac.uk/Teach-yourself/ |
67. Simubiblioanthro a Simulated Site to teach Data Analysis in Rice, Patricia C. JOURNAL_CITATION Anthropologyand Education Archaeology; *Class activities; *College Instruction http://www.acusd.edu/~mruiz/simubiblioanthro.html | |
68. ASOCIACIONES-CIENTIFICAS-BIOLOGIA-CIENCIAS awareness and education of anthropological activities and goals facilitate the disseminationof anthropological works in Most members teach and conduct research http://www1.universia.net/catalogaxxi/C10057PPESII1/S12624/P12617NN1/INDEX.HTML | |
69. MU-Employment: Executive Management (Vice Presidents & Deans) Vacancies teach Introduction to Archaeology, Methods and Theory in majors, participate in Departmentalactivities and support Required PhD in anthropology required (ABD http://muweb.millersville.edu/~joblink/executive.html | |
70. National Association For The Practice Of Anthropology (NAPA): NAPA Ethical Guide to instruct, train or teach individuals, anthropologists to our research, practicerelatedactivities and publications To the discipline of anthropology we have http://www.practicinganthropology.org/about/?section=ethical_guidelines |
71. Using Literature Activities To Teach Content Areas To Emergent Readers - Allyn & Select a Discipline. Using Literature activities to teach Content Areas to http://www.ablongman.com/catalog/academic/product/0,1144,0205318258-CRS,00.html | |
72. A & B Anthropology SuperSite anthropology Exhibits on the WWW also provides links analyze leisure and recreationalactivities in pre in Shanghai commissioned art to teach communist values. http://www.ablongman.com/html/anthro/cult-act1.html | |
73. SVCP -- Technology And Social Change part of a team of anthropologists, along with the telecommunications devices to coordinateactivities ranging from parental orbit in order to teach his mother http://www.sjsu.edu/depts/anthropology/svcp/SVCPcosa.html | |
74. UWM - WAC Bibliographic Sources - Anthropology The lesson plan presented to the students gives detailed instructions for activitieswhich follow the teaching anthropology is a good way to teach writing. http://www.uwm.edu/letsci/edison/wac/anthropology.html | |
75. Overview On a regular basis, faculty teamteach in those in local international service andactivities always has The Department of anthropology has played and will http://www.iastate.edu/~anthr_info/anthropology/overview.html | |
76. John A. Rush you see as the skills essential to your activities? Where is medical anthropologygoing Most medical anthropologist teach and therefore this subdiscipline seems http://www.medanth.org/profiles/jarush.htm | |
77. College Of Education And Social Services : University Of Vermont International activities of CESS Faculty. Fellowship during the Spring of 2003 toteach at Beijing as two different faculty in the Department of anthropology. http://www.uvm.edu/~cess/?Page=intl.htm&MM=departmentsmenu.html |
78. Buffalo State - CDC - Anthropology universities, where they typically teach or conduct participating in extracurricularactivities, conducting research anthropology is also good preparation for http://www.buffalostate.edu/offices/cdc/ant.html | |
79. Teaching Computer Ethichs Using Groupware The goal of this course is to teach the students were passed based on their activitiesduring the Master s thesis in social anthropology, by Sirkku Männikkö. http://dsv.su.se/jpalme/distance-education/ITICSE-Report-88.html | |
80. WSU - Bylaws a faculty member must effectively teach an assigned A description of all service activitiesperformed that the Department of Sociology and anthropology, it is http://www.wright.edu/facstaff/bylaws/socanth.html | |
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