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21. Notre Dame Anthropology: Faculty Activities 2003 Faculty activities. of anthropology, Northwestern University, January 2002. Spokewith R. Omar at the Loyola University teachIn on War on Oct 29, 2001. http://www.nd.edu/~anthro/Newsletters/Newsletter_2003/fac_act.html | |
22. Notre Dame Anthropology: Letter From The Chair 2004 In fact, the growth and array of activities that now class enrollments, it wouldseem that anthropology at Notre we have expanded Âwhat we teach as well http://www.nd.edu/~anthro/Newsletters/Newsletter_2004/chair.html | |
23. Anthropology Instructor 512 teach introductory classes in at least one of cultural anthropology, archeology,anthropology of religion and college governance activities through committee http://www.paccd.cc.ca.us/instadmn/compsvcs/jobs/512.htm |
24. Assessment Plans For PhD In Anthropology 1. Students teach at least one semesterlong class before graduation 3. Students fillleadership roles in anthropology Club, extracurricular activities, etc http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/Anth/assessment_plans.htm | |
25. Harvard DSM Academic Programs The Medical anthropology Program s teaching activities link together the Departmentof Faculty in Medical anthropology teach many of the selectives in social http://www.hms.harvard.edu/dsm/WorkFiles/html/academics/anthro/anthropology.html | |
26. Position Details On HigherEdJobs.com might expect to teach, are Physical Cultural anthropology, Linguistic anthropology,World Prehistory pursuing professional growth activities, and performing http://www.higheredjobs.com/faculty/details.cfm?JobCode=175088451 |
27. Risë L. Smith BA (Sociology/anthropology), Kalamazoo College, 1974. activities (primary job responsibilities).teach how to find, evaluate, and use information to students in http://www.homepages.dsu.edu/smithr/ | |
28. Teach Online: Tutorials In Anthropology - Make Money Teaching Tutorials In Anthr Department anthropology. plan an Event/Wedding but it will also teach you how to disabilities,improve or restore physical function so that activities of daily http://boards.universalclass.com/requests/detail/1636.htm | |
29. A521 Teaching Anthropology Links IUB Weather and Climate course, including online lab activities; Hill; Garbage inGotham the anthropology of trash; www.indiana.edu/~origins/teach/webteach.html http://www.indiana.edu/~origins/teach/webteach.html | |
30. Analytical Essay 2: Case Studies were provided by the campus, the anthropology library, MACTiA required to take Physics300 to teach them the four hours of active learning activities per week http://education.berkeley.edu/accreditation/ee_cases_2.html | |
31. UWO Anthropology Club--Alumni Members who are applying their anthropology backgrounds in the primates and otheranimals doing animal enrichment activities. I found the TASP (teach and Study http://www.uwosh.edu/anthropology_club/alumni.htm | |
32. Anthropology Field Trips as several Cumberland University anthropology students will site activities, postvisitactivities, and follow teaching objectives are to teach students that http://www.cumberland.edu/academics/science/liberalarts/practicum.html | |
33. Various Activities In The Archaeology Program of Course for General Education anthropology 140, Introduction to are involved withvarious activities of the To teach the students about archaeological field http://www.csulb.edu/~larson/Various Act | |
34. Untitled Document schools, and many cultural and recreational activities. in anthropology with an emphasisin physical anthropology. Ability to teach a variety of undergraduate http://www.csuchico.edu/anth/anthjob2.html | |
35. CooperationWithOthers A number of anthropology faculty teach courses that are crosslisted with the program,and they benefit from the regular colloquia and other activities of the http://www.umsl.edu/divisions/artscience/anthro/CooperationWithOthers.html | |
36. Public Anthropology The activities of two womenÂs centers at Chiang in arguing that the work of anthropologists,and intellectuals the communities in which we teach, live our http://www.publicanthropology.org/Journals/Grad-J/(2)Hawaii/Costa.htm | |
37. About Archeology > Careers or contracts, teach summer school, teach summer field sites prior to their destructionby construction activities. In the US anthropology departments include http://www.txarch.org/arch/careers.html | |
38. Gender, Environment, Agriculture And Participation Activities Report the GEAP program has conducted various activities and services coordinate GEAP effortsand to teach core courses Amy Sullivan, CNRE; Jim Barham, anthropology. http://international.ifas.ufl.edu/pgeactivities2002.html | |
39. ANTHROPOLOGY & SOCIOLOGY AT THE UW COLLEGES Ms. Speth is Lecturer of anthropology at the UWFox Valley campus Faculty activities. forceswith Spanish Prof., Dr. Rose Galindo, to teach an interdisciplianry http://rock.uwc.edu/dept/uwc/anthropology/ | |
40. FAQs About Archaeology Careers level undergraduate courses (for anthropology or archaeology teach summer school,teach summer field prior to their destruction by construction activities. http://anthropology.tamu.edu/dlcfaq.htm | |
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